March 2013 MULSA Spotlight Award Winner: Stephen Stanton

Our Spotlight Award winner for March is Stephen Stanton!

Stephen Stanton is a Library Information Specialist II with the Geology Library, and has been with MU Libraries for 19-20 years, he thinks.

Stephen is originally from Texas (he declines to specify a city), and says this about his educational background: “Lots of unrelated things.  History of science, geology, 19C England and America.  Evolution, both the mechanics and the history.  German and French.  Gilded Age.  What wars are really about as opposed to what people think they are about.”

The coolest place that Stephen has ever visited is the Isle of Skye.  “I’ve been in a bad mood since I left the Isle of Skey in 1986.”

In a movie of his life, Eric Idle would play Stephen, and Monty Python’s Galaxy Song would be on the soundtrack.  He would be thrilled to be featured in the magazine The New Yorker, and his favorite pair of shoes that he has owned was a pair of Vasques.  If he could have a drink with any fictional or real person, it would be Paul Fussell.  They would drink bourbon, neat (and Stephen only rarely drinks bourbon.)

Stephen’s favorite snacks and foods:  “Raw onions.  Hot peppers.  Avocados with hot salsa and a V8.  Bananas.  Beans and rice and cornbread with greens and lots of fresh vegetables.”

Stephen and his family have a black lab.  Stephen calls himself a “swim dad, wrestling dad, and artists’ dad” and says that he used to enjoy woodworking before he had kids.  His own leisure time activities include swimming at the Rec Center, and he tries to swim every day.  He also spends time maintaining his house.

Stephen says, “I really like working with the people in Geology.  I like the sense of community in Columbia.  I never go anywhere without seeing people I know.  Columbia has been good for my family.”

Congratulations, Stephen!

April 2012 MULSA Spotlight Award Winner: Judy Maseles

This month’s spotlight award goes to MU Libraries’ Head Engineering Librarian and Web Development Librarian Judy Siebert Maseles!

Originally hailing from St. Louis, Missouri, Judy has spent 31 years here as an employee at MU Libraries. Though she obtained an MLS from Mizzou, Judy also holds degrees from Saint Louis University (BS Communication Disorders) and University of Kansas Medical Center (MSE (Special Education) Deaf Education).

Our resident techie would be thrilled to be featured in an issue of Wired magazine. In a movie about Judy’s life, our star would be cast as Jennifer Ehle. Expect to hear Beethoven’s Sixth Pastoral Symphony, and perhaps a scene at some of Judy’s favorite locations: Acrosanti and Jerome (not to mention the Grand Canyon!) in Arizona.

If the opportunity came up to have a drink with any famous person, Judy would opt for a white wine sangria with Frances Perkins.

Judy is also a proud aunt.

Next time you see Judy and she happens to be wearing her now-famous softspots ankle boots, be sure to send a compliment her way! They are her favorite pair of shoes.

For those of you who heard carolers in Ellis today…

Here are the lyrics that were sung!

I’ll be Out of CPRR (pronounced Seeper)
To the tune of “I’ll be home for Christmas”


I’m dreaming tonight of the real circ. desk
Even more than I usually do
And although I know it’s a long road back
I promise you…

I’ll be out of CEEPER,
Back in I- L – L.
We’ll have doors, and walls and floors
And that new carpet smell!
Students need to study
In a quiet place
I’ll be home next semester
In my office space.

Twenty-twelve will find me
In Ellis one-oh-three!
I love all my colleagues,
But not quite so close to me!

September 2011 Spotlight Award Winner – Rebecca Schedler

Our September 2011 Spotlight award goes to Rebecca Schedler! Rebecca, Library Information Specialist, works in MU Libraries Cataloging, and has been with the organization for 27 years. Though now a loud proud Tiger, Rebecca originally hails from Deadwood, South Dakota.

Rebecca graduated with a BS degree in Elementary Education.

Our award winner’s favorite snack consists of smoked almonds or cashews.

Rebecca keeps busy during her spare time. She enjoys gardening, growing tasty edibles and flowers as well. In addition, she enjoys reading and sewing.

Isle Royale ranks as the coolest place she’s ever been to. A 40 mile island in Lake Superior near Thunder Bay, “this pristine place you must backpack and leave nothing behind you as you go.  Only a very small part of this island is developed so you must carry water with you.”  One night the group got to hear the wolves howling though they weren’t seen. Rebecca was looking the other way when the group spotted a moose. She’ll be back someday soon to capture more pictures.

Rebecca has four kitties: Julie, Ellie, Polly and Stephanie.

In closing, Rebecca also wanted to share the following: I would like more than anything to help people in developing countries be able to help themselves to a better life by buying stuff they made: clothing, jewelry, accessories.  I order lots of things from Greater Good which includes the Hunger Site,  Animal Rescue, Rain Forest, Autism, Veterans,  Literacy, Breast Cancer, and Child Health.  Go every day and click the buttons. can order thousands of things made by people all over the world, and every time you buy something it makes a donation, how great is that!  There is a creation from Haiti hanging by my desk.

Besides that, I have been sponsoring families in Guatemala for many years.  I’m on my third family, the family of Dayrin Marizabel Montenegro Roldan.  I just got a letter from her last week.  She is an adorable little girl of 10 and she is very good in school.  I help her family when I can to get things they need for their dwelling.


June 2011 Spotlight Co-Winner: Sheila Voss

Our Spotlight Co-Winner for the month of June 2011 is Sheila Voss! Sheila works in administration at MU Libraries, where she is the Donor Relations Specialist. She has been with Mizzou for 18 years, and has worked with the libraries for 17 of those years.

Sheila is originally from not too far away in Jefferson City, MO. She obtained her BSBA at the University of Missouri.

Sheila enjoys spending her spare time reading, cross-stitching, or doing various crafts. Additional company may include her cleverly named felines Loki and Domino.

The coolest place that Sheila has visited is China. If you plan on treating her to her favorite treat, be sure to get milk chocolate covered macadamia nuts. Yum!

The actress that Sheila would choose to portray her in a movie would be Katherine Heigl.

Email overload – ideas

I’ve got a New (Fiscal) Year resolution: to construct email subject lines that help people decide to read them or how to file them.

  • If a response is required, I’ll start the subject with Response Needed:
  • If my subject line is in danger of making people think they don’t need to read further,  I will use the phrase –keep reading at the end or consider crafting a second email instead (example:  No meeting today – keep reading) to indicate that there’ll be no meeting, but I’d still like committee members to do something.
  • If I’m sending a report or notes from a meeting, I’ll say so in the subject line, preferably in the first word of it
  • Rather than just a noun in the subject line, I’ll put something more revealing, containing a verb; in general, I’ll try to give the reader the idea that reading the subject is not enough, that there is unknown information that the reader will feel compelled to click no.  Ex.: Bring a t-shirt for silkscreening at MOBIUS or New Rules for t-shirts at MOBIUS instead of just t-shirts at MOBIUS

Anyone else have subject line advice to share?

Submitted by Rachel Brekhus

Library terminology crossword

Check out this crossword of library terminology created by Sandy Schiefer:

/* Style Definitions */
{mso-style-name:”Table Normal”;
mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;
mso-fareast-font-family:”Times New Roman”;
mso-bidi-font-family:”Times New Roman”;

As a bonus, she is offering the first person to finish the crossword a button of “I [heart/love] my library”.

Web tip of the week, May 13, 2011 – Staff recognition week seminars

Arbor Day tree giveaway, April 2, 2011

COLUMBIA, MO (March 23, 2011) – City of Columbia TreeKeeper volunteers and Columbia Parks & Recreation will honor Missouri Arbor Day with a tree giveaway on Saturday, April 2. One thousand bare-root seedlings will be given away beginning at 8 a.m. at the parking lot of the ARC, 1701 West Ash.

TreeKeeper volunteers and Parks & Recreation Department forestry staff will be on hand to distribute the seedlings to the public and answer any tree questions. Eight species of trees will be available including flowering dogwood, bald cypress, redbud, northern red oak, pecan, blackhaw viburnum, river birch and blackgum. Members of the public may take two trees of different species.

TreeKeeper volunteers participate in a course on tree identification, planting, pruning and other management topics and are then asked to volunteer on tree projects in Columbia’s city parks and along trails and rights of way. In 2010, 86 TreeKeepers gave 816 hours of service to the city valued at more than $17,000.

The next TreeKeepers class will begin in early 2012. To find out more about the tree giveaway or volunteering with the city of Columbia, call Volunteer Programs at 874-7499 or visit