Book Sale Operations

For those of you who may not know, the MULSA Book Sale Chairpersons have been switching out a portion of the sale books in Copy Service on Mondays for the past three years. A truck of “new” books is added and the remains of the truck from four weeks earlier are removed, thus keeping the stock fresh. The books are colored on the bottom and the colors are rotated on the sign so that the price deceases each week until they are removed.

Starting the first full week of July, we will be changing to Wednesdays. In this way absences might be more easily dealt with and Mondays (hopefully) will be less frazzled. We’ll still be switching them out about 10 am the same as before. If any tall person who might be in the area at that time can spare a minute, we’d appreciate help reaching one of the signs to change the colors.

Thanks for all your support,

Ruthe and Jerri

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