Blackboard – Archive Replaced by Libguide

Integrating Library Content into Blackboard 8  [replaced by Libguide]

Instructions for Blackboard 9 will be posted later this fall. Make it easier for your students to find and use scholarly library resources by adding links to those resources on your Blackboard page. Remember, you can always ask your Subject Librarian for help. There are three ways to include library items in your course.
  1. Use existing library links under “Resources Tab in all Blackboard courses.
  2. Create a “Library Resources” button and then add library links to that content area.
  3. Embed links to individual articles, books, services etc. into existing parts of your course.
If you decide to use options 2 or 3, first determine if you should use the E-Reserve system for some of your readings, and then see detailed instructions below on how to create links. How to create permanent links to: Link to Library Web pages Copy and paste the URL of the desired guide or sourcepack to your Blackboard site. Library Contacts More Tips
  • Add your subject librarian to the course roster to answer questions online.
  • Make your subject librarian a Course Builder for the course if you’d like the subject librarian to add material to your page.
  • Request a sourcepack from your subject librarian.
  • Post an announcement for your upcoming library session