Mizzou Advantage Updates: Facebook and Inaugural Art Contest

Mizzou Advantage is on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Columbia-MO/Mizzou-Advantage/151084541597168?v=wall

Check out upcoming Events and learn more about Mizzou Advantage.

You’ll also see information on the Mizzou Advantage Inaugural Juried Art Contest: http://www.missouri.edu/mizzou-advantage/art-contest/index.php

–Submitted by Kate Anderson, Mizzou Advantage Library Liaison

Panel Discussion: Making a Start in the Digital Humanities

Panel discussion with Print for the People members Mike Holland, Elizabeth Chang and Devoney Looser

Print for the People is a Mizzou Advantage project that explores the emergence of new contexts for rethinking the history of print and digital media in the humanities. Principle investigators for the project are Berkley Hudson (Journalism), Devoney Looser (English) and Mike Holland (MU Libraries, Special Collections & Rare Books).

The panel will address the possibilities and challenges of digitizing print materials for use by teachers, scholars, and students, as well as the state of thinking regarding the creation, architecture, use, and maintenance of digital humanities collections.

Looser and Chang recently returned from a week-long symposium in Dublin, Ireland, Digital Humanities Observatory. Michael Holland similarly returned from a weeklong symposium at the University of Virginia Rare Book School entitled, Digitizing the Historical Record. Each will briefly discuss their experiences at the two symposia in order to encourage audience participation.

MONDAY, Sept. 27, 2010


MU Librarians and Archivist Awarded Mizzou Advantage Grants

Three of twenty-six campus-wide Mizzou Advantage grants have been awarded to MU Librarians and Archivists: two in the network development category and one in the faculty fellow (research) category.

Congratulations to Kate Anderson, Dorothy Carner, and Mike Holland for collaborating with faculty and others from around the MU campus!


Creating Information Literacy by Rescuing Knowledge: Orphaned Newspaper Digitization and the “Dark Archive” Project
Denise Adkins (SISLT); Kate Anderson (MU Libraries); Brian Brooks (Journalism); John Budd (SISLT); Dorothy Carner (MU Libraries); Stephanie Craft (Journalism); Charles Davis (Journalism); Debra Mason (Center on Religion and the Professions); Earnest Perry (Journalism); Richard Reuben (Law); Lilliard Richardson (Truman School)

Print for the People
Michael Holland (MU Libraries); Berkely Hudson (Journalism); Devoney Looser (English)


The Architecture of Collaboration: Defining Networks, Developing Methods
Kate Anderson (MU Libraries); Mary Barile (Center for Arts and Humanities); Bill Bondeson (Center for Arts and Humanities); Roger Gafke (Journalism); Jeni Hart (Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis); Lindsay Leonard (Provost’s Office, SISLT); Tim Matisziw (Geography, Civil Engineering); Jack Schultz (Bond Life Sciences Center); Yi Shang (Computer Science); Chi-Ren Shyu (MU Informatics Institute); Douglas Steinley (Psychology); John Wedman (SISLT); Randall Westgren (Agribusiness).

The original RFP and other Mizzou Advantage documentation can be found in MOspace: https://mospace.umsystem.edu/xmlui/handle/10355/5477