Web tip of the week, April 11 2011 – Smokefree campus

Starting on July 1, 2011, smoking will be permitted in one of 15 designated outdoor areas on campus.

This new website includes details of the policy change, and a map of the designated smoking areas. There is also information about the smoking cessation programs. The University offers free smoking cessation treatments to students, employees and spouses and some dependents.

Submitted by Jack Batterson

Web tip of the week, April 4, 2011 – Credit Unions

During the Great Depression, “credit unions were not for profit, not for charity, but for service, and that philosophy holds true today. Credit unions continue to look out for their members’ interests and provide a level of service that is not generally available at other financial institutions.”

This website has a credit union locator and I am urging everyone to consider opening a credit union account in addition to a regular bank account. Credit unions offer very low interest rates on car loans (2.99%) and offer special high interest rate CDs from time to time. The Tiger Credit union on campus is part of West Community Credit Union. It is no longer located at 3 Brady Commons, but is now on the lower level of the Memorial Student Union in room N17. For more information, also see Tiger Credit union’s website: https://www.tigerscu.org/asp/home.asp

For more about Credit Union National Association: http://www.cuna.org/
Submitted by Jack Batterson

Arbor Day tree giveaway, April 2, 2011

COLUMBIA, MO (March 23, 2011) – City of Columbia TreeKeeper volunteers and Columbia Parks & Recreation will honor Missouri Arbor Day with a tree giveaway on Saturday, April 2. One thousand bare-root seedlings will be given away beginning at 8 a.m. at the parking lot of the ARC, 1701 West Ash.

TreeKeeper volunteers and Parks & Recreation Department forestry staff will be on hand to distribute the seedlings to the public and answer any tree questions. Eight species of trees will be available including flowering dogwood, bald cypress, redbud, northern red oak, pecan, blackhaw viburnum, river birch and blackgum. Members of the public may take two trees of different species.

TreeKeeper volunteers participate in a course on tree identification, planting, pruning and other management topics and are then asked to volunteer on tree projects in Columbia’s city parks and along trails and rights of way. In 2010, 86 TreeKeepers gave 816 hours of service to the city valued at more than $17,000.

The next TreeKeepers class will begin in early 2012. To find out more about the tree giveaway or volunteering with the city of Columbia, call Volunteer Programs at 874-7499 or visit www.GoColumbiaMo.com.