Museum Day! Saturday, Sept. 26

Museum Day!

Saturday, September 26, 2015 –

1:00pm to 3:00pm

Mizzou North Lobby

Smithsonian Magazine Museum Day Live!

National Museum Day 

In conjunction with the Smithsonian Institution, the Museum of Art and Archaeology will host its annual National Museum Day on Saturday, September 26, from 1:00–3:00pm at Mizzou North. This year’s participants include characters like Thomas Hart Benton interpreting Museum objects, the Museum of Civilization exhibition (in connection with Daniel Boone Regional Library’s One Read program), Folk Arts, the Museum of Anthropology, Classical Studies, the State Historical Society of Missouri, the Mizzou Botanic Garden, and the MU Broader Impacts Network. Some special activities include a video and a tea ceremony by the Confucius Institute in their Tea Room, a reprise of Ellis Library Special Collection’s popular calligraphy workshop, Campus Writing Program activities focusing on Museum objects, and even a museum-wide Textile and Apparel Management scavenger hunt.

1:00–3:00pm, Mizzou North Lobby

(Limit two children per accompanying adult) 

No preregistration required

For more info click here!

Event Type: 

Man builds “dog train” to take rescued dogs out on adventures

Eugene Bostick may have officially retired about 15 years ago, but in some ways that was when his most impactful work began.

Not long after, he embarked on a new career path of sorts — as a train conductor for rescued stray dogs.

The lively 80-year-old Fort Worth, Texas, native says he never planned on dedicating his golden years to helping needy pets. Instead, it was a duty thrust upon him by the heartlessness of others.

"We live down on a dead-end street, where me and my brother have a horse barn," Bostick told The Dodo. "People sometimes come by and dump dogs out here, leaving them to starve. So, we started feeding them, letting them in, taking them to the vet to get them spayed and neutered. We made a place for them to live."

Over the years, Bostick has taken in countless abandoned dogs. But more than just keeping them safe, he's found an adorable way to keep them happy, too.

While the rescued dogs have plenty of room to run and play on Bostick's farm, the retiree thought it would nice to be able to take them on little trips to other places as well. That's about the time he was inspired to build a canine-specific form of transportation just for them.

"One day I was out and I seen this guy with a tractor who attached these carts to pull rocks. I thought, 'Dang, that would do for a dog train,'" said Bostick. "I'm a pretty good welder, so I took these plastic barrels with holes cut in them, and put wheels under them and tied them together."

And with that, the dog train was born.

Once or twice a week now, Bostick and the nine dogs currently under his care can be seen puttering down quiet streets around town or through the forest near their home, or stopping by a local creek for some fresh air in the custom dog train. It's something the formerly unloved dogs have come to relish in their happy new lives.

"Whenever they hear me hooking the tractor up to it, man, they get so excited," said Bostick. "They all come running and jump in on their own. They're ready to go."

The dog train has come to attract a fair share of attention among locals who occasionally stop to ask if they can take a few pictures. But for Bostick, it's all about bringing a bit of joy to a handful of dogs who had been through so much before finding themselves as his cheerful passengers.

"I'm getting up in age. I'm 80 now, so I suppose it can't last too much longer, but I'll keep it going as long as I can," said Bostick. "The dogs have a great time. They just really enjoy it."

Full story and more pictures/videos here:

Biker rescues kitten and takes her on the road

Biker Pat Doody found a kitten in need of help while he was on a cross country trip from California to New Jersey. The poor kitten, nicknamed "Party Cat", was badly burned when he found her. With some care and a trip to the vet, she's almost fully recovered.

  • Party Cat Was Found in a Gas Station in Nevada

  • She Was Badly Burned When He Found Her

  • She Was Tucked Into His Vest and Taken on the Trip Home

  • Pat Doody Says She is the Calmest Cat He's Ever Met

  • Now She's Happy and Safe at Home, Her Burns are Almost Completely Healed


NY Times Review: The Girl in the Spider’s Web

For lovers of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy, a fourth book has been published.

The Girl in the Spider’s Web’ by David Lagercrantz

By LEE CHILD  SEPT. 1, 2015

There are many ways to continue a series after its author’s death. One is to wait a long time, until the original material has achieved classic status, and then find an established heavyweight willing to step up, like a great actor taking on his third King Lear. Examples would be John Banville reviving Raymond Chandler’s Philip Marlowe, or Jill Paton Walsh giving us more of Dorothy L. Sayers’s Lord Peter Wimsey. As readers we approach such attempts cautiously, with style points and degrees of difficulty in mind, as if we were judges at an Olympic diving competition, and therefore, however good the execution may be, these books will always remain to some extent interesting curiosities.

Another way is to continue as soon as possible, to give the newly bereft reader the sheer joy of another story with much loved characters and familiar scenarios. There are many such examples, but the all-time champ could be Robert Ludlum, who seems to have published nearly two dozen books in his lifetime, and considerably more than that after its untimely conclusion.

Some endeavors have a foot in both camps. ­Sophie Hannah’s Hercule Poirot is both a technical challenge and catnip to those craving more from Agatha Christie’s enigmatic Belgian. And now joining her is David Lagercrantz, with “The Girl in the Spider’s Web,” which continues Stieg Larsson’s Millennium series. That sequence was only three books long (“The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo,”  “The Girl Who Played With Fire” and “The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest”) and, unusually, Larsson was dead even before the first installment came out. That sad and poignant fact launched the series from the features pages, rather than the book ­pages alone, which helped from a coldblooded promotional point of view. But there’s no doubt that its spectacular ­success was driven by its two central characters, the journalist Mikael Blomkvist and the — what, exactly? — Lisbeth Salander. Certainly, when the continuation was announced, there was joy on fan sites at the prospect of more from both of them — and in particular more from Salander, irresistibly tough, punkish, leather-clad, pierced and inked (including the dragon on her back) and at times unhinged.

Thus Lagercrantz’s first responsibility was to give us more of those two, which promised to be easy enough in Blomkvist’s case. Blomkvist is a journalist ­writing for Millennium, a Stockholm magazine dedicated to investigative reporting. In real life, Larsson was a journalist and so is Lagercrantz (as well as being a fine novelist in his own right), so we can expect him to know the terrain — although Larsson’s surviving long-term partner, Eva Gabrielsson, shut out of ownership or control by Sweden’s surprisingly behind-the-times attitude to inheritance by ­common-law spouses, feels that Lagercrantz lacks Larsson’s, and hence Blomkvist’s, passion and radical instincts. Which hints at ­Lagercrantz’s technical challenge. To what extent are fictional characters genuinely reproducible? To what extent are they animated by the singular psyche of the original author? To what extent can that author’s sparking synapses be detected through his language and served up again by another through his own?

Those challenges are only heightened by a character like Salander. She sprang off the page fully formed and vivid from her first appearance, as if shouldering aside the words to hover in the air between the reader and the book. It’s no exaggeration to say that as an invention she’s in the same ballpark as Thomas Harris’s Hannibal Lecter. She’s a classic antihero — fundamentally deranged, objectively appalling, lawless, violent and deceitful, but fiercely loved by millions of readers because she has good reasons for the way she is and a heart of gold. Can she be brought back to life by a different author — or will she lie inert on the slab? I opened the book, considering style points but mostly hungry for, yes, more of Salander.

Any Swedish crime writer’s first task is to decide whether to dodge or embrace the titanic shadow cast by Per Wahloo and Maj Sjowall, who 50 years ago began the 10-book Martin Beck series, which invented modern Scandinavian crime fiction and still stands as its finest achievement. Lagercrantz chooses to embrace that tradition, and thus the narrative feels calm, patient and familiar. An agnostic Jewish cop named Bublanski says sadly of his department, “Inevitably there were corrupt and depraved people in the force.” Both the line and the character could have been written by Wahloo and Sjowall. Other ­minor characters are introduced with full biographies and backgrounds, which isn’t a pacing error but rather a courteous, very Swedish, approach to storytelling.

The plot itself starts with computer hacking — into the National Security Agency in Maryland, no less — and Lagercrantz distinguishes himself by ­making the computer stuff very human. The technology serves the characters, rather than being a character itself. There’s a mute and autistic boy who needs protection and has vital clues locked in his head, which might or might not be revealed in a drawing. Lagercrantz distinguishes himself there too, with a fine and sympathetic portrayal. There’s artificial ­intelligence and code breaking and bad guys as icy and brutal as you’d like, but none of it is “techno” — its Swedishness, even as rendered in George Goulding’s English translation, keeps it very real and modest, a little romantic and a little inhibited. It’s a fine plot, with perhaps just one missed opportunity: American thriller writers know that if the N.S.A. were hacked, the response would be ballistic, hence offering a nice contrast between D.C. hysteria and Stockholm stoicism. But Lagercrantz makes nothing of it.

And what of Lisbeth Salander? Given that Lagercrantz knows she’s what ­readers want, her long and suspenseful introduction is masterful. It’s a striptease. She’s mentioned in the prologue (“One Year Earlier”), and then she’s not in the story at all, and then she is, maybe, purely by inference, and then we get a brief glimpse of her, and then another, and then some longer scenes. But it’s not until Page 216 that she actually speaks to Blomkvist. “Lisbeth,” he asks, answering her phone call, “is that you?”  “Shut up and listen,” she replies, and he does. And we’re off to the races. Or are we? Does she spark to life and get up off the slab?

Very, very nearly. After he reunites her with Blomkvist, Lagercrantz seems to lose his nerve. He relies too much on third-­party description — we’re told that Salander is intense and fierce, which is a poor substitute for seeing intensity and ferocity for ourselves. Certainly she’s appropriately brave, headstrong, smart and willful. And certainly the book’s stronger foot is firmly in the “sheer joy of a new story” camp. But the sublime madness of Larsson’s original isn’t quite there. Interestingly, Lagercrantz has a character pick up a copy of Stephen King’s “Pet ­Sematary” as potential bedtime reading. The conceit of that book is the existence of a patch of earth where, once buried, a dead pet or person will come alive again — but, crucially, diminished to a degree that depends on the time between death and the start of the magic process. It’s been eight years since the Swedish publication of “The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest.” Was that too long? Was the hat-tip to “Pet Sematary” a coded acknowledgment that the task was impossible?



By David Lagercrantz

Translated by George Goulding

403 pp. Alfred A. Knopf. $27.95.

Scientists are having a #CuteOff competition on Twitter

Scientists all over the world are introducing us to animals we might not have thought were "cute" in the traditional sense, basically proving that almost all baby animals are adorable.  The full article is here: with a few pictures below.

Baby Box Turtle

"Salmon babies snuggling"

"Teddy Bear Ant"

Pteromys momonga

Embedded image permalink

FREE movie on Faurot Field Friday, Sept. 4!

Celebrate the start of the school year and kick off football season with the film "Remember the Titans" on Faurot Field. Stadium gate #1 will open at 7:30 p.m., with the movie starting at 8:30. Bring your blanket and get a good spot on the field. And, take part in a cherished Mizzou tradition: kissing the 50 yard line! Entry is FREE for MU Students and the public. No outside food or drinks will be permitted, only factory-sealed water bottles will be approved. Parking will be available in lots L and A (vehicles parked in these lots after midnight will be towed)