Happy Anniversary!

This week, Technical Services celebrated two great milestones.   Rebecca Schedler recently marked her 30th work anniversary and Sue Barnes her 25th.  To celebrate, congratulate, and thank them for their years of service we had cake (of course) and other goodies.  Thank you Rebecca and Sue for all you have done for MU Libraries!

— Corrie


Web tips of the week, September 1, 2014: Identify a butterfly, moth or caterpillar and MU Wellness Incentive


If you need help identifying a butterfly, moth or caterpillar, this website can help.


I found this on my HR page when I signed in to do my time sheet.  This is an important website we will need to know about for the upcoming annual enrollment.

Submitted by Jack Batterson

Delores’s Desk Décor

Where can you find the largest button collection in Ellis Library? No doubt, that would be in room 102 (Access Services). The collection covers a partition behind Delores Fisher's desk. Delores says that many of the buttons have been gifts from co-workers who bring them back from vacations and conferences. There are many library-related buttons. One of Delores's favorites features the King himself, Elvis Presley. Regarding the extensiveness of her button collection, Delores says, "That's what 40 years does for you!"

Read more Delores’s Desk Décor