Call for Adult Day Connection Reading Program Volunteers

MULSA is seeking volunteers for the Adult Day Connection (formerly known as “Eldercare”) Reading Program. Readers are needed to fill an afternoon reading period, scheduled once every two weeks, from 12:45 – 1:15 p.m., at the Adult Day Connection, located in 137 Clark Hall. Release time is available per supervisor approval.

The Adult Day Connection is the only state-licensed adult day health care program serving families in Columbia. Clients are frail, impaired and/or isolated older adults who benefit from therapeutic activities, exercise, nursing care and supervision. They attend the center one to five days weekly while their primary caregiver receives respite to work or enjoy free time.

MULSA has been supplying volunteer readers from the Libraries for about a year now; our participants have reported that they greatly enjoy the experience and receive a sense of satisfaction in knowing that they’ve helped to “make a difference” for someone else.

This reading program is held from 12:45-1:15 p.m., every other Tuesday. Participants have up to one hour’s release time (so you’ll have time to get there and back). The reading can be 20-25 minutes, which will give you a few extra minutes to meet and greet everyone. It is usually a small group of 6-12 older adults. Staff will be on site to help. Generally reading days are held on Tuesdays, but that is flexible, so if you’d rather participate on a Wednesday or Thursday, it can be arranged.

The reading is in a cozy room with comfortable chairs. Any topics that might stimulate memories or conversations are highly encouraged. Sample topics include: family and personal stories, history (but not war history), ethnic stories, biographies, and stories of exploration (like Lewis & Clark). If you have visual/tactical aids that complement your topic, feel free to bring them. If you want to do a “show and tell” with personal items and history, instead of a published story, feel free. Topics to avoid include: war history, religion, and politics.

If you have more specific questions, feel free to contact Carolyn Anderson, the Activities Director at the Adult Day Connection Center. She’ll be happy to help you. Her email is You can also reach her by phone at 882-7070.

The Adult Day Connection Center is located in 137 Clark Hall at the end of Rollins, just past Greek town. It’s the building on the left side. There’s an outside entrance on the Rollins side of the building. You’ll need to knock (or ring a bell) to have someone let you in.


We’ve already had several volunteers sign up for this round of reading; if you’d like to participate, let us know! These are the dates that we have left:

Tuesday, January 22

Tuesday, April 8

Tuesday, April 22

Tuesday, May 13

Tuesday, May 27

Tuesday, June 24


Please contact Steve Clayton at or by phone at 882-4876 if you would like to volunteer your time for this rewarding program.


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