Information and Action Items from LMT 12/30/14

Information Item: LMT discussed potential library renovation plans related to the Student Fee Proposal. 

  • The most compelling case to be made for the fee will be to illustrate to students how additional funding would create more study space and better access to instructional and student-centered services. 
  • A number of vague options and general directions for renovation need to be specified in order to finish the portion of the proposal that focuses on the physical layout of library space.

Several Issues and questions were raised that will be discussed further with Cyndi Curnutte of University Design Services on January 20th.

  • When enough specifics of the project are known, Cyndi can make estimates of the costs for the fee proposal.

    • She will also help produce promotional material such as “concept illustrations”.


Information and Action Items from LMT 1/6/15

ACTION ITEM: LMT resolved to recommend Library representation on the following MU IT Transition Subcommittees:

  • Research
  • Technology – User, Device and App Support
  • Technology – Infrastructure
  • Organizational Design & Structure
  • Web Standards

INFORMATION ITEM: Jeannette Pierce officially proposed the reorganization of the RAIS division that has been developed over the past six months.  Jeannette will compose an announcement to communicate with staff and will possibly review during the All Staff Meeting next week, if there is time. 

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT discussed vacancies in various departments throughout the Libraries.  They highlighted temporary solutions and resolved to further discuss what might be done in the longer term at a meeting when all members are present.  (Ann Riley was absent from this meeting.)

INFORMATION ITEM:  LMT discussed the tentative agenda for the upcoming All Staff Meeting on January 15:

  • Introduce new employees.
  • Review of the budget presentation that Jim made to the BAAC.

    • Budget Allocation Advisory Committee
  • Student Library Fee update by Matt Gaunt.
  • Renew Mizzou update – if there is any new information on progress at Jesse Hall.
  • Update on mold remediation project.  
  • Other possible topics if there is time on the agenda:

    • RAIS Reorganization Proposal.
    • Centennial update

The agenda will be finalized and communicated to staff prior to the meeting.

INFORMATION ITEM: MU Libraries is assembling a chronology of what transpired between the time MU Libraries discovered the mold and the end of 2014.   


Director’s Calendar January 12th – 16th

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Monday, January 12th
5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. – MU Alumni Association 2015 Geyer Award Reception, Jefferson City

Tuesday, January 13th
8:00-9:00 a.m. – UM Library Directors Meeting via TelePresence room, Ellis Library

2:00–3:30 p.m. – Library Management Team, Ellis Library

4:00-5:00 p.m. – Student Library Fee Working Group, Ellis Library

Thursday, January 15th
2:00-3:30 p.m. – MU Libraries All Staff Meeting, Ellis Auditorium

Information and Action Items from LMT 12/9/14

INFORMATION ITEM:  LSO funds – The budget office has deemed a portion of the strategic funds that the Library was scheduled to receive for three years as reoccurring rate money to cover the LSO material funding that was reduced as part of the 2% give-back. The LSO funds support material shared by all the Libraries in the 4 campus system.

INFORMATION ITEM:   LMT discussed the narrative that it is  being prepared for the Budget Allocation Advisory Council meeting on December 17th.  The overall message that the Library hopes to communicate to the council is that the University needs an AAU caliber library if it wants to improve the Universities AAU status. The narrative goes on to illustrate how the Libraries would use more strategic funding to support research through materials and services.

INFORMTION ITEM:  LMT reviewed the latest draft of the Student Fee Document – to be discussed at Student Fee Working Group (almost directly after this meeting). A student fee would focus on student-centered material and services.

INFORMATION ITEM:  LMT took a few minutes to look at and finalize the order of the Strategic Directions and Goals. The strategic directions and goals were discussed at the LMT retreat in June of 2014. A survey about prioritizing the goals was administered to MU Library employees in July 2014. Results were discussed in the All Staff meeting in August.  A final version and ordering of the goals based on the results of the survey would be added to the Mission, Vision, Values and Strategies document.

Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 12/2/14

INFORMATION ITEM: Budget Review report and invitation to BAAC.

Jim and Ellen Blair met with the Interim Provost and Campus Budget Officer Rhonda Gibler to review the MU Library budget projections.  No new reaction or news to report. Jim and Ellen have been invited to discuss the MU Libraries Budget at the December 17th meeting of the campus BAAC – Budget Allocation Advisory Committee.  

INFORMATION ITEM:  The MU Libraries All Staff Meeting will be scheduled for January 15th, 2-3:30 p.m., in Ellis Auditorium.  A tentative agenda was discussed.

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT discussed holding a mold program to follow-up on the Mold situation which would allow a time to give a detailed update and further thanks to those who did so much work in response. (Like was done for the Ellis Library fire.) Mid-June was discussed as a time to schedule. 

Director’s Calendar December 8th-12th

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Tuesday, December 8th     
1:00-2:00 p.m. – Library Assembly, Ellis Library

2:00-3:30 p.m. – Library Management Team, Ellis Library

4:00-5:00 p.m. – MU Library Student Fee Working Group, Ellis Library

Friday, December 12th   
12:00 Noon – 1:00 p.m. – Library Committee, Ellis Library

Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 11/18/14

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT met with Ellen Blair to finalize material for the 11/19 Budget Review with the Provost and Campus Budget Officer. 

INFORMATION ITEM: MU Libraries has been invited to meet with the Budget Allocation Advisement Council (BAAC) on December 17, 2014. 

  • The BAAC has been charged with making recommendations on all aspects of the campus budgeting process.
  • They have invited the Libraries to the meeting to inform the members on the current state and strategic needs of the MU Libraries.
  • More news about BAAC can found here:

Director’s Calendar November 17th – 21st

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Monday, November 17th
5:30 p.m. – St. Louis Jefferson Club Reception, Danforth Plant Science Center, St. Louis, MO

Tuesday, November 18th     
2:00-3:30 p.m. – Library Management Team, Ellis Library

4:00-5:00 p.m. – MU Library Student Fee Working Group, Ellis Library

Wednesday, November 19th
9:00 a.m. – Jim Cogswell will join a portion of the MU Librarian and Archivist Council (MULAC), Ellis Library

Friday, November 21st  
11:00 a.m. – MULSA Thanksgiving Celebration, Ellis Library

Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 11/11/14

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT and Fiscal Officer Ellen Blair discussed Library Budget assumptions and projections in preparation for the Budget Review Meeting between MU Libraries (Jim and Ellen), Interim Provost Ken Dean and the Campus Budget Officer Rhonda Gibler.

  • The meeting with the Provost will take place November 19th.
  • A follow up LMT meeting to further discuss the Library Budget was held Thurs, Nov 13th.