Was Monday Not Enough?

If you either didn’t get a chance to watch the eclipse or just want to see more, you can find some good pictures at the following links:



For the animal enthusiasts out there, CBS did a story on the Texas Zoos during the eclipse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yc3gYnMGUVA.

For those ready to start planning for their next eclipse, the information might be a little different than you thought. After Monday’s eclipse was over I heard people talking about the 2044 eclipse but that isn’t the next one and it probably isn’t one many people in Missouri are going to travel to see. It’s the third eclipse on the list that most of us stand the best chance of seeing. The 2045 eclipse looks like it will just touch Missouri, so anyone who wants to be in its path will likely have to travel but it sounds much more promising than the 2033 Alaska eclipse or the 2044 eclipse. You can read more about it here: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/next-total-solar-eclipse-2044-2045/).

And if you aren’t satisfied with the options above, you could always try planning your vacation around one in a different location. CNN provides a list of dates and locations at the bottom of this article: https://www.cnn.com/world/next-total-solar-eclipse-2044-scn/index.html

A Day at the Runge Center!

Saturday, the 6th, looks like it’s going to be nice out. The day’s activities start with a lobby activity called “Talkin’ Turkey.” Learn about turkeys by stopping by this event any time from 10:00-2:00. You can visit the following site to learn more about this event) https://mdc-event-web.s3licensing.com/Event/EventDetails/198777. The time between turkeys and the following concert could be a great time to explore the trails and exhibits on site. For the truly adventuresome with heads for heights, there is a 60’ fire tower that provides a scenic view of the area. From 3-4 p.m. music and nature will be combined to create “A Flute Journey Experience.” It is free with no registration required. For more information, please go here) https://mdc.mo.gov/newsroom/runge-conservation-nature-center-hosts-flutist-katie-dancer-april-6

MULSA Elections are Almost Here!

For over 50 awesome years, MULSA has been the powerhouse behind a ton of cool stuff – think Thanksgiving feasts, playing Santa for adopted families at Christmas, fun Halloween bashes, and chill summer picnics.
We’re there with donations, flowers, cards, and more, whether it’s a moment of joy or a time of need for a member of the MU Libraries staff . Not to mention, we’re the caretakers of your staff lounge and deliver fun (and funny) library-related updates in the staff news every week.


Keep your eyes peeled for the lowdown on available positions, dropping just before mid-May. Mark your calendars for MULSA elections on May 20th. Fancy a role? Drop Tammy Green or Ashley Granger a line via email to express your interest!! Oh, and don’t forget to get your supervisor’s approval before officially adding your name to the ballet.

Book Recommendations

National Reading Month is almost over. I hope this article (https://lithub.com/for-book-recommendations-people-are-always-better-than-algorithms/) provides you with some amusement, and perhaps, a new book to try. Normally, I avoid this type of article because they seem to be a dime a dozen, and I guess, I’m looking for something more unique and interesting to post here. I love how this article is structured though. How would you describe the type of books you enjoy the most?

It’s National Reading Month!

National Reading Month is here! If you want some ideas on how to participate, this is a great article) https://bookriot.com/national-reading-month-march-2024/. Some independent bookstores here in Columbia are Yellow Dog, the Peace Nook, and Skylark. There are also the book sales at the Columbia Public Library. If you are participating in the Read Harder Challenge, there will be a Read Harder Challenge Check-in at the Columbia Public Library on the 13th from 6:30-7:30 p.m (https://events.dbrl.org/event/10107572).

I guess I’m celebrating by learning to annotate which also leads to one other suggestion I have for celebrating National Reading Month that the article didn’t cover. Writing and languages. If there is a different language (foreign or constructed) in your favorite book why not give it a try? There are a wide variety of resources out there for most of it. For example, you can learn to write your notes in elvish, or one of the Star Wars alphabets. For those who really love math or just trying new things, the D’ni number system is base-25. If you are interested in a new language but don’t want to commit to learning one, you can still look at their writing systems. Be forewarned, this might break down your resolve not to learn a new language.

I hope you all have a wonderful National Reading Month!