A 9-class series designed to improve your eating habits, help you enjoy moving your body, enhance your body image and promote a healthy weight loss.
Class schedule for Fall Semester 2008
Mondays from Sept 15th to Nov 17th from 3-4pm in Memorial Union North 232
Mondays from Sept 15th to Nov 17th from 4:15-5:15pm in Memorial Union North 232
Other class times welcome for a group of 10 or more.
Cost is $40…$20 back when you complete the program.
To sign-up for WellBody contact Julie Tobias, M.Ed., R.D. tobiasja@missouri.edu.
Engaging classes with food tasting, mindful eating, conversation, self-reflection, hands-on activities, and much more… Visit the WellBody website at http://wellbody.missouri.edu/
Brought to you by the MU Wellness Resource Center and Healthy For Life.