"Long-neglected maintenance at MU drives proposal to cut campus footprint"
Columbia Missourian, Dec. 9, 2016
"Long-neglected maintenance at MU drives proposal to cut campus footprint"
Columbia Missourian, Dec. 9, 2016
Climate Survey
Please take a few minutes to share your personal experiences at the University of Missouri! This climate survey is designed to provide information about both positive and challenging aspects of our climate. We welcome your experiences, your observations, and any suggestions for change that might enhance the climate.
All of your answers will remain confidential, and the results will be reported in group form only. You will not be identifiable as an individual. Your participation in this project is voluntary. This research has been reviewed and approved by the University of Missouri Institutional Review Board. Additional information about the project is available online.
I urge you to take the 20-30 minutes needed to answer the questions by going to umurl.us/climate.
NEW! Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Class – Enrollment Opens Wednesday, 12/14/16
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction is an in-person 8-week program that helps participants learn to manage today’s busy lifestyles in a healthy way. Learn how to change your relationship with stress, live a more conscious life in order to make choices, and engage in behaviors that increase your vitality, effectiveness, and happiness.
When: January 25, 2017 – March 22, 2017; Full-day retreat on March 11
Time: 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Registration: Online
Cost: $40 for faculty, staff, and retirees. Spouses or partners can join with you free of charge if they use the same materials. Includes all classes, a manual, DVD, and CD. $20 rebate if you attend a minimum of 7 out of 8 classes.
For more information please contact David Burks at dburks@gmail.com.
First time participants are eligible for 100 Wellness Incentive points. Contact wellness@umsystem.edu for questions.
NEW! Microsoft Access Boot Camp
DoIT Training is teaching Microsoft Access on January 23-25. Take all Access classes in one week, the only time it will be offered this semester. Credly badges and Wellness Points are available for these classes.
When: January 23 – 25, 2017
Time: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Location: 25 Arts & Sciences Building
Registration: Online
As a Healthy for Life sponsored workshop, eligible employees may earn 25 points for participation in the Access Boot Camp. There are a maximum of 100 points possible for this category. Contact wellness@umsystem.edu for questions.
NEW! Healthy Holiday Habits Brought to you by the American Cancer Society
The holidays can be a tough time to stick to healthy eating goals. But if your traditions involve baking, a few simple ingredient changes can help you cut some of the sugar, fat, and calories – without sacrificing the taste. This year, make some new baking traditions by adapting your family recipes with these tips:
Start new traditions with healthy recipes from the American Cancer Society.
Stay Connected with Healthy for Life
A healthy, positive lifestyle requires openness, awareness, and consistent effort. Healthy for Life is committed to ensuring that all employees have the opportunity to learn about and engage in activities that support your wellbeing. Click here to sign up for e-mails regarding Healthy for Life programs.
2017 Wellness Incentive
How will you improve your wellness? Earn up to $450 for taking steps to
improve your health. Visit http://umurl.us/incentive for more information.
The large willow oak trees lining the east side of Ellis Library and the State Historical Society have been tentatively scheduled for trimming and building clearance next Tuesday, December 20th (weather permitting). As the scope of the work is large, we will have a contractor on site completing this work. The east entrance into the State Historical Society and the walk leading to it will not be open during this time to ensure pedestrian safety. The north entrance should not be impacted and will remain accessible during this time
We will try to minimize the impact around the building, but there will be large equipment in the area and elevated noise levels while this work is taking place. Work should be completed in a day.
Everyone – This is your seasonal reminder of the University policies that apply to inclement weather and campus closures. Links to the HR policy and the Business Policy and Procedure manual can be found online at http://hrs.missouri.edu/news-announcements/news/2016/inclement-weather-policies.php, along with a summary of the policies and how employees will be paid in the case of a full or partial campus closure.
We’ll be sending out an updated Libraries’ emergency tree early next week so that everyone will have the most updated contact information as well.
If you have any questions about these policies or the emergency tree, please let me know. Thank you!
–Sheryl Cullina
It's a quick-and-easy way to check out books and other items.
How does it work? Simply swipe your student ID and scan your item. The screen shows the due date and gives you the options to print or email yourself a receipt.
Where is it? Right across from the Circulation Desk by the North Door on the main level of Ellis Library.
Present: Shannon Cary, Corrie Hutchinson, Kathy Peters, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Ernest Shaw, Deb Ward
Planning for January All-Staff Meeting
INFORMATION: LMT members began planning the agenda for the all-staff meeting that will be held on Thursday, January 12 at 2 p.m. in Ellis Auditorium.
ACTION: Ann will send out draft agenda to LMT members.
Friends of the Libraries Borrower Card
INFORMATION: Jeannette introduced a change of procedure for Circulation and Advancement that would require users to become a Friend of the Libraries in order to obtain a borrower card.
ACTION: Deb will talk to branch heads to ask their opinions about issuing Friends memberships/borrowers cards at the branches.
ACTION: Jeannette will continue to work with Freddy on how to implement this new procedure.
Budget Review
INFORMATION: The Libraries’ campus budget meeting is on December 16. Kathy shared the updated budget assumptions and notes for FY17 to FY20.
ACTION: There will be an LMT meeting to focus only on the budget on Dec. 13
ACTION: Corrie will find out total number of MU holdings in UMLD for insurance purposes.
Prioritization of Positions
INFORMATION: Ann stated that the Libraries must submit a list of open positions to campus administration. She asked LMT members to help her come up with a list of open positions that will be prioritized and a list of desired positions.
ACTION: Kathy will work with Sheryl to create a complete list of the open positions from the last two years. LMT will be asked to prioritize these positions.
Email Discussion
INFORMATION: Ernest asked LMT to confer on a quick matter. One library employee is using more than his/her allotted email storage space. It costs $12 a month to pay for the extra storage and requires approval of a director.
ACTION ITEM: LMT agreed to pay for the additional email storage because of the nature of the employee’s job duties.
ACTION ITEM: Kathy and Ernest will work on an email to send out to all staff reminding them to clean up their email files and including the records management guideline for email storage.
Please congratulate Kate Wright on her promotion. Kate has accepted the Sr. Library Information Specialist position in the Engineering Library and will begin her new role on Monday, December 19.
Celebrate the completion of Lafferre Hall renovation ribbon Cutting takes place on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2016. The Program starts at 11 am in C1205 and C1206. Tours following the program.
This is the full info on where to park, etc.