Earthquake Procedures

In lieu of the recent earthquake in Illinois, Ellis Library Security would like to remind you of our earthquake procedures.

When an earthquake occurs, do not panic. Quickly find shelter under a desk or in a door frame until the quaking subsides. Security will make an announcement on the public address system that will indicate whether or not evacuation is necessary. Even if an evacuation is not announced, take care when moving through the building. Bookshelves may have toppled, windows may be broken, etc. Do not use the elevators. If you notice electrical damage (frayed wires, sparks, etc.), please contact security immediately. Any small fires you encounter can be put out with the nearest fire extinguisher using the PASS system – Pull the pin, Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire, Squeeze the handle and Sweep the nozzle. Larger fires should be addressed by activating the nearest pull station and contacting security. Also, please do not call family members or friends at this time. The telephone lines need to remain clear for emergencies.

In the event of an evacuation after an earthquake, follow standard evacuation procedures and be sure to check in with your departmental supervisor. If you notice anyone trapped or in need of medical assistance, inform your supervisor and they will contact security. Also report any injuries you may have sustained. Keep in mind that aftershocks do occur, so be prepared. Security will notify your department heads when it is safe to return to the building or if the building is closing for the day.

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