Nixon Proclaims Oct. 2009 to Be Health Literacy Month

Missouri Governor Jay Nixon proclaimed October 2009 to be Health Literacy Month and recognized Health Literacy Missouri for its commitment to “involving people, communities and organizations in ways that improve health literacy.” Health Literacy Missouri launched its video which can be found on You Tube at

Health Literacy Missouri, headed by Dr Arthur Culbert, interim director, is a resource center for the state of Missouri that defines health literacy as “getting and using easy-to-understand information about your health”. In 2006, the Missouri Foundation for Health launched the Health Literacy Enhancement program, now known as Health Literacy Missouri, to improve health literacy in Missouri. The Foundation convened interested individuals from around the state to work in addressing health literacy on a statewide level.

A key component of Health Literacy Missouri is the Health Literacy Resource Library which brings together reviewed health literacy materials in a centralized location, searchable through a web-based interface, and which creates a foundational base for health literacy activities nationwide. Materials in the library have been selected for their relevance and include links to literature, readability and assessment tools, websites, curriculum, games, and patient materials in plain language and multiple languages. Materials are cataloged with health literacy domains, intended use, target audience and resource format. Users will be able to access the resources with a simple search box, advanced search boxes, or a guided search option to make accessing materials easy. Many of the resources in the library will be further evaluated for ease of use, soundness of approach, design and layout for intended purpose, and evidence base.

The website will launch later this year.

The Library Expert Group leading this effort combines the specialized knowledge and skills of health science librarians from the J. Otto Lottes Health Science Library at the University of Missouri and the Missouri Area Health Education Center (MAHEC) Digital Library.

Water Damage at The State Historical Society of Missouri

Columbia—At approximately 5:30 p.m. yesterday, September 30, 2009, State Historical Society of Missouri Associate Director Lynn Wolf Gentzler was notified by University of Missouri Ellis Library security personnel of a water leak in a storage room of the Society’s headquarters in Ellis Library on the university campus. Upon inspection, Gentzler learned that the “water leak” was the consequence of a malfunctioning sprinkler head from the fire suppression system in a room used to store duplicate copies of documents and publications. The malfunctioning sprinkler triggered the Ellis Library fire alarm, which, in turn, alerted Columbia firefighters who arrived on the scene within minutes. There was no fire.

Gentzler quickly notified Society director Gary Kremer and other Society employees, who assembled immediately to assess the damage to collections and begin the cleanup operation. Damage was confined to multiple, backup copies of state documents, primarily Missouri state agency reports from the 1970s to the early 1990s. Missouri statute provides for the deposit of multiple copies of such reports with the State Historical Society.

No unique, one-of-a-kind materials were damaged. Society staff members are working with university fire personnel to identify and replace aged and potentially faulty sprinkler heads such as the one that precipitated this incident. At no time were any original manuscripts or rare books in danger. Nor was there any threat to the Society’s rich art collection that contains scores of works by Missouri’s two most famous artists, George Caleb Bingham and Thomas Hart Benton. Indeed, contrary to earlier reports, the Society’s art gallery and art storage area contains no sprinkler system.

Cleanup by Society staff will continue through the day on October 1, 2009, with the hope that the process will be completed by the end of the week, October 2. Normal patron services at the Society will not be interrupted by the ongoing cleanup and restoration efforts.

For further information, contact State Historical Society Executive Director Gary Kremer at 573/882-7083.

Jones and Graves Conducted Webinar on Presentations

Barb Jones & Rebecca Graves conducted a webinar, “Mastering the Art of Presenting” for the National Network of Libraries of Medicine’s Breezing along with the RML series on September 16. The program has been archived here (click on “Advanced Options” in the lower left to locate presentation 2, about 18 minutes into the presentation):

Fire Department Demonstration on Sept. 23

On Wednesday, September 23th, on Lowry Mall and 9th Street, from 10:30am – 2:30pm the Columbia Fire Department will by demonstrating the power of fire. One of the way’s they’re doing so is by burning down a replica of a dorm room, right on the Speaker’s Circle at 11:50am. Campus facilities will be shutting off the Library air handlers for the demonstration. We shouldn’t smell the smoke in the building.

Exhibit Opening: The Changing Face of Medicine, Oct. 5

The Changing Face of Medicine exhibit will be here in two weeks and library staff are invited to the opening reception.

Exhibit Opening: The Changing Face of Medicine
Join us for an opening celebration & presentation of the Changing Face of Medicine.

October 5, 2009
3:30 p.m.
Medical Sciences Building Atrium & J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library

For more information about the exhibit and additional events, visit

August and September Library Start Date Anniversary Recognition

August Library Start Date Anniversary Recognition
8/2/1971, Carol Turner
8/12/1974, Goodie Bhullar
8/20/1975, Ellen Blair
8/11/1977, John Wesselmann
8/31/1982, Karla Geerlings
8/1/1984, Charlotte Mustain
8/6/1984, Tammy Green
8/17/1987, Mary Hainen
8/20/1989, Brenda Graves-Blevins
8/28/1989, Laura Buck
8/25/1993, Cindy Cotner
8/1/1997, Nina Johnson
8/2/1999, Rachel Brekhus
8/12/1999, Leo Agnew
8/7/2000, Marie Concannon
8/13/2001, Wayne Sanders
8/19/2002, Dan Akins
8/2/2004, Billi Heater
8/1/2005, Kris Anstine
8/8/2005, Amanda Sprochi
8/15/2005, Will McCrary
8/21/2006, Sharon Gaughan
8/21/2006, Renee Ratna
8/1/2007, Jee Davis
8/6/2007, Katie Carr
8/10/2008, Sheena Waggoner
8/11/2008, Renita Richmond
8/18/2008, Julia Rogers

September Library Start Date Anniversary Recognition
9/2/1980, Wayne Barnes
9/13/1982, Shelley Worden
9/4/1984, Rebecca Schedler
9/11/1989, Sue Barnes
9/1/1994, Rhonda Whithaus
9/1/1998, Ryan Bish
9/28/1998, Mark Ellis
9/8/2000, Dan Dodd
9/5/2001, Sean Witzman
9/10/2001, Terry Brooks
9/9/2002, Anselm Huelsbergen
9/6/2005, Kate Anderson
9/18/2006, Nora Tamm
9/5/2006, David Shay
9/3/2008, Karen Marshall
9/8/2008, Cara Blome
9/8/2008, Dustin Hoffmann
9/28/2008, Cathy Heckmaster
9/29/2008, Jessica Renze

Healthy for Life Update

Live Well, Be Well…
As part of the University of Missouri family, your health and wellness is top priority. Healthy for Life: The T.E. Atkins UM Wellness Program is here to help. With a variety of programs and resources, we encourage you to take charge of your health. Visit to view Healthy for Life’s website. Here you will find newsletters (current and past issues), success stories, upcoming events and information about all our programs.

Save the Date: Wellness Fairs
Healthy for Life will be holding its annual wellness fairs in October. If you have ideas or would like to volunteer, let us know! This year’s focus will be Metabolic Syndrome, a condition that can increase the risk of heart disease and Type II diabetes. There will be free screenings: blood pressure, cholesterol,blood sugar, height, and weight. In addition, there will be many exhibitors providing interactive tables. Mark your calendars!
• MU- Reynolds Alumni Center; Thursday, Oct. 22nd, 8 a.m.– 3 p.m.
• MUHS- University Hospital; Thursday, Oct. 29th, 8 a.m.– 3 p.m.

July Newsletter
The new monthly issue is now available on the Healthy for Life website. If you’d like to receive this newsletter in your inbox each month, e-mail Melissa Willett at with the subject line “Add to Newsletter”.

Yoga Opportunities- Now Enrolling
There are currently three new office yoga opportunities for only $2 per session! Contact YogaFit instructor, Ashley Jenkins, at to enroll. Space is limited to enroll today. All experience levels welcome!

• Mondays, July 27-Aug. 17. Classes meet 12:10-12:50 p.m. in the Woodrail Conference Room. $8 enrollment fee for 4-week session. Please register by July 22nd.

• Tuesdays, Aug. 25-Oct. 20. Classes meet 12:10-12:50 p.m. in Memorial Union. $16 enrollment fee per 8-week session.

• Thursdays, Aug. 27-Oct. 22. Classes meet 12:10-12:50 p.m. in Memorial Union. $16 enrollment fee per 8-week session.

Now Recruiting
Have you ever wanted to complete a marathon, half marathon or triathlon? Feel like you need additional support to reach your goal? Team in Training might be just what you’re looking for. In exchange for raising funds that will support the research and patient service activities of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, you will receive: four to five months of personalized fitness training by certified coaches, a supportive group of teammates, and event entry, lodging and airfare where applicable. Participants also receive tools and support to attain their fundraising goals. The best way to learn about the program is to attend one of the informational meetings listed below. For additional information please contact Dana Hughes at

• Thursday, August 6 a.m.- 6:30 p.m.; The ARC, 1701 W. Ash St
• Friday, August 7 – Noon; Toll-free Conference Call Dial 1-800-391-1709 and enter 131247 at the prompt
• Tuesday, August 11 – 6:00 p.m.; Shakespeare’s Pizza West, 3304 Broadway Business Park Ct

Library Anniversary Brings Spotlight to Columbia History

July 2, 2009
Contact: William Stolz (573) 882-0188

Library anniversary brings spotlight to Columbia history
By The State Historical Society of Missouri/Western Historical Manuscript Collection-Columbia

COLUMBIA, MO—Learn more about the founding of the Daniel Boone Regional Library system and a pivotal decade in American life as Bill Stolz presents “The History of Columbia, 1949-1959” at the Daniel Boone Regional Library at 7 p.m. on Thursday, July 16, 2009. Stolz, assistant director of reference at Western Historical Manuscript Collection-Columbia, will examine the decade leading to the creation of the library system in 1959, and how Columbia’s landscape changed in the ten-year period.

“The History of Columbia” presents a view of the social history and changes in the built environment of the community. Stolz will discuss how life changed for Boone County citizens and provide details about the growth and construction projects that created many now-familiar landmarks. Stolz will also answer speculation as to whether the city was graced with a visit by President Harry S. Truman.

“The History of Columbia” will take place in the Daniel Boone Regional Library’s Friends Room and is part of the library system’s 50th anniversary celebration. The program is free and open to the public. For more information, call the Western Historical Manuscript Collection-Columbia at (573) 882-6028.

About Western Historical Manuscript Collection-Columbia
Western Historical Manuscript Collection-Columbia (WHMC-C) is a joint collection of the University of Missouri and The State Historical Society of Missouri. Located on the University of Missouri campus in Ellis Library, WHMC-C collects, preserves, and makes available records that illuminate the history of Missouri and the Great Plains region. The constantly growing collection is a rich resource for business, political, and social history.
Western Historical Manuscript Collection is a state-wide resource with branches on each University of Missouri campus at Columbia, Kansas City, Rolla, and St. Louis:

About The State Historical Society of Missouri
Founded in 1898 by the Missouri Press Association and a trustee of the state since 1899, the Society is the preeminent research facility for the study of the Show Me State’s heritage and a leader in programming designed to share that heritage with the public. Through educational outreach, such as the Missouri History Speakers’ Bureau and genealogy workshops, or the performing arts, like MoHiP Theatre, the Society not only brings Missouri history to the state’s citizens, but also gives Missourians the tools to uncover the history in their own lives.