The 1st floor women’s restroom in Ellis Library is scheduled to be closed starting June 13 to begin the renovation.
The 1st floor women’s restroom in Ellis Library is scheduled to be closed starting June 13 to begin the renovation.
Security applied for and was awarded $20,000 from the Student Fees Capital Improvements Committee to upgrade the security camera system in Ellis Library. Additional security cameras should be in place by the fall semester.
At 2 a.m. on the second Sunday in March, we set our clocks forward one hour ahead of Standard Time for Daylight Saving Time.
Stop by the security office with your MU ID to pick up two free jump drives. They can be for personal use or work related. The sizes start out under 1GB and go up to 2 GB. They will be available for one week starting Monday January 23rd through Friday January 27th or until supplies last.
On Wednesday, Dec. 21, there will be an electrical outage for all of Ellis Library due to work by Campus Facilities. This will start at 5:30 p.m. and end at 9 p.m. IT has asked that everyone in Ellis Library make sure their computer and all electrical devices are turned off during this time.
The MU Recreation Trail will not be cleared after a winter weather event.
Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to update their cell phone and text messaging contact information in order to receive notification in the event of an emergency that has the potential to affect your health and safety. The MU Alert system will automatically call your cell phone with a voice message, send a text message to your cell phone and send an e-mail message to your university e-mail account, in that order. If you respond that you have received the message, the call sequence will cease.
Enrollment in this program is free. The university will not use this contact information except in an emergency. For more on MU Alert, including how to update your contact information, visit
Feel free to stop at either security desk and pick up a card with all the MU Alert system information on it.
MUPD and Ellis Library Security will be providing a FREE bike/electronics (laptops, iPads, e-readers, etc.) registration and engraving session in Ellis Library for the 2011 Fall Semester on Wednesday, September 7th 9am – 1pm and Thursday, September 8th from noon – 4pm. DoIT will also have a help station set up for any computer questions or problems. The event will take place on the first floor of Ellis Library in the colonnade. All students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to be proactive in protecting their property.
On Tuesday, August 2nd from 9 a.m. -11 a.m., we invite all departments to come look over all used supplies and equipment in our surplus area that you could use in your department. On Wednesday, August 3rd from 9 a.m. -11 a.m., all items departments cannot use will be available for all staff to take home for personal use. Personal items must be taken out of the surplus room by Wednesday at 1:30 pm and removed from the library by 5:00pm, unless other arrangements are made with security. The surplus room is located on the ground floor at the bottom of the center stairwell. If you have any questions please contact Pat Jones in security.
One of the antique black light poles at the north entrance of Ellis Library was damaged during maintenance. It is down and being repaired. We are not yet sure when it will be back up.
–Pat Jones