Walking Book Club

Daniel Boone Regional Library is encouraging mid-Missourians to read, walk, and talk this summer. "As part of Summer Reading, we'll be hosting a walking book club at the Columbia Public Library on the second Wednesday of the month throughout the summer. This club combines three necessities for a healthy brain: mental, physical and social activity. Participants will take a 30-minute walk, leaving from the library, followed by a book discussion." Check out the schedule on DBRL's blog.

Ahh, the Sweet Smell of Lignin

Here's a walking tip for this rainy week: stroll (or power-walk) through Ellis Library. With five floors and multiple staircases, you can get quite a workout! While you're walking, you'll surely get a whiff of that beloved "old book smell."  On second thought, though, you might want to wait until after finals. The next couple of weeks at the library might smell more like coffee and stress than anything else!




Overnight Oats

I've been looking for recipes that are quick and easy but also yummy and filling. For weekday breakfasts, I've been experimenting with overnight oats. A little while ago, I tried Overnight Gingerbread Oats. They were delicious! They were also nutritious, due to the chia seeds (high in fiber, protein, and healthy fat) and blackstrap molasses (high in iron).

The best thing about overnight oats is that they are super-customizable. If you have oats and any kind of milk (soy, almond, etc) in your kitchen, you can whip up a couple of batches of these and be good-to-go for the next few mornings! Just follow this basic recipe. My breakfast this morning was my own creation based on that template: Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Overnight Oats (0.6 cups oats, 2 Tbsp chia seeds, 1 cup chocolate soy milk, and a few slices of frozen strawberries). Yum!

Library Babies!

The MU Libraries family is expanding!

Navadeep (Nav) Khanal, our E-Learning Librarian, and his wife Mar Soria are expecting a baby girl in May. A shower was held in their honor on April 20 in the staff lounge. (Photo credit: Jeannette Pierce)


Ashley Granger, Library Specialist in Collection Services, and her husband Shannon welcomed their son Jack on January 26. Since Ashley's shower was originally planned for January 27, it had to be postponed! On April 22, we got to meet adorable baby Jack and shower him with gifts and snuggles.


Congratulations to both couples!

Meet Tim!

Submitted by Tim Perry

Although I have been at Mizzou since last November, I am still new enough that I thought it would be worth introducing myself on this blog!

My name is Tim Perry and I am the new Special Collections librarian at Ellis Library. Although I have not lived in the Midwest before, this is not my first time living in the US – from 2010-2012 I lived in New Hampshire, where I was teaching Classics at Dartmouth College. Most of the last ten years or so, though, I have spent in Toronto, where I received both my PhD (in Classics) and my MI in Library and Information Science. I have also lived in France, Belgium, and the UK, but I am originally from New Zealand, which is where I did my undergraduate studies (in Classics and French) and my MA (in Classics), both at the University of Canterbury.

My first few months at Mizzou have been spent familiarizing myself with the wonderful special collections that we have here at the Ellis Library. Since my background is in Classics, I have been particularly happy to find that we have an extensive collection of classical texts, including some fine Medieval manuscripts and early printed texts. I also have some training in letterpress printing, so I have enjoyed going through our collection of modern fine press books too. And, of course, I have had plenty of opportunities to share these materials (and more) with students, as I have also been doing plenty of teaching, including classes on everything from Greek oratory to the Brontës, and from bookplate design to pirates.

Beyond the walls of the library I’ve been exploring Missouri with my partner (who has a post-doc in Classical Studies here at Mizzou), including visits to St. Louis and Kansas City, as well Columbia itself. (I’ve also found time to catch a couple of Tigers games, though American sports remain something of a mystery: I grew up in a country where hockey is only played on grass and football means rugby!) My interests include photography, so I am looking forward to exploring the countryside around Columbia with camera in hand, especially as we move into spring and summer.

I look forward to seeing you around the library!



DiversiTEA 2016

MU Libraries' DiversiTEA, hosted by the Diversity Action Committee (DAC), was held on March 31, 2016. All library staff were invited to celebrate different cultures at an afternoon tea break in the staff lounge.

Treats included finger foods from various countries and authentic beverages from India, Mexico, Japan, and China. Each beverage had a host(ess) who educated us about its country of origin. There were also decorations and traditional clothing. The DiversiTEA was a colorful, yummy, and informative event, enjoyed by all!

Photos courtesy of Ivy Hui.




