April 2012 MULSA Spotlight Award Winner: Judy Maseles

This month’s spotlight award goes to MU Libraries’ Head Engineering Librarian and Web Development Librarian Judy Siebert Maseles!

Originally hailing from St. Louis, Missouri, Judy has spent 31 years here as an employee at MU Libraries. Though she obtained an MLS from Mizzou, Judy also holds degrees from Saint Louis University (BS Communication Disorders) and University of Kansas Medical Center (MSE (Special Education) Deaf Education).

Our resident techie would be thrilled to be featured in an issue of Wired magazine. In a movie about Judy’s life, our star would be cast as Jennifer Ehle. Expect to hear Beethoven’s Sixth Pastoral Symphony, and perhaps a scene at some of Judy’s favorite locations: Acrosanti and Jerome (not to mention the Grand Canyon!) in Arizona.

If the opportunity came up to have a drink with any famous person, Judy would opt for a white wine sangria with Frances Perkins.

Judy is also a proud aunt.

Next time you see Judy and she happens to be wearing her now-famous softspots ankle boots, be sure to send a compliment her way! They are her favorite pair of shoes.

March 2012 MULSA Spotlight Award Winner – Frances Rouse

This month’s spotlight award goes to Frances Rose Rouse. Hailing from McKittrick, Missouri, Frances recently returned to the area to be closer to family. Since then she started at MU Libraries in Circulation at the Health Sciences Library where she is a Library Information Assistant.

Frances is a regular Francophile, having obtained a degree in French from Central College in Pella, IA. Her interests have even taken her to the City of Light: Paris, France! Being the coolest place Frances has ever visited, she was excited about being able to stay in the Louvre until 10pm on a Wednesday night. Magnifique!

When asked what person (real or fictional) she would like to have a drink with, Frances opted for a mojito with Ralph Fiennes.

When Frances is not at work, she can be found spending time with her dog Indy and her two cats (Violet and Tiger) and reading a book, watching a movie, or catching the latest English Premier League game.