October 2010 Spotlight winner: Mary Claire Amann

Mary Claire Amann was born in Wausau, Wisconsin. She works in the Catalog Department and has worked at MU for about 8 years (2 years at the University of Missouri–St. Louis). She has a B.A. in English in 1996 and is taking classes as time permits.

Mary has 2 cats. In her leisure time, she is trying to finish the stitching for her niece’s wedding present. Her hobbies and interests include planting/gardening, cooking, baking, some needlework, decluttering, reading.

She named 2, not just 1, coolest places she ever visited. The first was the beach at North Carolina and the other was a little cantina in Austin Texas which had the best food and wonderful atmosphere.

In a movie of her life, she said in regard to the actor/actress (living or dead) which she would like to be portrayed as: “I’ve been different sizes and appearances, so probably best left to CGI.”

October 2010 Spotlight winner: Karla Geerlings

Karla Lynn (Bobby) Kespohl Geerlings

We ask people for their full name and let them decide how to define “full;” well, for me, I guess it depends on the day, the occasion, and the individuals included.  I included the parenthetical Bobby because, although it began as a camp name, it followed me into college and beyond.  Most of my personal circle of friends call me Bobby in private, unless they met me originally through work or church.  My kids call me Mom.

I was born in Columbia, Missouri.  I’ve lived in several other places, but my family always returned to Columbia, which is my dad’s hometown, as well.  I attended 3 different elementary schools in Columbia ( and 3 in other cities/states) and Oakland Junior High, and graduated from David H. Hickman High School.  I attended MU for 6 years, under 3 different declared majors (computer science, music education, therapeutic education for special populations) and have found most of the skills and knowledge I gained to be useful in my work life, my private life, or both—though I can’t say that the proper tuba embouchure (mouth position and pressure on the mouthpiece) is something I’ve been called on to use lately,

I began working at MU Libraries in 1982, my first year in college, as a student assistant at HSL (before the current library facility was built). I went on to work at VET and here at Ellis, ending my student tenure in the Serials Retrospective Conversion Project.  In 1988 I began working full-time for MU Libraries, typing book cards on an IBM keypunch machine.  I have worked variously in Serials Cataloging, Book Repair, Bindery, Preservation and now head the Serials & Authorities Unit in the Catalog Department.

I live with my adorable postman husband Mike, 17-year-old son Sean (“leave me alone!”), 16-year-old daughter Krissy (“You don’t understand …”), and our silver tabby Ellie (“Meee-out!”).

In my leisure time I work with the local Girl Scout organization, my church (Wilkes Blvd. United Methodist) where I direct the coir and head the education team, and am involved with the Camp Hickory Hill camper/staff alumni organization (remember the camp name?)  I also love to play social games of all kinds—board games, card games, dice, trivia, whatever—and host a game night regularly for friends and friends-of-friends.

The coolest place I have ever been is the Temple of Heaven in Beijing, China.  My husband, my mother and I travelled with a tour group to China in October of 2009 and we saw many, many wonderful things there and met some really great people.  What makes the Temple of Heaven special is that there are dozens of steps going straight up the hill to the actual temple, and I was using a wheelchair because I was recovering from abdominal hernia surgery.  The men in our tour group, determined that I should not be left out of the experience, placed my wheelchair in the car rails on the steps and hefted me all the way to the top!!!  It was a very special experience for me.

In a movie of my life, which will, of course, be coming out any year now, I’d like to be portrayed by Kathy Bates.

Karla and the Temple of Heaven
Stairs to the Temple of Heaven

Staff spotlight, September 2010: Mat Miller and Laura Buck

Matthew Thomas Miller was born in St. Louis, Missouri. He currently works in Serials Acquisitions, where he has worked for nearly 8 years.

Mat was born in St. Louis. He has a bachelor’s from MU in English. He has two five year old cats who are littermates: Molaise (male yellow tabby/stub-tailed manx) and Shalimar (a female black cat).

In his leisure times, he enjoys reading, listening and playing music (guitar and bass guitar). He is a sports fan and watches MU football and basketball, Cardinals, Blues, and even the Rams.

Asked what actor he would like to portray him, he said “Right now, Joaquin Phoenix could play me without having to shave, and as an added bonus my life would be believed to be a hoax.”


Laura Christine (Ivy) Buck currently works in the Zalk Veterinary Medical Library. She has worked at MU Libraries  since September 1989 in various places, including circ at HSL, ILL in HSL, UMLD, and the Vet Library.

Laura was born in Boonville, Missouri. She went to school in Glasgow, Missouri and graduated from Central Methodist College in Feyette with a Bachelors in elementary education & a minor in psychology.

At the present, she has 2 very spoiled cats: Stitch, a 7 year old female calico and Reg (short for Regulus) a beautiful 2yr old male who loves to play fetch. She acquired Stitch when her son Aaron told a friend that was moving & couldn’t take the cat “Don’t take her to the Animal Shelter my Mom will take her.”  Laura came home on Thanksgiving & was greeted at the door by Stitch.  Reg was adopted from the Veterinary Ophthalmology Dept. after staring at his picture for about a month.  She just couldn’t stand the thought of someone not taking him.  It took awhile before Stitch accepted Reg, but they get along fine now.

In her leisure time, she loves to read, mostly fiction/fantasy & some sci-fi but will read other things if it catches her interest. She also enjoys watching cartoons anything from the classic Scooby Doo to Japanese anime.  Cooking and trying out new recipes is also something she likes to do, but she limits it to the weekends when there’s more time.  She also likes listening to the music on her iPod when cleaning house, rearranging the furniture or taking a walk around Glasgow.

Her hobbies include embroidery and sewing, although there’s little time to work on sewing projects.  She speculates that maybe after she retires she’ll make that quilt that she’s always wanted to make.

The coolest place she’s ever visited was sitting in a Blackhawk helicopter while visiting Fort Bragg was cool.  She even got to put on the helmet but, her brother-in-law at the time kept reminding her not to push any buttons!

When asked about what actress she’d like to portray her in a move of her life, she responded: “I would make it an animated film by Hayao Miyazaki.    If not animated I would have Dakota Fanning as the younger me & Sally Field or Jamie Lee Curtis as the older me.”

Other facts include that she grew up in Howard County on a farm close to what is now the Boonslick state park.  Of course, back then she said it was just a smelly salt lick & a place to ride bikes to.  She has 1 older brother & 3 younger brothers and 1 younger sister.  She said “you could say I’m the runt of the litter because everyone else in my family is tall.  There was never a dull moment growing up or a quiet one.”  She also had a penchant for taking things apart when she was younger just to see how they worked, which sometimes got her in trouble.

After graduating college, she taught Learning Disabilities and EMR for 2 years.  She also substituted in the local schools, taught preschool, worked as a clerk in a drug store, and held a few temp secretarial positions.   She has 2 children:  Aaron, an embryologist, currently lives & works in St. Charles, MO and Lydia is a freshman at Truman State University.

Staff Spotlight, August 2010: Karen Katherine Marshall & PT Martin

Karen Katherine Marshall was born in Melrose Park, Illinois. She currently works in the Journalism Library.

She was originally the student assistant to the Information Library Specialist in the Catalog Department in 2007-2008. She started her current position in the Journalism Library in August 2008.

She received a B.A. (interdisciplinary studies with concentrations in photography and women’s studies).

Her childhood cat lives at her parents’ house because, as she says “my dad wouldn’t give her up when I went to college.”  She really wants a cat but for now will settle for playing with friends’ cats.

Her leisure activities and interests include photography, travel, reading, going to concerts, and going to art events downtown.

The coolest place she ever visited was the Galapagos Islands, although she mentioned there were some pretty amazing places when she studied abroad in Australia.

Her response to the question of who she would pick to portray her in a movie was “maybe Natalie Portman as young me because she has done a lot of different kinds of roles and is around my age and Katherine Hepburn as older me because hopefully I will be as wise and confident as she was at that age.”


PT (Lori) Martin was born in Red Cloud, Nebraska–the home of Willa Cather. She currently works in LTS. She has worked for MU Libraries for 6 years (“this round” she commented–she has worked at the Libraries previously in 1994).

PT has a Masters of Education degree.

Her leisure time pursuits include gardening, reading, and the Rachel Maddow Show. Her interests include “All things Xena.”

In a movie of her life, she would choose Jodie Foster to portray herself.

Staff Spotlight, July 2010: Shelley Worden and Suzanne Lippard

Shelly Jean Worden was born in Kansas, the eldest of 6 siblings: 2 sisters and 3 brothers.  She currently works in the Technical Services of the Health Science Library. She has worked for MU Libraries for 28 years.

Shelley earned her MLS from the University of Missouri-Columbia.  During her leisure time, she enjoys reading mysteries. Her hobby is trying to update her family history.

The coolest place she’s ever visited has been Hawaii.

When asked in a movie of her life, what actress she would like to portray her, she said Meryl Streep or Sally Fields.


Suzanne Lippard works in the Catalog Department, where she has worked for 20 years.  She has a B.A. in English from Arkansas Tech University.

During her free-time, she likes to read.

The coolest place she’s ever visited has been New York City.

Staff Spotlight, May 2010: Trenton Boyd and Mary Hainen

C. Trenton Boyd was born in Baton Rough, Louisiana. He works in the Veterinary Medical Library. He has worked for MU Libraries for 40 years.

Trenton earned a B.S. in Agriculture and an M.A. in Library Science from Mizzou. He was also accredited at the Distinguished level by the Academy of Health Information Professionals.

He has one cat and his hobbies and interests include collecting postcards relating to veterinary medicine and the state of Missouri as well as genealogy.

The coolest place he’s ever visited has been the South Island of New Zealand.

In a movie of his life, he would choose Stephen Boyd as the actor to portray him.


Mary Ann Hainen was born in St. Louis, Missouri. She currently works in the Catalog Department.

Mary originally taught classes in Springfield, where she worked in two small country schools, giving her an appreciative perspective on rural life and families.

Before working at MU Libraries, Mary worked at the Missouri Book Store (which was housed in the Student Success Center) and would ask Ellis Library Staff about working conditions. Many encouraged her to pursue employment and a few would provide a heads up on open positions. She took her first job with Robin Kespohl and said “I can’t begin to count the number of friends, supervisors, and coworkers who have brought happiness, support, blessings, and friendship to my life over the years—I have some very precious memories.”  She has worked at MU Libraries for 22 years.

She earned a B.A. in Education and was certified as an Elementary School Media Specialist. She also earned 15 graduate hours in Elementary Guidance and Counseling.

She has 2 cats: Molly and Luke

Her lesiure time pursuits include dancing (especially country), bowling, reading,  shopping, cooking, sports watching (but not golf, soccer, or hockey).  She commented that she grew up in a male-dominated household, which is why she’s such an avid sports fan.

Her hobbies include “collecting pink Depression glass, whiskey glasses from places I’ve visited (or begged others who’ve visited great places to bring back a glass for me); and antique pins; Shabby Chic decorating (creative decorating on a budget).”

The coolest place she’s ever visited has been Hawaii.

In a movie of her life, she picked Susan Sarandon as the actress to portray her.

Staff Spotlight, June 2010: Ruthe Morse & Katherine Koehn

Ruthe Morse (aka Leona Ruth) was born in Cabool, Missouri.  She works in the Catalog Department and has worked for MU Libraries for 24 years and 9 months.

In Ruthe’s leisure time, she enjoys reading and frequenting flea markets.  Her hobbies include crocheting and other crafts.

About the coolest place she’s ever visited she said “I don’t know whether it’s cool but I’ve seen the back side of Mt. Rushmore.”

She declined to name an actress portraying her, saying “Oh, I couldn’t subject anyone too such a waste of film.”


Katherine (Kat) Renee Koehn was born in Ayer Massachusetts. She works in Security and has worked there in some manner or other since July 2006. She is a graduate of Holden High School and also graduated with 2 bachelor degrees from Mizzou (Anthroplogy and Religions Studies).

Kat has 2 cats (black Salek and tortoiseshell Michsief) as well as one silverback zebra finche named Jazz (after the silver Autobot in the 2007 Transformers movie).  Her favorite hobby is beading, and she has bought some of her handiwork in the last 2 faculty and staff arts and crafts show. She also enjoys reading and watching movies in her spare time.

The coolest place she has ever visited has been Whiteman Airforce base, specifically the day the B-2 bombers arrived for the first time.

Staff Spotlight, April 2010: Ellen Blair & Julie Rogers

Ellen Louis Blair was born right here in Columbia, Mo., and works in the MU Libraries Administrative Office.  Ellen currently serves as an Administrative Associate II, and has worked for MU Libraries for 35 years.  She jokingly says she graduated from the College of Common Sense.

Ellen has two cats, Pebbles and Diego.  “I rescued Diego in October from the side of the highway in morning rush hour traffic, when he was about 6 weeks old.”

Ellen’s hobbies include embroidery and sewing, and the coolest place she thinks she’s ever visited is the Rocky Mountains.

The best person to portray her in a movie, In Ellen’s opinion, is Judy Garland.


Julie A. Rogers, Assistant Head of Security at Ellis Library, was born in Michigan and has been with MU Libraries for not quite two years.

Julie owns two dogs and one cat, and enjoys tennis and gardening.

Julie believes the coolest place she has ever visited is New York City and would love to have Sandra Bullock portray her in a movie.

Staff Spotlight, March 2010: Alan Jones & Debbie Melvin

Harold Alan Jones was born in Tywappity Township, Mississippi County, Missouri.  Alan works in the Catalog Dept. and holds a BS in Spanish from MU.  He has worked for MU Libraries for a total of 35 years, if you include his student days.

Alan owns (or is owned by) three cats: Curbie, Hyacinth and Mulder.  In his leisure time he enjoys listening to opera, reading and hiking.  Alan’s hobbies include politics, Roman history, food, movies and travel.  Some day he hopes to visit the town of Kelso, Scotland, where his mother’s family came from.

Alan feels the coolest place he has ever visited is the Utah desert.

When asked who should portray him in a movie of his life, Alan replied, “Some say I look like Sean Connery, but I would choose my favorite forgotten actor, Richard Carlson (White Cargo, Creature from the Black Lagoon).


Deborah Dianne (Debbie) Melvin hails is originally from Fulton, Missouri and works in Ellis Interlibrary Loan.  She is a graduate of Hickman High School and the School of Tomorrow Accelerated Christian Education Supervisory Training, and has worked for MU Libraries for 8 years.

Debbie is a twin, and was president of her 6th grade class.  She proclaims “I used to drag race up and down Business Loop 70 not so very long ago.” 

Debbie’s hobbies include watching her grandchildren and NASCAR, and she has written a short story which has been published.

Debbie thinks the coolest place she has ever been is Merrimac Caverns and her opinion of who would best portray her in a movie is divided: “Sometimes Jerry Lewis, sometimes Ginger Rogers, sometimes Katharine Hepburn.”

In closing, Debbie told us: “My relationship with God is of utmost importance to me, as well as my relationship with my husband.”

Staff Spotlight winners — February 2010: Pearl Newbrogh & Sheena Waggoner

Pearl Newbrogh was born in Moberly, Mo., works in Technical Services in the J. Otto Lottes Health SciencesLibrary, and has worked for MU Libraries for 18 years.  Pearl graduated from Moberly High School and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Truman State University.

Pearl owns (or is owned by) three dogs and a cat.  “Two of the dogs are black Labrador Retrievers.  They are both 6 years old and their names are Shadow and Hershey.  The other dog is a Pekehund (Pekingese/Dachshund mix).  His name is Hamlet and he is three years old.  My cat’s name is Georgie.  He is my oldest at 18 years old.  I adopted all my “furry kids” from people wanting to give them away.  I’ve had Shadow since she was 3 months old.  Hamlet, who was adopted from the Humane Society, was a Christmas gift from my husband.  Hershey really adopted us.  Some neighborhood kids brought her to our door thinking she was our other black lab, Shadow.  She introduced herself by sitting down at my feet and extending her paw to shake hands with me.  We were fast friends from that point forward.  My husband and I tracked down her owners who gladly gave her to us as she was a deviant who kept escaping from her pen! “

In her leisure time Pearl loves to read, craft cards, cook and bake.  “I love to sing.  I’m a member of the choir at my church.”  Pearl also spends a lot of her free time helping with various committees and projects at her church.  One of Pearl’s hobbies is baseball spectatorship.  “I am a St. Louis Cardinals fan.  My husband is a Chicago Cubs fan.  (I know, sad isn’t it …?)  This makes the Cardinals vs. Cubs games very interesting at my house.” 

Pearl admits that she has not had much opportunity to travel yet, but she loves to visit Chicago because “it is an amazing city and there is so much to see and do!”

Asked who should portray her in a movie, Pearl told us:  “I think my life is interesting, but hardly movie worthy.  I’m really not sure who I would want to portray me.”


Sheena U. Waggoner, Ellis Library Administrative Offices, was born in Poplar Bluff, Mo. and has worked for MU Libraries since June of 2008.  Sheena holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and a Master’s in Human Resources.  She is currently studying for her Ph.D. in Education Psychology.

Sheena has no pets, and in her leisure time she babysits her grandson.  She explains “my grandson is my pride and joy, and I love taking care of him.”  Sheena’s hobbies include planting flowers in spring, people watching and going to the movies if she can afford to take a study break.

Sheena believes the coolest place she has ever been is Germany, “and while there I was able to tour old little German towns, and visit the local pubs where they introduced me to German ale, and the word ‘brosch’”

Sheena would like to see Angela Bassett play her in a movie, and leaves us with this closing thought: “I really love working at the Library it has given me the opportunity to meet some wonderful people.”