Web tip of the week, January 12, 2015: Yelp


Yelp uses automated software to recommend the reviews that should be the most helpful to the Yelp community. Like any automated software, it is not perfect and it will end up hiding some good reviews that get flagged by mistake. One needs to read these hidden reviews  if he or she wishes to get the full picture.    These hidden reviews are found at the bottom of each business page at the link named "other reviews that are not currently recommended." The reviews that really should be ignored are those with one or five star ratings and that do not give good reasons for the rating given. Also it is best to avoid those reviews that use words like "best/worse ever" Submitted by Jack Batterson

Web tip of the week, December 8, 2014: American Memory


I would encourage everyone to read the “Today in History” section.

As a part of ongoing modernization, some collections migrated to new presentations. Collections that have been migrated no longer appear in internal American Memory search results and browse lists. To search all Library collections (including American Memory) please visit loc.gov/search, or browse collections at loc.gov/collections. You can also use the links below to go to the new presentations:


Submitted by Jack Batterson