Web tip of the week, March 23, 2015: Infoplease, the Fifty States


With vacation season approaching, this link provides a good way to learn more about the 50 states. Links of interest include Roadside Attractions in America – America's weird museums –  Most Congested Roads, 2012 – State and Territory Tourism Offices -Top States Visited by U.S. Tourists, 2004 and 2009 – Offbeat National Parks.

Submitted by Jack Batterson

Web tip of the week, March 9, 2015: Contractor Debarment List


Contractors who have been prosecuted and convicted of violating the Missouri Prevailing Wage Law are placed on a debarment list. Contractors on the debarment list are prohibited from contracting with any public body for the construction of any public works or from performing any work on any public construction project during the term of the debarment. On the right side of the screen has more information on Labor Standards in Missouri.

Submitted by Jack Batterson

Web tip of the week, February 26, 2015: Chronicling Illinois


The Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum in Springfield, Illinois, has a new project that asks the public to help transcribe 30,000 pages of documents written during the Civil War. Library officials said December 11 that they’ve set up a website where volunteers can log in and see the papers.

Submitted by Jack Batterson

Recent Retirements

The ACTS Division of Ellis Library has seen several departures in the past couple of months. We wish our recent retirees the best and thank them for their many years of service to Mizzou!

Alan Jones
Dept: Cataloging & Metadata
Title: Library Information Specialist Sr.
Last day: January 22, 2015
Years of service: 35 years

Jerri Eldridge
Dept: Cataloging & Metadata
Title: Library Information Specialist Sr.
Last day: February 6, 2015
Years of service: 25 years

Rebecca Schedler
Dept: Collection Services
Title: Library Information Specialist
Last day: February 27, 2015
Years of service: 30 years

Erin’s Baby Shower

I have not been posting on the Muse as much as I'd like to lately, but I've been a little distracted. I'm expecting a baby very soon! My wonderful colleagues threw me a baby shower recently, and I just wanted to take the opportunity to thank them. They did such a fabulous, creative job. I'm using "The Wizard of Oz" as the nursery theme, and that carried over to the shower, with a "yellow brick road" table cloth, hot air balloon decorations, and rainbow napkins. The tasty treats included cupcakes, donut holes, fruit, and punch. I was blown away by the gifts — the baby's closet and bookshelf are quite full now! Thank you very much to everyone who "showered" the baby with such nice things.

A very special thank you to the team who planned/baked/decorated — Corrie, Ruthe, Adrienne, Mary, Suzanne, and Bette.


Read more Erin’s Baby Shower

2014 Holiday Party Slideshow

Ellis Library's fabulous Security Department put together a very festive and creative slideshow for the holiday party! The theme was "Peace on Earth," and many departments around the library participated by creating peace-related signs and having their photos taken.

The slideshow can be found here (MU login required):

2014 Holiday Party Slideshow

(Thank you, Sheena, for sharing this with Muse readers. And thank you, Dustin and Matthew in LTS, for making the slideshow web-accessible.)