14 Horrible Situations for Book Lovers to Be in

14 Horrible Situations for Book Lovers to Be in

Being a book lover doesn’t always result in happy endings. Here are 14 of the worst things that can happen to any true bibliophile!



1. When the movie adaptation of your favorite book is completely wrong.



2. When your friend borrows your favorite book and then “misplaces” it.



3. When you lose your library card.



4. When your Kindle dies mid-chapter.

Kindle dies


5. When your bookshelf runs out of space.



6. When you leave the house and forget to pack a book.

You forgot yoru book


7. When someone spoils a book’s ending.



8. When a book ends on a cliffhanger, and you haven’t bought the next book in the series.

Buying a new book


9. Or worse — when you find out the next book in the series won’t be released for a year.



10. When your favorite character is killed off.



11. When you realize no men will be as good as your book boyfriend.

When you have feelings for ficitonal characters


12. When you’re reading and someone interrupts.

Interruptions are the worst


13. And then they ask you to stop reading.

Quitter strip


14. Finally, when you’re forced to do anything besides read.

Forced to work










From: http://media.bookbub.com/blog/2015/07/20/14-horrible-situations-for-book-lovers-to-be-in/

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