New Cast Gallery Location

Our beautiful cast gallery has finally found a new home here at Ellis library. They are now on display in Room 202. Plaster casts have always been an important part of preserving and studying sculptures from antiquity. However, throughout the years, many such collections have been disposed of or stored away. Mizzou is one of those lucky few that still has their collection on display. So, take the time and visit this wonderful piece of history. For more information on our cast gallery check out the link here.

The Hydes of March

Detect Nerds are putting on a table top RPG at Cafe Berlin, March 18th. Come watch the crew as they go on a fun filled adventure. It is free to attend but tips are welcome and will help change the outcome of the story. So, if you are into role-playing games or just want something to do, come on down and enjoy a night out. For more information, check out their website.

Show-Me-Opera: A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Come join Show-Me-Opera for their production of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” As one of Shakespeare’s most famous comedies , the play will delight the audience as the king of the fairies decides to take interest in the love lives of a few mortals that have taken refuge in his forest. The play has two showings: one on Saturday, March 18th and Sunday, March 19th. There will be a different cast for each performance but each will be equally amazing, so it won’t matter which night you decide to go. For more information click here.

Family Sunday at the St Louis Museum

The Saint Louis Art Museum holds a Family Sunday event every Sunday for families to come and have a hands-on, interactive art experience. Each month has a different theme and this month is “Birds of a Feather Flock Together.” These activities will focus on learning about the animals that are found in works of art and on January 22nd, you will be able to create a bird mosaic. For more information, check out their website.

Chess at the Library

Do you like playing chess or have you ever wanted to learn? The Columbia Public Library is having a chess night. People from all ages and experience are welcome to come and have fun playing chess. For those less experience players, feel free to ask question and get advice. This will be a great time to get together with people and learn one of the oldest board games.

Art Journal challenge

In November, we had the novel writing challenge. Now in January, we have a new challenge for you, the Daily Art Journal Challenge. Each day in January try to create an illustrated page that represents your day. Whether that be breakfast or your commute to work, you decide what each day holds and turn that into a lovely work of art. By the end of January, you will have a wonderful journal full of wonderful (and maybe not so wonderful…we’ve all had those days) memories. Give it a try if you like and remember it is all about creativity. So if you don’t like to draw, try making collages, take pictures, write, or just smears some paint on a page and call it abstract art. Whatever it is just have fun with it. Also check out Kick in the creatives for more details and helpful prompts for this challenge.

Literary Resolution

For our New Year’s resolution, we always think about losing weight, traveling more, or starting a new hobby. But what about our literary resolution? Do you want to read more? Start your own novel? Try a different genre? Too much to chose? Well why not try out this bookish New Year’s resolution quiz to find out which resolution is right for you!