New Posts, Nov. 5-9

  1. Construction Noise in Ellis Library Next Week
  2. Digital Humanities Colloquium, Nov. 13
  3. Action and Information Items from LMT, Oct. 23
  4. MU Libraries Staff in the News
  5. New Job Posting: Digital Curator-Journalism/Mass Media
  6. Healthy for Life Update
  7. Updates from the Ellis Library Space and Facilities Advisory Council
  8. Freeman Completes Quality Matters Training
  9. MULSA Halloween Costume Contest Winners
  10. Ellis Library ILL Receives Two Stars for Best Practices in Resource Sharing
  11. Holiday Food Drive
  12. Nov. and Dec. Webinars on Digitization and Text Mining
  13. Bryant Publishes Book Review in Journal of Access Services
  14. Library Assembly Minutes, Oct. 16

News Posts, Oct. 22-26

  1. United Way: Aaaand the Winner Is. . . .
  2. Open Access Week at MU Libraries is Oct. 29-Nov. 2
  3. Flu Shot Clinic in Ellis Library on Nov. 1
  4. DAC Presents Dr. Dennis Kelley on Storytelling and Mythmaking of Native Americans
  5. Vote on November 6
  6. Healthy for Life Update
  7. Director’s Calendar: October 29-November 2
  8. MU MERLIN Advisory Committee Meeting
  9. Digitization Interest Group Meeting
  10. Position Opening: Library Information Assistant
  11. Homecoming Open House, Oct. 27

New Posts, Oct. 15-19

  1. Homecoming Open House, Oct. 27
  2. Faculty Lecture Series Presents Dr. Devoney Looser, Oct. 23
  3. ARL Hosts Webcast on Landmark HathiTrust Decision and the Implications for Research Libraries
  4. Welcome to Peter Johnson
  5. Director’s Calendar: Oct. 22-26
  6. United Way: Aaaaand the Winner is. . . .
  7. LMT Action and Information Items, 9/11/12
  8. LMT Action and Information Items, 9/18/12
  9. LMT Action and Information Items, 10/2/12
  10. Webinar: RDA for the Non-Cataloger and More
  11. New MUSE Posts
  12. Name Change: Huntsucker Now Nelson
  13. Inclement Weather – Campus Closure Policies
  14. Schmick Wins MLA Poster Contest
  15. HathiTrust Update

New Posts, Oct. 8-12

  1. Director’s Calendar: Oct. 15-19
  2. United Way: Aaaaand the Winner Is. . .
  3. Healthy for Life Update and Flu Shot Schedule
  4. SDC Sponsors Healthy for Life Program, Oct. 25
  5. North Entrance of Ellis Closed on Saturday
  6. Tech Tip: Minimize Your Exposure to Email Spoofing
  7. HSL Librarian Publishes in Journal and Newsletter
  8. News Regarding HathiTrust
  9. Library Assembly Minutes, Sept. 25
  10. Graves Receives MCMLA Outstanding Achievement Award
  11. New MUSE Posts