Web tip of the week, July 19, 2010

This is a “one-stop source for practical education on almost anything.” Of special interest is the “Tip of the week” section which includes health, gardening, and food articles. Many of these articles are available online. Another area of special interest is the “Free e-newsletters” section with all the previous issues archived online for easy access.
By Jack Batterson

Summer Reading

What books are you reading this summer? Me, it’s the Dresden Files series all the way. This series is the closest I’ve ever come to reading and enjoying either noir mystery or horror fiction. It was the wizard protagonist named Harry that drew me in and the character development that keeps me coming back.

MULSA Stuff Exchange

In the spirit of the Freebie box in Ellis Staff Lounge, MULSA is starting an exchange for the MU Libraries community.  If you have stuff at home you’re trying to give away or sell, post information about it in a comment, and interested parties can contact you by email.  You never know when your “junk” or unwanted items will be another’s treasures.

MULSA Board 2010/2011 election results

Board officers for 2010/2011 are:

President:                                           Rachel Brekhus (elected 2009 as VP/President-Elect)

Vice President/President Elect:         Karla Geerlings

Secretary                                             Remains vacant

Treasurer:                                           Jack Batterson

Social Co-Chairs:                                Ruthe Morse; Ruth Feldkamp

Staff Room Chair:                               Adrienne Arden

Courtesy Chair:                                  Delores Fisher

MUSE Chair:                                       Mary Aycock

Community Service Chair:                 PT Martin

Book Sale Co-Chairs:                          Sandy Schiefer (elected 2009 for 2009/2011); Kris Anstine (2010/2012)



(language is paraphrased/synopsized)

Regarding the MULSA By-Laws:

Order of Vote for New By-Law/By-Law IV

Proposal One:  Vote to rescind/remove By-Law IV (Super-Star Award, now defunct).


Proposal Two:  New By-Law IV, implementing a more general policy empowering the Board to administer awards or prizes as they see fit.  Prize expenditures are not to exceed $25 per each.



Regarding the MULSA Constitution:

Order of Vote to Amend Constitution Article III

(defining general membership)

Proposal Three: Define general membership for the purpose of event invitations as: All employees of the MU Libraries, Law School Library, Western Historical Manuscripts Collection, State Historical Society of Missouri, Library System Office, UMLD.  Said employees and their family or a friend may attend all regular events free of charge.  Special events may be exempted for the purpose of charging if determined to be necessary by the Board.


Proposal Four: Section 2 : Other invited guest of regular MULSA-sponsored events (at no charge) will be MU Libraries retirees and selected persons voted on by the Board.



Order of Vote to Amend Article IV

(Dues and Registration)

Proposal Five: All sections that deal with collection of dues for the purpose of membership (in main, Article IV regarding the former fee structure) are to be removed.


Proposal Six: Protocol for Voting Membership will include registration every two years for the purpose of voting at Annual Conference, for receiving and voting on electronic information as regards business of the MULSA organization requiring the input of the membership.


Order of Vote to Amend Article V, Section 2

(Membership notification)

Proposal Seven: Section 2 removal of language: Remove the sentence: “The Treasurer shall occasionally place notice in Library News Notes about membership” from Section 2, D.


Proposal Eight: Section 2 addition: The following be added to the end of Section 2, C: “The Secretary shall occasionally place notices in Library News Notes about membership.”


Proposal Nine: Identify Community Service Chair as a member of the MULSA Board, with description of duties.


Order of Vote to Amend Article VI


Proposal Ten: Makes electronic voting language more general; redefines how electronic votes are to be documented and archived.  This is proposed in order to keep up with current and future technologies.


Proposal from the Floor:

Strike language throughout Constitution and By-Laws to remove references to Staff Room Chairs and replace with Staff Room Chair.  The former language reflects an old practice.



Any deficits left by the non-passage of Proposal VI will be reviewed by the board and new proposals may be drafted and distributed in June or July.

Pecan Pie

1 ½ cups light corn syrup                        3 slightly beaten eggs

½ cup sugar                                                  1 teaspoon vanilla

¼ cup margarine                                        dash salt

1 cup pecan halves                                    9” pie shell

In saucepan combine corn syrup, sugar, and margarine; bring to boiling.  Boil gently, uncovered, 5 minutes; stir occasionally.  Cool slightly.

Place pecans in pie shell.

Combine eggs, vanilla, and salt; pour cooled syrup mixture into eggs and beat well.  Pour over nuts (pecans will rise to top).  Bake in 375˚ oven for 30 to 35 minutes or till knife inserted near center comes out clean.

Custard/Eggnog Pie

4 eggs                                                             2 2/3 cups milk

2/3 cup sugar                                                1 teaspoon vanilla

½ teaspoon salt                                          9” pie shell

¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg

Heat oven to 450˚.  Prepare pastry.  Beat eggs slightly with hand beater; beat in remaining ingredients.  Pour into pastry-lined pie plate.  Bake 20 minutes.

Reduce oven temperature to 350˚.  Bake until knife inserted halfway between center and edge comes out clean, 15 to 20 minutes longer.  Serve warm or refrigerate. Refrigerate any remaining pie immediately.