AMIGOS Webinar: Introduction to Makerspaces – A New Wave of Library Service

Monday, January 13, 2014 
Ellis Library Room 4F51A

Makerspaces, sometimes also referred to as hackerspaces, hackspaces, and fablabs is the hot new concept when it comes to providing library service. Focus will be on what makerspaces are and how they can be creative DIY spaces where people can gather to create, invent and learn in libraries. Resources and examples will be provided for anyone thinking about setting up a makerspace in their library.

Webinar: Big Data and Amigos Libraries

When: Tuesday, December 10, 1-3 pm central
Where:  Ellis 4F51A

Description from Amigos:  Big data refers to the data sets now available to organizations that are so large they cannot be interpreted by standard statistical software. For libraries, big data can provide new insight into patron use of library collections and resources. And when libraries move to sharing that data among themselves, it supplies the information needed for successful projects in cooperative storage and weeding, consortial collection development, and assessment of library services.

Join OCLC Member Services Consultant Eric Forte and a panel of Amigos librarians for an interactive webinar on this important topic. The session will include a presentation by Eric focusing on the types of big data available to libraries, followed by a panel discussion featuring Stephen Wynn at Truman State University, Cody Gregg at South Texas College, and Steven Thomas at Los Alamos County Library.

Copyright Law Update for Librarians, Faculty and Academic Administrators: The Courts Have Spoken

When:    Tuesday, November 5, 2013, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Central Time
Where:  Ellis Library, Room 4F51A
Format:  Group Webinar

Copyright issues have become increasingly visible in recent years. What do University faculty and staff need to know to access, create and share intellectual property? Join Joseph Storch, Associate Counsel in the State University of New York Office of General Counsel and the Chair of the Student Affairs Practice Group for a presentation and discussion about copyright as it applies to academia, including Fair Use, First Sale, and the Teach Act. Storch will share his analysis of recent court cases and discuss how they apply to our decisions about use of copyrighted material on our campuses.

This Webinar is open to all interested faculty and staff at MU. The Webinar is sponsored by ET@MO, MU Libraries and MizzouOnline.



Healthy for Life Update

Learn more about the exciting new Culture of Health Initiative
The Culture of Health Council invites the Healthy for Life Wellness Ambassadors and ALL interested faculty and staff to find out more about the Culture of Health Initiative on September 24th from 12-1pm in Memorial Union, N214/215.  Find out how to bring wellness into the workplace! Dr. Lynn Rossy, Health Psychologist for Healthy for Life, will be showing a brief presentation. Please RSVP by emailing

When:  Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Where: Memorial Union, N 214/215 (Benton/Bingham Ballroom)
Time:  12-1pm
Learn more about the Culture of Health

Protect yourself and the ones you care about from the flu by getting your FREE flu shot!
Free Flu shots are once again available to UM faculty, staff, dependents and retirees enrolled in both the myChoice Health Plan and myOptions Health Plans. Flu shots are sponsored by UM myTotal Rewards,  Healthy for Life and UM Faculty and Staff Benefits. Visit to learn more and view the schedule of events.

Are you Computing “Healthy”?
Do you experience back pain, wrist cramps, or headaches from working at your computer all day? If so, a Workstation Analysis, performed by the Adaptive Computing Technology (ACT) Center, may help alleviate some discomfort and prevent long-term injury.

People are all shapes and sizes; therefore, not every workstation can consist of the same set-up and computing tools while providing the same level of comfort and productivity. An ACT Center staff member is able to evaluate your personal workstation, at no cost, as well as provide suggestion on how to reduce strain in areas that may be causing pain. They can also provide suggestions for alternative computing tools to make you feel more comfortable throughout your day.  

The ACT Center believes that a Workstation Analysis can be beneficial in many ways:
•    Increase productivity
•    Boost morale
•    Reduce injury

Healthy computing starts with the proper posture and tools needed to make computing comfortable and productive.  Visit or contact the ACT Center at (573) 884-2600 to schedule an appointment.

Dealing with Chronic Illness?  Pain?  Anxiety?  Depression? REGISTER NOW for Stress Reduction Class
Healthy for Life invites you to engage in a program with three decades of research showing its efficacy at helping people who are coping with medical problems, job or family-related stress, anxiety, and depression. The 8 week Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Program provides tools for responding to the stress associated with illness and everyday life with greater skill and creativity using mindfulness meditation, yoga, and body scan and information about stress, communication, and wellness. Cost:  $40 for faculty, staff, retirees, and spouses/partners. Attend 7 of 8 classes and receive $20 rebate.


Orientation: Wednesday, September 25 (Memorial Union) at 5:30 p.m.
Class: Wednesdays (October 2-November 20) 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Retreat: Saturday, November 16 (9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.)

Program taught by Dr. Lynn Rossy.  
Register by contacting Craig Deken at

Make peace with your body.  Register for Fall Eat for Life Program – In Person or Online
Discover the benefits of this innovative approach to weight management through Healthy for Life’s Eat for Life course.  This 10-week program uses mind-body practices (meditations and yoga), the principles of mindful and intuitive eating, skills training, and group support to guide you in making lifestyle changes that will help you create a healthier relationship to your food, mind, and body. If you have a history of chronic dieting, have rigid “healthy” rules about eating, or find yourself eating when you’re stressed, bored, or unhappy, this may be the program for you.

For more information: watch informational videos

In Person Class:
Orientation: Tuesday, September 24, 5:15 p.m. – 6:15 p.m.  
Class: Tuesdays, October 1 – December 10, 5:15 p.m. – 6:15 p.m.  
Cost: $50 for faculty, staff, retirees, and partners/spouses ($25 rebate with full participation); $180 for community members

Online Class:
Online Orientation: week of September 27
Online Class: week of October 4 – week of December 6
Online Class Registration Deadline: September 23
Cost: $50 for faculty, staff and family members ($25 rebate with full participation); $180 for community members
Program is taught by health psychologist, Dr. Lynn Rossy.
Register by emailing Craig Deken Deken at        

Now enrolling for fall physical activity classes

•    Sept. 9 – Oct. 28 (Mondays): Pilates. Hill Hall, 305. Class meets every Monday from 12:10-12:40 p.m.  No registration is needed and costs $3 per class. Class is taught by Tina Price. For questions, email Tina at
•    Sept. 11 – Oct. 30 (Wednesday): Pilates. Townsend 222. Class meets every Wednesday from 12:10-12:40 p.m.  No registration is needed and costs $3 per class. Class is taught by Tina Price. For questions, email Tina at
•    Sept. 17-Nov.5 (Tuesday): Tai Chi. Ellis Library Room 5, State Historical Society of Missouri Art Gallery from 12:00-1:00 p.m. Enjoy the Zen and the artistry of the gallery with a well-known local Tai Chi instructor, Kenneth Greene. Registration is needed with maximum of 12 participants. Fee: A donation is appreciated. Register at  
•    Sept. 19-Nov.7 (Thursday): drop in Yoga. Ellis Library Room 5, State Historical Society of Missouri Art Gallery. Class meets every Thursday from 12:15-12:45 p.m. Immerse yourself in the restorative experience of the gallery with the added benefit of Glenda Moum’s instruction.  No registration is needed. Fee: $1 per class. If you have questions, email Glenda at


Webinar: Creating SuDoc Classes and Item Numbers

Sponsor:  U.S. Government Printing Office
When:  Wednesday, June 12, 2013 – 1:00 pm
Where:  Ellis Library, Room 4F51A
40 minutes
Summary: This Webinar will show you how Superintendent of Documents (SuDoc) classes and their associated item numbers are created. Participants will learn how LSCM staff determine appropriate SuDoc classes and item numbers and what resources are utilized when researching available numbers. Helpful resources you can use when working with either will also be highlighted.


Library Support Staff Certification Webinars

Join us for one or more of this set of three webinars on the ALA Library Support Staff Certification program.  All webinars will be viewed in Rm. 4F51A at the posted times:

Wednesday, April 24th, 2pm Central Time – An Introduction to the LSSC Program
LSSC will offer an hour-long webinar on the program and how it works.  The presentation will explain the value of this certification to Library Support Staff, employers, and library users. You will also have the opportunity to have all of your questions answered by program staff members.

Thursday, April 25th, 12pm Central Time – Conversations with Graduates
LSSC will offer an hour-long an informational webinar which will feature two LSSC Graduates. The Graduates will offer their opinions on the program as well as comments on their experience working towards Support Staff Certification. This is an opportunity to hear about the program from two people who have worked through it and completed it successfully.

Monday, April 29th, 2pm Central Time – Preparing a Portfolio
Many LSSC candidates want to prepare portfolios to meet LSSC requirements.  LSSC will offer an hour-long webinar explaining what the LSSC Program requires in a portfolio. The presentation will also give you the chance to see examples of successful submissions and learn how your portfolio will be evaluated.

For questions or further information, contact Karla Geerlings (

NISO/Dublin Core Webinars at MU Libraries

Deployment of RDA (Resource Description and Access) Cataloging and its Expression as Linked Data
April 24, 2013 – noon-1:30
Ellis 4F51A

One year after a seminar at the British Library on Dublin Core, the semantic web, and RDA, this webinar will review progress towards metadata profiles based on RDA and discuss the ideas about exposing RDA-based data in the Linked Data cloud.

More information:

Semantic Mashups Across Large, Heterogeneous Institutions: Experiences from the VIVO Service
May 22, 2013 – noon-1:30
Ellis 4F51A

VIVO is a semantic web application with data on researchers and research publications in the life sciences.  The service uses open-source software originally developed and implemented at Cornell University.  Data includes information on researcher interests, activities, and accomplishments.  VIVO provides automated and self-updating processes for improving data quality and authenticity, and the data can be re-used by other systems.  This webinar will include discussion on the practicalities of building a Semantic-Web search service using existing data at large, diverse institutions and will highlight services that leverage data in innovative ways.

More information:

Amigos Virtual Member Online Conference in May

The Amigos 2013 virtual Annual Member Conference will be held May 15-16. The theme is Ingenuity, Imagination, and Innovation: Using Creative Solutions in Today’s Library. See below for sessions, times, and locations.

Wednesday, May 15
• Keynote: Bringing your creative thoughts to work – Ellis 4F51A
o Among other ideas, Andrew Sanderbeck will present three things you can do differently at home and two things you can do differently at work to creatively and solve problems.

• a) Show, Don’t Tell: Libraries and Video Content – Ellis 4D12
o Kyle Constant, Trails Regional Library will share lessons learned when acquiring and learning to use equipment and software to create high-quality video content.
• b) Librarian Design Share – Ellis 4G41
o Presenters will discuss the processes they go through and the tools they use to create their library designs.
• c) Get Off Your High Horse: How Functional Are Your Work Teams? – Ellis 4F51A
o There’s no “I” in team but the personal attributes and behaviors that individuals bring to the work place greatly influence the work that does or doesn’t get done. Because horses mirror human thoughts, emotions and behaviors, equine-assisted learning activities can be structured to open and facilitate difficult discussions about how team members relate to each other, approach problem solving, and accomplish the work of an organization.

• Getting Digi With It – Ellis 4F51A
o Presenters, involved with the Houston Area Digital Archives, will share the exciting methods they use to highlight their digital collections.
• Playing Catch-Up with Technology – Ellis Room 159
o Presenter will discuss what’s new, what different, and what is surprising.
• Creative Solutions: Using Workflows in SharePoint for e-resource Cataloging – Felicity’s office – Ellis Room 52
o Prioritizing and processing the cataloging for new e-resources can be difficult to manage because there are no physical items sitting on a shelf demanding your attention. Presenters will show how they used SharePoint to passing MARC records and other information from the Acquisitions unit to the Cataloging unit, etc.

Thursday, May 16
• How Many Librarians Does It Take to Change a Light Bulb? – Ellis Room 159
o George Needham will introduce John Kotter’s framework for introducing, leading, and embedding change.
• From Bandwagon to Volkswagen: How to Transition to the Future-Friendly Web – Ellis 4G41
o This session will review LC’s “Bibliographic Framework as a Web of Data: Linked Data Model and Supporting Services,” known as BibFrame, which was released November 21, 2012. Topics will include evolution of the web, components of the BibFrame model and sample RDF instances of BibFrame components.

• Tools and Techniques for Making Creative Management Decisions – Ellis Room 159
o This session will review tools and techniques to use in making decisions and how to avoid common traps so that you can apply creativity to the decision-making process.
• Exploring a New Dimension: 3D Printing in an Academic Library – Ellis 4G41
o This session will describe SIU’s Lovejoy Library’s implementation of the service and the equipment and software involved.
• Creating a Research Award – Ellis 4D12
o Are you looking for ways to promote your library, demonstrate your library’s value, and recognize academic achievement? Have you considered creating a research award? This presentation will focus on the establishment of a research prize that was created at MidAmerica Nazarene University. The presenter will discuss initial steps taken in creating a research award, how it has been implemented, and how the prize is awarded. The presentation will include successes and failures experienced during the first year of implementation.

• Leading from the Library: Using Creativity and Connections to Leverage Change – Ellis Room 159
o As leaders of their libraries and connectors within their larger organizations and communities, librarians are in a unique position to drive, encourage, and enable change. Whether you are the quintessential quiet type or more gregarious in nature, you can find creative ways to improve your library and community. In this session, Downey will outline ways that you can leverage your position as a librarian and use creative problem solving techniques to be a change agent.

Electronic Resources & Libraries 2013 Online Conference Schedule

The MU Libraries have registered for the Electronic Resources & Libraries 2013 online conference for March 18-20. They will be broadcasting sessions from multiple tracks simultaneously, so we have reserved several rooms in Ellis Library.  Below is the schedule of sessions, locations and links to brief session descriptions.  You are welcome to attend any session.  We will have archival access to the recordings for one year.  If there are two sessions broadcast at the same time that interest you, contact me and we’ll arrange for you to view the recording of the one you miss when it is available.

If you have any questions, please contact me.


Electronic Resources & Libraries Conference Schedule

Monday, March 18 – Ellis Library Room 4F51A

Monday, March 18 – Ellis Library Room 213

Monday, March 18 – Ellis Library Room 4G41

Tuesday, March 19 – Ellis Library Room 4F51A

Tuesday, March 19 – Ellis Library Room 4G41

Wednesday, March 20 – Ellis Library Room 4F51A

Wednesday, March 20 – Ellis Library Room 4G41