NDSA Update

The January 2014 issue of the Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter <http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/news/newsletter/201401.pdf?loclr=blogsig> (pdf) is now available!

Included in this issue:

 *   Two digital preservation pioneers:  Steve Puglia and Gary Marchionini

 *   New NDSA Report:  Staffing for Digital Preservation

 *   GIS Data at Montana State Library

 *   Upcoming events:  NDSA regional meeting, ALA Midwinter, International Digital Curation Conference

 *   Interviews with W. Walter Sampson, Mitch Fraas and Cal Lee

 *   More NDSA news, articles on resources, web archiving and more

NDSA Update

Dear NDSA,

Happy holidays to you all. Here's the latest news on what has been happening in the NDSA.


Updating people about the National Agenda continues!

Posters on the 2014 National Agenda were presented at DLF and ANADP2. The 2014 National Agenda briefing at CNI was well attended with great questions.

Proposals for posters have been submitted to IDCC and IASST about the 2014 National Agenda. If you're attending a conference and would like to submit a presentation or poster about the 2014 National Agenda, contact Erin Engle eengle@loc.gov<mailto:eengle@loc.gov>.

Coordinating Committee Elections.

2014 NDSA Coordinating Committee elections were completed. Congratulations to:

*             Micah Altman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

*             Robin Ruggaber, University of Virginia Library

We will look forward their contributions and leadership.

NDSA member renewals are underway.

As you may be aware, the MOU between early NDSA member organizations and The Library of Congress will to expire on December 31, 2013. Your organization will receive a renewal request and a revised MOU if it has not already. Please feel free to contact Michelle Gallinger (mgal@loc.gov<mailto:mgal@loc.gov>) if you have any questions about the process.

SAVE THE DATE: for the NDSA Philly Regional Meeting and Unconference Thursday, January 23 – Friday, January 24, 2014 The Library Company of Philadelphia will be hosting Philadelphia's first National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) Meeting, to be held on January 23rd and 24th in 2014.  Please mark your calendars and stay tuned for more information on this event.  Speakers will include Emily Gore from the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) along with a talk about the National Agenda for Digital Stewardship (identifies and communicates the challenges, opportunities, and priorities for digital preservation activities in the United States) and other lightning talks themed on standards for digital preservation.

NDSA Philly Regional Questions? Please contact Nicole Scalessa, IT Manager, nscalessa@librarycompany.org<mailto:nscalessa@librarycompany.org>



Upcoming Conferences:

If you're going to one of the upcoming conferences, consider a meet up with other NDSA folks or mention of the NDSA work during your presentation. If you'd like to remind others about a conference or meeting you're hosting, please send an announcement to the list.

CurateGear 2014: Enabling the Curation of Digital Collections, 8 January 2014, Chapel Hill, NC

NDSA Philly Regional Meeting and Unconference, 23-24 January 2014, Philadelphia, PA

ALA MidWinter, 24-28 January 2014, Philadelphia, PA

Document Recognition and Retrieval XX (2013), 5 – 7 February 2013, San Francisco, California, USA

iConference 2013, 12 – 15 February 2013, Fort Worth, Texas, USA

Have You Read:

Just Released: Staffing for Effective Digital Preservation: An NDSA Report http://blogs.loc.gov/digitalpreservation/2013/12/just-released-staffing-for-effective-digital-preservation-an-ndsa-report/

Do You Have Digital Preservation Tools? COPTR Needs You!


Content Matters Interview: The Montana State Library, Parts One and Two http://blogs.loc.gov/digitalpreservation/2013/12/content-matters-interview-the-montana-state-library-part-two/

BitCurator's Open Source Approach: An Interview With Cal Lee http://blogs.loc.gov/digitalpreservation/2013/12/bitcurators-open-source-approach-an-interview-with-cal-lee/


Michelle Gallinger
Digital Programs Coordinator
Library of Congress
101 Independence Ave. SE
Washington, DC 20007

NDSA Update

  • The following individuals were elected to represent you on the NDSA Coordinating Committee:

*             Micah Altman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

*             Robin Ruggaber, University of Virginia


  • The minutes from the December 9 meeting of the NDSA Outreach WG are now available:


The group discussed the results of the its Fall 2013 survey on future Outreach group activities and actions. It is also starting a presentation series and is looking for suggestions for future speakers.

NDSA Update

Coordinating Committee Elections

2014 NDSA Coordinating Committee elections are underway. Vote via survey monkey (https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NDSACC2014) for

*             Micah Altman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

*             Robin Ruggaber, University of Virginia Library

One vote will be counted per member organization. More information about the candidates can be found here: http://www.loc.gov/extranet/wiki/osi/ndiip/ndsa/images/e/e5/NDSA_CC_Candidates-2014.pdf

Polls will close on December 6, 2013.

NDSA member renewals are underway.
As you may be aware, the MOU between early NDSA member organizations and The Library of Congress will to expire on December 31, 2013. Your organization will receive a renewal request and a revised MOU if it has not already. Please feel free to contact Michelle Gallinger (mgal@loc.gov<mailto:mgal@loc.gov>) if you have any questions about the process.

SAVE THE DATE: for the NDSA Philly Regional Meeting and Unconference Thursday, January 23 – Friday, January 24, 2014 The Library Company of Philadelphia will be hosting Philadelphia's first National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) Meeting, to be held on January 23rd and 24th in 2014.  Please mark your calendars and stay tuned for more information on this event.  Speakers will include Emily Gore from the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) along with a talk about the National Agenda for Digital Stewardship (identifies and communicates the challenges, opportunities, and priorities for digital preservation activities in the United States) and other lightning talks themed on standards for digital preservation.

NDSA Philly Regional Questions? Please contact Nicole Scalessa, IT Manager, nscalessa@librarycompany.org<mailto:nscalessa@librarycompany.org>



Thank you to those of you who filled out the NDSA Outreach survey! This information gathered from this survey will be circulated next month.

Check out the New Member Orientation and Resources page! This page helps answer questions about how to get involved and what's currently happening in the working groups.



Upcoming Conferences:

If you're going to one of the upcoming conferences, consider a meet up with other NDSA folks or mention of the NDSA work during your presentation. If you'd like to remind others about a conference or meeting you're hosting, please send an announcement to the list.

Cooperative Authority Control, 4 December 2013. NISO/DCMI Webinar

2013 Fall CNI Membership Meeting, 9-10 December 2013, Washington, DC December 9-10, 2013

Protocol for Exchanging Serial Content, 9 December 2013. NISO Open Teleconference

Library Linked Data: From Vision to Reality, 11 December 2013. NISO Webinar

CurateGear 2014: Enabling the Curation of Digital Collections, 8 January 2014, Chapel Hill, NC

NDSA Philly Regional Meeting and Unconference, 23-24 January 2014, Philadelphia, PA

ALA MidWinter, 24-28 January 2014, Philadelphia, PA


Have You Read:

The Future of Digital Equivalence and Significance http://blogs.loc.gov/digitalpreservation/2013/09/the-future-of-digital-equivalence-and-significance/

Archiving Web Content? Take the 2013 NDSA Survey!


Astronomical Data and Astronomical Digital Stewardship: An interview with Brian Schmidt http://blogs.loc.gov/digitalpreservation/2013/11/astronomical-data-and-astronomical-digital-stewardship-an-interview-with-brian-schmidt/

Guitar, Bass, Drums, Metadata: Musical Context for Long-term Preservation http://blogs.loc.gov/digitalpreservation/2013/11/guitar-bass-drums-metadata-musical-context-for-long-term-preservation/

NDSA Update

The polls for the 2014 NDSA Coordinating Committee elections are open! Cast your vote by close of business on Friday, December 6, 2013 here:


As a reminder, only one (1) ballot may be cast per member organization. The Program Representative or a designated proxy of each member organization may submit your organization's vote.

Biographies of each of the candidates are attached and available from:


Information about the Coordinating Committee:

There are three available seats available on the Coordinating Committee, so both candidates would have a seat if elected.   Current committee members are listed here:


The Coordinating Committee is dedicated to the advancement of Alliance activities and furthering communication within the Alliance.

The Coordinating Committee works with the Working Groups to articulate a long-term, strategic vision for the Alliance. The Committee assists the Alliance Members in evaluating the effectiveness of the Working Groups and eliminating unnecessary duplication of effort between the Working Groups. Participants in the Coordinating Committee will act as liaison with one or more of the Working Groups. The Coordinating Committee will recommend for the creation of new Working Groups or to disband Working Groups that are no longer actively serving the needs of the Alliance.

The Coordinating Committee is responsible for updating eligibility standards for membership in the Alliance as necessary. Coordinating Committee members may be nominated by Participants in the Alliance or may self nominate. Coordinating Committee members are elected by a simple majority of all votes cast over an open voting period, typically two weeks.

The Coordinating Committee members should represent the various communities that make up the NDSA.


The National Digital Stewardship Alliance Outreach Working Group has prepared to a survey to help it prioritize its activities over the coming year.

The purpose of this survey is to query NDSA members on the past, present and future activities of the Outreach WG and to determine broad NDSA interest in the activities worthy of the highest prioritization.

The Outreach WG is also interested in hearing your thoughts on how the group can provide the most benefit to the NDSA and the digital stewardship community moving forward.

The survey is available at:


All NDSA member organizations and members are welcome to submit responses. Please share with all in your organization that have participated in any NDSA activities (not just those of the Outreach WG).

We're in double digits on responses but could use a lot more to get an accurate picture of the NDSA needs so we've extended the deadline to participate.

Please respond by close of business on Friday November 22.

If you have any questions about the survey or Outreach WG activities please contact the Outreach WG co-chairs Carol Minton Morris (cmmorris@duraspace.org) or Butch Lazorchak (wlaz@loc.gov).

NDSA Update

Dear NDSA Membership:

The NDSA Coordinating Committee and Secretariat value, and are committed to, transparency and open exchange. A copy of the minutes from the September 11th regular monthly meeting of the leadership group is attached. All documentation for this meeting can be found on the wiki, available from:



Barrie Howard
Coordinator, Program Management
National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program Office of Strategic Initiatives The Library of Congress
101 Independence Avenue, SE
Washington DC 20540-1300


The November 2013 Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter <http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/news/newsletter/201311.pdf> is now available!

In this issue:

 *   Digital Preservation Pioneer:  Sam Brylawski

 *   Welcome NDSR Inaugural Class!

 *   New Report:  Preserving.exe

 *   Digital Portals to State and Community History

 *   NDSA Report on Geospatial Data

 *   Lists of Upcoming events and educational courses

 *   Interviews with Edward McCain and Emily Gore

 *   Articles on personal digital archiving, meetings reports, new resources, and more

NDSA Update

  • Are you or your employer involved in archiving web content? If so, you may be interested in the National Digital Stewardship Alliance's (NDSA) 2nd biannual survey of U.S. organizations that are actively involved or planning to archive web content. The goal of the survey is to better understand the U.S. web archiving landscape: similarities and differences in programmatic approaches, types of content being archived, tools and services being used, access modes being provided, and emerging best practices and challenges.

         The aggregate responses will be reported to NDSA members and summary results will be shared publicly, as was the case with the previous survey (see the final report here:      


         Any U.S. organization currently engaged in web archiving or in the process of planning a web archive is invited to take the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ndsawebarchiving.

         The survey will close on November 30, 2013.

  • The following Coordinating Committee members' terms of service are drawing to a close: Micah Altman, Blane Dessy, and Tyler Walters. We are all very grateful for their dedication and leadership since 2010.

    This leaves open three (3) Coordinating Committee positions for 3-year terms from December 2013  through December 2016. A description of the Coordinating Committee is available from the NDSA wiki, http://www.loc.gov/extranet/wiki/osi/ndiip/ndsa/index.php?title=Principles_of_Collaboration

    The Secretariat is now accepting nominations for these positions. If you have an interest in representing the NDSA community and serving on the Coordinating Committee, or would like to nominate someone you know who would be interested in serving, please send the following information listed below to ndsa@loc.gov<mailto:ndsa@loc.gov> by close of business Friday, November 8, 2013.

    All interested in serving are welcome to stand for election and current Coordinating Committee members are welcome to stand for re-election.



    Organization and Program Representative:

    Brief biography (200 words):

    Interest in serving on the Coordinating Committee (200 words):

    Communities you represent:

  • Register now for the Best Practices Exchange, being held November 13-15, 2013 in Salt Lake City, Utah! See www.bpexchange.org for details.

    The hotel deadline for conference rates is October 19th. You may book your room at http://www.radisson.com/saltlakecity/BPE. Please register for the conference itself by November 1st to help us with our planning. The registration form can be found here: http://archives.utah.gov/bpe-registration.html.

    We have a full schedule of presentations related to the preservation and access of electronic records. See the full schedule at Some adjustments to this schedule have been made over the last few days, so if you haven't checked recently, you will want to know when to catch your favorite speakers.

    Highlights of the Conference:

    *             Former U.S. Senator Bob Bennett will open the conference and help us understand how we can influence the powers that be to financially support archives.

    *             Milt Shefter, from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will be our keynote speaker, as well as provide a seminar for students and independent filmmakers.

    *             The Sundance Institute will screen one of its films, These Amazing Shadows.

    *             Experts in digitization with HUGE collections (FamilySearch and Ancestry.com) will be giving presentations as well as offering tours of their facilities.

    *             Updates will be given from the National Archives and Library of Congress about their initiatives

    *             Lots of tools, techniques, and collaboration/sustainability ideas will be offered.





NDSA Update

Register now for the Best Practices Exchange, being held November 13-15, 2013 in Salt Lake City, Utah! See www.bpexchange.org for details.

The hotel deadline for conference rates is October 19th. You may book your room at http://www.radisson.com/saltlakecity/BPE. Please register for the conference itself by November 1st to help us with our planning. The registration form can be found here: http://archives.utah.gov/bpe-registration.html.

We have a full schedule of presentations related to the preservation and access of electronic records. See the full schedule at Some adjustments to this schedule have been made over the last few days, so if you haven't checked recently, you will want to know when to catch your favorite speakers.

Highlights of the Conference:

*             Former U.S. Senator Bob Bennett will open the conference and help us understand how we can influence the powers that be to financially support archives.

*             Milt Shefter, from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will be our keynote speaker, as well as provide a seminar for students and independent filmmakers.

*             The Sundance Institute will screen one of its films, These Amazing Shadows.

*             Experts in digitization with HUGE collections (FamilySearch and Ancestry.com) will be giving presentations as well as offering tours of their facilities.

*             Updates will be given from the National Archives and Library of Congress about their initiatives

*             Lots of tools, techniques, and collaboration/sustainability ideas will be offered.

NDSA Update

Greetings NDSA members…

The next NDSA Outreach Working Group call on Monday Oct. 14 at 3:00 p.m. EASTERN will feature a presentation from Jason Griffey.

Jason is the Head of Library Information Technology at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and is involved in a number of creative endeavors that help communicate the value of librarianship, including the development of LibraryBox (http://librarybox.us/), a portable prividate digital distribution tool, and Library Boing Boing (http://boingboing.net/2011/12/15/announcing-library-boing-b.html). 

Jason will talk about some of his work and help us think about creative ways we can talk about (and do) our work.

Details to come.

Butch Lazorchak
Digital Archivist
Library of Congress
National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program wlaz@loc.gov
(202) 707-2603

NDSA Update

  • The notes from the 9/9/13 NDSA Outreach WG call are now available at


    The group is looking to engage the wider NDSA community on the priorities and strategies to most effectively utilize the skills of the Outreach WG. A survey to that effect will be coming down the pipe shortly.

  • The September 2013 Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter is now available.


    In this issue:

    *             The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada using the Levels of Digital Preservation

    *             The George Sanger Collection at UT Austin Videogame Archive

    *             An Analysis of Current Digital Preservation Policies

    *             What Is It That We Actually DO (at the Library of Congress)?

    *             Recent Interviews with: Matthew G. Kirschenbaum from the University of Maryland and Jason Scott from the Archive Team

    *             New and recently updated resources: The Digital Preservation Business Case Toolkit; The Activists' Guide to Archiving Video; Digital Preservation Videos for the Classroom; Digital Preservation in a Box; Rich Online Resources Documenting the 1963 March on Washington

    *             Other news: Help Pick Panels for the 2014 South By Southwest Conference; Xporting Digital Format Sustainability Descriptions as XML; Format Migration and More Launching Points for Applied Research

    *             Upcoming Events: National Book Festival, Sept. 21-22, Washington, DC; Cultural Heritage Archives: Networks, Innovation & Collaboration Symposium, Sept. 26-27, Washington, DC; 2013 DLF Forum, Nov. 3-6, Austin, TX; Best Practices Exchange, Nov. 13-15, Salt Lake City, UT; Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation: An Action Assembly, Nov. 18-20, Barcelona, Spain

    THATCamp Philly returns later this month for its third year! Held on September 27 and 28, 2013 in downtown Philadelphia at the Chemical Heritage Foundation is the premiere humanities and technology event of the year for Philadelphia. Apply now to participate in this free unconference where YOU get to determine what is on the agenda. This innovative and intensive participatory event will include one day of technical workshops (Friday, September 27) and one day of interactive sessions (Saturday, September 28). Attendees of THATCamp Philly will enrich essential emerging cultures of collaboration and technology in the fields of arts, education, technology, museums, libraries and archives.

  • Limited spaces! Apply now at http://2013.thatcampphilly.org/registration/ if you:

    -are interested in the digital humanities; -wish to share ideas with people in the greater Philadelphia region to develop strategies for improving access and understanding of the humanities; -wish to learn technical skills and tools to expand the reach and efficiency of humanities work; -wish to network with and help build a collegial community where we can rely on our colleagues' help, critiques, resources, ideas, and support; -are techie and think that you can contribute to cultural institutions' digital efforts; -are NOT techie but wish that you were; -are a student, scholar, or academic; -are broke: THATCamp Philly is free!

    For more information, go to http://2013.thatcampphilly.org/