The MU Libraries’ 2010 United Way Campaign ends Friday, October 15th. With about a week left, we urge you to make your pledge, if you have not already contributed, and to personally help this concept of giving improve the lives of thousands in the community.
Please send your United Way Pledge form to:
Ellis, Mark Executive Staff Assistant I
Administration, 104 Ellis 882-9169 EllisMW@missouri.edu
Even if, at this time, you can only afford a relatively small gift, your donation may make a significant difference in the life of someone living in this area due to the efficiency of the Heart of Missouri United Way. This link will take you to a video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgFzmApnTOw illustrating the scope of United Way efforts in Mid-Missouri. If you would like to talk to someone personally about the campaign, please contact one of the members of the MU Libraries Heart of Missouri United Way Campaign Committee:
Hainen, Mary Library Information Specialist II
Catalog Dept, 52 Ellis 882-4814 HainenM@missouri.edu
Riley, Ann Associate Director of the Access, Collections, and Technical Services Division, 52 Ellis Library 882-1685 RileyAC@missouri.edu
Roper, Paula Social Sciences Librarian
Ellis Reference, 168 Ellis 882-3326 RoperP@missouri.edu
Last year, the MU Libraries’ participation in the United Way was the highest it had ever been. Please send in your pledge to ensure that this level of support continues.
Pledge forms received by the October 15, 2010 will be entered into the second drawing for concert tickets. Each winner will receive one set of tickets. There will be 5 sets awarded—a set consists of 2 tickets to the same event.
Grand Prize: The names of all of those who return their forms by October 15th will be entered in a drawing for, not a $50, but a $75 Columbia Mall gift certificate. In addition to Mall stores, many other merchants in the area now accept this gift card.
If you have returned your pledge form or intend to do so, accept or sincerest thanks,
Mary Hainen, Ann Riley, & Paula Roper – MU Libraries’ United Way Campaign Committee