Web tip of the week, Jan 12 2011 – Winter weather tips

Click on “winter weather” and see the 15-page extreme cold prevention guide. Take time to explore the other useful information about coping with winter weather.

Also note the cool tip of the week. For this week, the cool tip reminds people that Alcohol and Caffeine Can Cause Rapid Heat Loss

Submitted by Jack Batterson

Web tip of the week – Dec 27 2010 – Charities

If you are going to start giving money to a new charity, this is a great way to evaluate charities before you decide to give.


The list of organizations eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions. This online version is offered to help you conduct a more efficient search of these organizations.

Submitted by Jack Batterson

Web tip of the week, Dec. 21 2010 – Postal rates

At this time of the year, there are always questions about postal rates for next year. Everything you need to know about postal rates are at this one place. Please note that there are new Priority Mail and Express Mail International products available. It is worth comparing prices each year because UPS announced price increases of more than 5% for next year.

Submitted by Jack Batterson