Employment Updates

Effective 11/24/08, Geoff Stumbaugh begins his appointment in a full-time LIA position in Access Services, ILL-Lending.

Tyler Dwyer, LIA, starts in Access Services as a night supervisor at the Ellis Library Circulation/Reserve Desks. Tyler was a former student assistant supervisor for Circulation.

The Charleston Conference on Acquisitions, Collection Development and Digital Futures

Presentation Invitation – The Charleston Conference on Acquisitions, Collection Development and Digital Futures

The Staff Development Committee invites you to a presentation by Anne Barker, Sarah Cron & Ann Riley on their attendance at the fall Charleston Conference. Each will present an overview of a hot topic or two discussed at the conference. The session will be held on Dec. 3, from 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., in room 4F51-A Ellis. Please come and join us. RSVP’s are not required. Release time is available with supervisor approval.

Healthy for Life Announcements

  • Healthy Holiday Eating class will be held Tuesday, Dec 12th at noon in the General Services Building break room. This class will provide healthy recipes and tips for making your favorite recipe healthier. Space is limited, so contact Kate Walker at WalkerJa@missouri.edu to sign up! Cost is $4. Please see attachment for more information.
  • Want to learn how to dance?! Classes for West African Dance, Tango, and Salsa are a great way to stay in shape over the winter months. Country Line Dance will be starting in January 2009. For a minimal fee of $2, employees can get fit, learn a new skill, and have a blast! Please see the attachments for dates and locations.
  • Come join us for Noon Time Meditation every Tuesday and Wednesday from 12:15-12:45pm. Tuesday sessions are held in the Heinkel Building, Room 145, and Wednesday sessions are located in the University Hospital Medical School, Room MA3060.
  • Did you know…Mizzou Recreation Complex has club sports available for employees?! More information coming soon!

Congratulations to the Catalog Department – again!

Just a couple of weeks ago the Catalog Department announced that it has achieved independent status as NACO contributors of series authority records to the OCLC authority file. Shortly after that, we received notice that we had achieved independent status for personal name headings as part of our larger NACO membership. NACO (Name Authority Cooperative) is a program sponsored by the Library of Congress. A goal of this program is to provide for “the timely creation and maintenance of authoritative, cost-effective … authority records by knowledgeable catalogers at many institutions around the world.”

In February, eleven members of the Catalog Department and Anselm Huelsbergen participated in 4.5 days of NACO training. Following training our work was under review by a Library of Congress designated reviewer to ensure that we know what we are doing. Our independent status means that we’ve passed! We now belong to a select group. While thousands of libraries around the world contribute bibliographic records to WorldCat, there are under 250 NACO participating institutions and projects.

Congratulations are especially due to Mary Aycock who coordinated the effort in the Catalog Department.

Amanda Sprochi and Wayne Sanders also participate in NACO work via other projects.

Librarian Wanted

We would like to have a librarian serving on the 2009 Celebration of Service Working Group, which will be planning next year’s event. Current members are Shannon Cary, Mark Ellis, Colleen Smith and a member of MULSA yet to be determined. Please contact me by Dec. 1 if you are interested in serving on this group.

Shannon Cary

Technology Changes for MU Libraries This Month

New computers for those with Dell GX 280s
UM Systems has increased the Desktop Enhancement computer replacement schedule from 3 years to 4 years. LTS is working to get our staff computers in compliance with these new requirements. Currently, computers due to be replaced are the Dell GX 280 series. Staff members with this series will be replaced over the next few months. The replacement machines are Dell GX 755s, running Windows XP. The systems have 20″ flat panel monitors.

Flat panel monitors for all
Working with LMT, LTS is prepared to replace staff CRT monitors replaced with flat panel monitors. LTS has acquired enough 17″ Dell flat panel monitors to replace those who do not already have Flat Panel Monitors. We have these monitors on site, so look for your replacement in the coming weeks.

LTS has instituted a laptop checkout program

  • Any MU Libraries employee may request a laptop from the program.
  • The machine may be for Libraries business or for personal use.
  • Check out may be for no longer than 1 week per use, depending on availability.
  • We currently have 4 laptops – 3 Windows XP systems and 1 Mac OS X system.
  • Each machine is set up with the following software:
    o Microsoft Office Suite (either 2003 or 2007; 2004 for the Mac),
    o internet access and both Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers,
    o VPN client, which enables the user to log on to the Libraries network, so the Q: & M: drives can be accessed,
    o FTP clients,
    o Symantec Virus protection software;
    o Needed internet plug-ins, such as Acrobat Reader, Flash, Shockwave, etc.

Additional software may be requested, depending on licensing compliance. Laptops may be checked out directly from LTS. Make your request by emailing us at: asklts@missouri.edu.