Get a Free PC Safety Scan

If you have Windows on your home computer, chances are good that you’ve run across web sites and pop ups advertising FREE COMPUTER CLEANUP or WARNING! YOU ARE INFECTED WITH VIRUSES! Every month or so, mom sends me one of these messages to check out.

Ignore those!

However, Microsoft does offer a free service. You download several (free) plug-ins for your Internet Explorer web browser and your computer will be scanned. You can run a full scan of your computer or choose from security, clean up, or tune up options.

You must use Internet Explorer to use the service. Firefox won’t work. I wouldn’t recommend using this on a dial-up connection, unless you have some free time to let it download and run.

Bare in mind, software that “talks” directly to Microsoft will be installed, so don’t use this service if you are concerned about Microsoft having access to your computer.

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Office 2007 Migration

The Office 2007 migration is in progress. We will be contacting staff members individually to schedule a time to migrate files and e-mail.

If you are interested in receiving training on Office 2007, you may register for a DoIT session at If we get at least 8 people interested in getting training at once, we can get DoIT to have a custom course here in Ellis Library. LTS is also willing to have open labs to answer questions people may have.