Knitted Washcloths

My primary creative outlet is knitting. I learned the skill from a friend about five years ago and was instantly hooked. There has been much written about the benefits of knitting:  it's calming, rewarding, keeps your fingers limber, provides a mental workout, and even burns a few calories. For a fidgety person like me, it's a way to keep my hands occupied while watching TV. I also enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes with a finished project.

Read more Knitted Washcloths

Web Tip Round-up: December 16, 2013 – June 9, 2014

The Muse has been the proud host of Jack Batterson's weekly Web Tips since June 2010. However, from December 16, 2013 through June 9, 2014, the tips were published in the Library News Notes instead. The Muse is now publishing the tips again. Look for a new installment on this blog each week! In the spirit of keeping the tips in one place, we are also posting a collection of the tips that were not previously published in the Muse.

Read more Web Tip Round-up: December 16, 2013 – June 9, 2014

2014 MULSA Annual Picnic

MULSA’s annual picnic was held on Friday, June 20 at the Gordon Shelter, Stephens Lake Park. The theme was Caribbean Cruise. Fittingly, the park shelter was decked out as a cruise liner and christened the MULSA Island Jewel. Refreshments included Culvers fried chicken plus a variety of sides and desserts provided by attendees. Activities included steel drum karaoke, a piñata for the children, and a game of bocce ball. The picnic planning committee was comprised of Social Co-Chairs Tammy Green and Sheena Waggoner and volunteer Adrienne Arden. The set-up crew consisted of Sheena, Adrienne, Bill (Adrienne’s husband), and Mary Studer-Logsdon. Sue Barnes, Community Service Chair, organized a collection of food and monetary donations for the Central and Northeastern  Missouri Food Bank. Sue also organized door prizes, which included Mizzou Concert Series tickets, Mizzou Store gift cards, and Culvers ice cream vouchers.

Photos from the picnic can be found in the MULSA photo album.


Welcome to the Muse, and greetings from your new content editor. My cohort, Corrie, has been doing a fantastic job so far on the technical side of things. Now it’s my turn – and yours! – to contribute.

Please show us your creative side – whether that be in the form of poems, stories, personal essays, photos, recipes, reviews (books, movies, restaurants, etc), musings, jokes, or DIY tips. The more variety, the better! I am planning to provide seasonal suggestions for content, but you are certainly not limited to those themes. Please also feel free to provide feedback to me; I am new to both blogging and Ellis, and I’d love to learn from others’ experiences.

I’m excited about the flexibility and interactivity of the blog format. We can share our unique talents and also provide encouragement to one another. During my short time as an Ellis staff member, I’ve felt a real sense of community in the library, and I’d love for that to extend to the Muse.

To contribute, please email me at or find me in Acquisitions (52 Ellis).

Thank you!


Spring 2014 Zotero Workshop Schedule

To register online, click the class title. If these dates and times are bad for you, please feel free to email brekhusr at missouri dot edu with a preferred time. We will make an effort to accommodate you. The March workshop will be incorporated into graduate student workshops that month; date is tba.

All workshops are in-person unless marked as online. Zotero workshops meet in 213 Ellis Library, which is the computer classroom on the north side of the building on the 2nd floor, across from the main reading room.

Thursday, Jan 30, 2014: Intro to Zotero
4:30-6:00 pm

Friday, Feb 21, 2014: Intro to Zotero
noon-1:30 p.m.

Friday, Apr 18, 2014: Intro to Zotero
noon-1:30 p.m.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014: Intro to Zotero
noon-1:30 p.m.

For more information about Zotero, see: