Place a hold on a book that is checked out
Place a Hold on a Book that is Checked out
- Click on
in EBSCO Requests or
button in MOBIUS to place a hold on a book that is currently checked-out
- The hold will alert library staff that you want the book after the other person has finished with it.
- You will be notified by email when the book is returned. You can also check your Library account to see if the book is on the hold shelf. It will be held for you for one week.
Procedure for Recalling a Book that is Checked out
We will recall an item if there are no available copies in any other MOBIUS Library. If there is an available copy at any other MOBIUS library, that copy will be requested rather than recalling one that is already checked out to a patron.
- Go to the Ellis Library Checkout and Information Desk or at any branch library circulation desk with your MU ID card.
- Requests for recall must be made in person. No requests by email or phone are accepted.
- You cannot recall an item online through the MOBIUS catalog.
- Have the author, title and call number of the item ready to give to staff at the Circulation Desk.

NOTE: Books that you have checked out may be recalled
- The Library reserves the right to recall all books after two weeks of use if requested by another MU borrower.
- Materials needed for reserve may be recalled at any time. Students, staff, faculty, and courtesy borrowers are charged fines for overdue recalled books at the rate of $2.00 per day.
- To avoid fines, please return recalled items by the new due date on the e-mail notice that is sent to you.