Web Tip of the Week, Aug 27 2012 – Safe medicine


This information is brought to you by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices. This website helps people avoid mistakes when taking medicines. It also features articles and tips on preventing medication errors and much more. Sign up for the Safe Medicine newsletter or for the email alerts based your medications.

Submitted by Jack Batterson

Web Tip of the Week, Aug 20 2012 – Business travel


Joe has about everything on this website that would make your life on the road easier, and he has shared his business travel wisdom for more than fifty years. In addition to to the many useful facts that help travelers such as an dining options or cybercafe locations, this site also links to more than 400 newspaper travel sections, travel magazines and travel newsletters, regional and city magazines and even in-flight and in-room magazines. If it covers travel, Joe’s Travel Newsstand has it.

Submitted by Jack Batterson