Graduation Day

Congratulations to Amy Lana, Sue Schuermann and Sheena Waggoner on ‘graduating’ from Supervisor 101. Their time and participation in the course deserves recognition. Supervisor 101 is designed to provide employees with a better working knowledge of select MU HR policies and procedures.

Leo Agnew
HR Manager

Tech Tip

Find Information Faster: Organize Your Computer
Published: September 27, 2005
By Katherine Murray

If you’ve been using your computer for more than 6 months, it’s probably safe to say that you don’t need all the files and e-mail messages stored there. When left untreated too long, an unorganized computer will perform slower and make it more difficult for you to find the information you need. If that’s the case, it’s a great time to make sure your computer is cleaned up and ready to roll for your next upcoming project or assignment. This article can help you get started.

For more information, contact PT Martin.

Tech Tip: Keep Computing Safe at Home

Triple Monitor Home Workspace (Overkill?)
Image by blandname via Flickr

The Division of IT provides, free of charge, Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition software for faculty, student and staff to use on home computers. Their philosophy is to keep as many systems that are in any way affiliated with the University as “clean” as possible so that we can keep the campus network free of intruders.

This software is available as a free download via the Software Distribution Site . The Distribution Site can be accessed from your personal computer; you will need to authenticate using your pawprint and pawprint password. Please be sure to get the appropriate version for your operating system (Vista, Windows XP, Mac OSX).

LTS will also make CDs available to those that would like them.

PT Martin

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Tech Tip

You can hit the Control key and A key within a text document to “select all” the text. This is an easy way to select all the text in a word file or Web page in order to copy and paste it into another place.

Tech Tip

Click at the point where you want the highlighting to begin. Now hold down the Shift key and click at the point where you want the highlighting to end. Everything in between will be highlighted immediately.

Tech Tip

Are you tired of navigating through a lot of folders to get to the file or folder that you need? You can create a shortcut to a file or folder by right clicking on it, and selecting “create shortcut.” A shortcut file will be created in the same folder that you are in (It’ll have a small white box with in arrow in it). You can drag this shortcut anywhere you want and click on it to get to exactly the file or folder you want.

Tech Tip

Does your outlook email have folders? You can create folders in outlook that you can file messages into if you want. Right click your inbox and click on new folder. Name your folder and click ok. You can also create subfolders by right clicking a folder and creating a new folder too.