Book Sale Operations

For those of you who may not know, the MULSA Book Sale Chairpersons have been switching out a portion of the sale books in Copy Service on Mondays for the past three years. A truck of “new” books is added and the remains of the truck from four weeks earlier are removed, thus keeping the stock fresh. The books are colored on the bottom and the colors are rotated on the sign so that the price deceases each week until they are removed.

Starting the first full week of July, we will be changing to Wednesdays. In this way absences might be more easily dealt with and Mondays (hopefully) will be less frazzled. We’ll still be switching them out about 10 am the same as before. If any tall person who might be in the area at that time can spare a minute, we’d appreciate help reaching one of the signs to change the colors.

Thanks for all your support,

Ruthe and Jerri

MU Reaches Capacity for Fall Semester

Preliminary freshman enrollment numbers for Fall 2008 at the University of Missouri continue to indicate a record freshman class. In order to ensure quality in education, services and housing, MU officials have announced that, effective Monday, June 16, the university cannot accept additional freshman applications for the Fall semester.

“We have been very pleased and excited that so many students want to attend the University of Missouri,” MU Chancellor Brady Deaton said. “However, we want to assure that every student receives the best possible educational experience at Mizzou. In order to do that, we felt it was in their best interests to stop accepting applications for this Fall. We will be making every effort to admit additional new students for the Spring 2009 semester.”

Preliminary figures show that more than 5,860 freshmen have paid the initial enrollment deposit for the Fall semester. If the number does not change, it would represent the highest freshman class on record. Last year’s opening day freshman enrollment was 5,027, and the official enrollment, which is determined after the 20th day of classes, was 4,982.

MU officials attribute the increase to successful student recruitment practices, the academic reputation of the university, improvement in campus facilities and grounds, and increased recognition of Mizzou with the recent success of the football program.

Christian Basi, Associate Director of MU News Bureau

University Archives Creates Online Exhibit Highlighting Gravesites of Prominent Mizzou Faculty

Many of the University of Missouri’s former presidents, faculty and curators are buried in nearby Columbia Cemetery. The University Archives has created the online exhibit, “Spirits of Mizzou,” which highlights the final resting place of these notable leaders, administrators and scholars. This exhibit includes an interactive map with portraits, short biographical sketches and photos of the gravesites honoring these individuals who have helped to forge the spirit of Mizzou. Visit this exhibit at

For more information, contact University Archives at 573-882-7567.

Volunteers Wanted for Mizzou Reads Author Reception

This year, as we have done several years in the past, the MU Libraries will host a reception for the author of the Mizzou Reads (Summer Reading Program) book. This year’s book is Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson. More information is available at

Greg Mortenson will be on campus to speak about his book on September 16, and the reception will be held in Ellis Library at 3 p.m. If you would like to help plan the reception, please contact me by July 9.

To the Ends of the Earth: Modern Mongolia

Date: July 9, 2008
Time: 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Place: Reference conference room (Room 159), Ellis Library
Presenter: Amanda Sprochi

While the name may conjure up visions of marauding hordes, Mongolia is a surprisingly modern, democratic culture whose people have much in common with those in the West. Perched between two superpowers (Russia and China) and heir to a wealth of mineral resources, Mongolia has progressed in the almost twenty years of its democratic existence into a growing, dynamic country that reveres its ancient heritage while it simultaneously deals with the turmoil of the 21st century. Come see how an ancient pastoral lifestyle and people confront the complexities of the new millennium.

Release time is available for this program with supervisor approval.

– Staff Development Committee

MU Libraries Staff Participate at MOBIUS Annual Conference

Several MU Libraries staff attended the MOBIUS Annual Conference in early June. In addition, several of our staff members were on the conference program.

  • Caryn Scoville and Michael Spears presented the results of research conducted at the MU Libraries in their presentation “Usability Testing of the MOBIUS Catalog.”
  • Mary Aycock and Jee Davis gave an introduction and presented comparative information on catalog overlay products in their presentation “Reviving the OPAC: An Overview of Catalog Overlay Software Products.”
  • In addition to serving on the MOBIUS Annual Conference Planning Advisory Committee, Felicity Dykas facilitated a discussion in the forum “Preparing for the Future of Cataloging.”
  • Judy Maseles was a co-facilitator for the forum “Catalog Redesign for WebPAC Pro.”