Recipe of the week: Getting into the holiday spirit? Send us your favorite holiday recipe, Thanksgiving or other holiday.

I'm getting into the holiday spirit little by little and would love to see your favorite holiday recipes! Send them to me and each week I will be adding a new one or two to the MUSE Posts for News Notes! I will start this off with a jello salad that my mom makes for both our Thanksgiving and Christmas family meals:) It's an awesome desert or side salad. 

Sangria Salad

1 regular can dark sweet cherries.
1 small can crushed pineapple.
1 pkg jello ( we usually use grape or Black cherry)
1/2 cup Sangria
Drain but SAVE the juice from the cans of cherries and pineapple. Add enough water to the saved juice to make a scant 1 and 1/2 cups total liquid. Heat the juice and water mix and pour over the jello (stir until jello has completely dissolved). Place in the refrigerator to cool. While the jello is setting up in the fridge, add 1/2 cup Sangria to the drained cherries and pineapple. Mix well and then set aside in separate bowl in the refrigerator.
When the jello starts to set up, add the fruit and wine mixture to the jello and leave in the refrigerator until it has firmly set up.


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