What’s New in the Catalog Department?

We’ve changed some assignments in the Catalog Department. These changes follow our increasing emphasis on cataloging different types of material including online resources, uncataloged Special Collections material and non-print material such as maps and images. Also, with these changes Felicity is no longer doing double duty as a unit head and department head.

Units and assignments as of August 1 are:

Felicity Dykas, Head of the Catalog Department
Personnel: Gary Cunningham; Assignments: MERLIN maintenance and projects

Books, Rare Materials, and Music Unit
* Personnel: Wayne Sanders (Unit Head), Jerri Eldridge, Mary Hainen, Alan Jones and Suzanne Lippard.
* Assignments: Cataloging of print books, rare materials, manuscripts, theses and dissertations, new government documents, kits, scores and sound recordings. Reclassing material.

Catalog Management Unit
* Personnel: E.S. Bent (Unit Head), Jack Batterson, Dan Dodd, Ruthe Morse and Colleen Smith.
* Assignments: Transfers, withdrawals, reinstatements, replacements, MERLIN corrections and updating and government document retrospective cataloging.

Digital Resources Unit
* Personnel: Mary Aycock (Unit Head), Rebecca Schedler and a GLA.
* Assignments: Online and computer media e-book cataloging and MOspace metadata creation and maintenance.

Serials and Authority Unit
* Personnel: Karla Geerlings (Unit Head) and Carol Turner.
* Assignments: Cataloging serials (all formats) and databases, serial and checkin record maintenance and post-cataloging authority work.

Special Projects Unit
* Personnel: Jee Davis (Unit Head), Mary Amann and Alan Bloom.
* Assignments: Cataloging locally digitized resources, videorecordings, maps, collections and images (e.g., posters, photographs).

Current organizational chart: http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/staff/catalogdept/catalogdeptorg.doc

Questions? Please email or call Felicity Dykas (882-4656).

Catalog Department Can Now Add Series Records to WorldCat

In May, Wayne Sanders attended NACO series training at the Library of Congress. This means that the Catalog Department is now able to add authority records for series to OCLC WorldCat. In addition, the Library of Congress incorporates these records into their authority file. Prior to this training we were only able to create local records for MERLIN. Now the series authority records we create will be used by libraries worldwide and will ensure consistency in the work we all do.