Job Vacancies

Library Information Assistant – 100% FTE, (M– F, 8 – 5), $9.05 per hour. Access Services, Shelving, Ellis Library. The complete job description is available at

Government Documents Librarian – Ellis Library. The complete job description is available at

Web Gateway Redesign Project Fall 2008

The Web Advisory Group (WAG) is redesigning the Libraries gateway page to emphasize library resources and to incorporate the new subject content management system, a LibX toolbar, a comments/suggestions blog and other features. WAG is asking all library staff who are interested to submit a design prototype for the gateway page to WAG by November 1. This work should be considered to be library-sanctioned release time subject to supervisor approval.

The complete outline of the redesign project along with guidelines for creating prototypes are available at

New Posts, September 2-5

  1. Alley Oop Exhibit: Movie Screening at Ragtag
  2. June DeWeese’s Book Review Published in Journal of Access Services
  3. Coffee Mugs Available for Libraries Events
  4. Free Laptop Registration
  5. Wellbody: Live Healthy
  6. Job Vacancies
  7. September Library Anniversary Recognition
  8. Fire Demonstration at Speakers Circle on Sept. 10
  9. Meet Three Cups of Tea Author Greg Mortenson at Ellis Library
  10. Opening Reception for Alley Oop Exhibit