Library Management Team Information and Action Items, 10/11/16

Present:  Shannon Cary, Sheryl Cullina, Michael Holland, Corrie Hutchinson, Pat Jones, Kathy Peters, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Ernest Shaw, Deb Ward

Update from Collection Steering Committee on Cancellation Project
Corrie and Jeannette updated LMT on the collection cancellation project.

ACTION: CSC will work to get the most complete version of the cancellation list published and communicated to faculty, including in MU Info.

Report from Library Committee Meeting
Ann gave a brief report on the Library Committee Meeting that was held on Sept. 30.

  • Todd Ruppar from the School of Nursing is the new chair of the committee.
  • They discussed budget problems, 24-hour access to Ellis Library, bed bugs, open access and library development efforts.

Greetings for Events
Ann reminded LMT members that it is proper etiquette for a representative from the library to give a greeting at all events that occur in the libraries. In most cases, Ann will give the greeting, but she will assign the duty to someone else if she is not available.

Report from Deans’ Council
Ann gave a report from the Deans’s Council meeting.

  • Due to legislative pressure, there will be strict limits on teaching waivers given to faculty. All faculty will have a three and three load unless they have a certain level of research or administrative duties. This does not affect librarians.
  • The new vice provost for enrollment management, Pelema Morrice, gave a report to the Deans.Enrollment for next fall is likely to be down again. Main perception is that campus is unsafe despite data that our safety records are in line with peer institutions. Percentage of African-American students is down quite a bit. Missouri State University has become one of our big competitors. Will continue to look at data. Have hired six new recruiters.
  • Despite the possibility of continuing budget struggles, the deans have asked that there be no freeze on salaries next year.

Position Updates
There was an update on the status of current positions that need to be filled.

  • The Technical Services librarian position will be posted soon.
  • The fiscal assistant position has been posted.
  • A temporary archivist position will be posted soon to help cover when Mike Holland retires.
  • There will be a part-time ILL position posted.
  • There will be a full-time Information Specialist position posted in Journalism to replace a full-time Senior Information Specialist position.
  • A part-time maintenance person has just been hired.

Events Team Proposal
Kathy presented a proposal to LMT for how to staff the set-up and take down of events. It was suggested that Sheila Voss be named the Events Team Coordinator, and she would recruit and manage students from various library units to handle the physical aspects of events.

ACTION: The proposal will be implemented. Sheila Voss will be the Events Team Coordinator and Shannon Cary will serve as her backup.

Update from Campus Space Utilization Committee Meeting
Jeannette and Mike were not able to attend the Campus Space Utilization Committee meeting because the meeting date was changed without their knowledge.

Transfer Efforts and Information Literacy
Jeannette explained that Missouri Senate Bill 997 includes a revision of the course transfer policy for the state and enacts a 42-hour block of core competency courses that are transferable among two-year and four-year institutions. There has been some discussion that information literacy may be a part of this core competency.

Ellis Library Sign Task Force Update
The Sign Task Force met with Cyndi Curnutte to discuss the Library’s signage project. She is already working with a vendor on sign projects at several buildings on campus, including the hospital.

ACTION: Cyndi Curnutte will do a survey of Ellis Library and the current signage and will come back to the task force with a proposal based on the budget allotted.


Policy Review

Policy #14: Workplace Violence
Sheryl and Pat contributed to the revision of this policy to make it much less verbose.

ACTION: The Workplace Violence policy was approved and will be sent to staff for comment.

Policy #47: Improper Use of University Library Space and Facilities
This policy used to be the loitering policy. It was edited down quite a bit from the previous version.

ACTION: The Improper Use of University Library Space and Facilities policy was approved and will be sent to staff for comment.



Library Management Team Information and Action Items, 9/26/16

Present:  Shannon Cary, Sheryl Cullina, Michael Holland, Corrie Hutchinson, Pat Jones, Kathy Peters, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Ernest Shaw, Deb Ward
Guest: Grace Atkins

Student Activity Fee Group Discussion
Grace Atkins updated the LMT members about her meeting with the group working on a strategy for the Student Activity Fee that is being promoted by Student Affairs in cooperation with the Division of IT and the MU Libraries. The draft proposal is for $45 per semester to improve student access to mental health services, extend library hours, expand wireless in the student unions and some classrooms and increase opportunities for student involvement in clubs, organizations and recreational programs.

ACTION: The Libraries will support any student-led efforts for library fees, but will make it clear that these efforts were not initiated by the Libraries.

ACTION: Grace will share ideas from LMT about marketing strategy for library portion of Student Activity Fee proposal.

ACTION: Grace will meet with the University Libraries Student Advisory Groups to discuss the student petition and MSA fee proposal.

Tech Services Position
There was a brief review of the position description for a new Technical Services Librarian position.

ACTION:  Ann, Kathy and Sheryl will meet to finalize some of the details of the position before sending it to campus HR for approval.

Testing Center Proposal
LMT discussed the new proposal put forward by Disability Services that requests part of the space that will be vacated by the State Historical Society be allocated for a testing center. They would be willing to give room 4G41 back to the Libraries as part of this proposal. The State Historical Society is currently slated to move out in 2019.

ACTION: Jeannette Pierce and Mike Holland will meet with the Campus Space Utilization Committee and let them know the Libraries would like to take the lead in working with other groups to create a comprehensive plan for the space.


Dual Factor Authentication
There was a brief discussion of the new dual factor authentication for email passwords that is starting to roll out. Some members of the Libraries had received emails about setting up their new passwords. There are several new steps to take this year when staff members set new passwords. This is for better security.

ACTION: Staff members will be informed to contact Sheryl if they have concerns about the new email registration system.

UPDATE: There has been a delay with this process due to some technical problems, so most Libraries staff will not have received the email to reset their passwords yet.

Comments on Policies
LMT received comments on the Faculty Research Offices policy (#17) and the Ellis Library Graduate Study Carrels policy (#61).

ACTION: LMT agreed to table policies #17 and #61 until the spring semester in order to further investigate the fee structure.

ACTION: Policy #62: Ellis Library Rental Lockers received no comments so will now be implemented as official library policy.

Library Management Team Information and Action Items, 9/12/2016

Present:  Shannon Cary, Sheryl Cullina, Michael Holland, Corrie Hutchinson, Pat Jones, Kathy Peters, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Ernest Shaw, Deb Ward

Budget Discussion with Regards to FLSA
INFORMATION: Sheryl updated the members of LMT on how the new overtime rule of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) affects the Libraries’ budget. This new rule sets the minimum salary level for exempt employees at $46,476 annually for a full-year worker. The rule will be effective on Dec. 1, 2016.  We have a meeting scheduled with HRS on September 23 to discuss the FLSA changes.

Compression and Filling Some Positions
INFORMATION: FLSA changes will cause additional salary compression issues for the librarians and archivists. Ann has asked Sheryl to gather salary data for LMT to review. LMT will also be reviewing staffing priorities.

MERLIN Change Report
INFORMATION: Ann discussed staffing changes due to our changing relationship with MOBIUS.

Discuss options for SCARaB Next Semester
INFORMATION: The members of LMT congratulated Mike Holland on his upcoming retirement. They discussed various options for re-organizing the department.

ACTION: Ann will be meeting with librarians in SCARaB to gather their opinions and come up with a temporary organizational structure.

Strategic Analysis of the Libraries by Public Affairs Students
INFORMATION: Shannon informed LMT members that a group of graduate students from the Truman School of Public Affairs was interested in doing an in-depth semester-long strategic organizational analysis of the Libraries. The Libraries would agree to provide some internal planning documents and have some of the management team interviewed. At the end of the project, the students will provide a report with their finding to the Libraries.

ACTION: LMT agreed to participate in this project.

Other News
INFORMATION: Jeannette and Grace Atkins will be meeting with the University Libraries Student Advisory Committee (ULSAC) on Tuesday, September 13.

Todd Rupar, from Nursing, will be the new chair of the Library Committee.

Library Management Team Information and Action Items, 8/30/16

Present:  Shannon Cary, Sheryl Cullina, Michael Holland, Corrie Hutchinson, Pat Jones, Kathy Peters, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Ernest Shaw, Deb Ward

Visitor: Noah Hartsfield

Update on Activities Fee
INFORMATION: Ann announced the Libraries will be part of the Student Affairs’ student activity fee.

  • This will be a brand new fee that will also include money for Counseling, the Rec Center and the Student Center.
  • New money for the Libraries could increase hours of access, enhance learning spaces and improve study resources.
  • Grace Atkins will be our point person on this because she can help with the marketing, especially using our social media platforms.
  • Student affairs will need to go through the process of getting this on the ballot, but they plan to have students vote on it in the Spring during the MSA election.

Education Grant
INFORMATION: Ann will be meeting with faculty from Education to discuss a collaborative grant in the next few weeks. SISLT is possibly interested in participating.

Dean’s Council Items
INFORMATION: Ann shared some draft ideas that Admissions is working on to attract more students. This information is not to be shared widely at this point, but Ann wanted everyone to know that the administration is working hard on ways to increase enrollment.

She also shared some data about faculty salaries. Sheryl is working on putting together this type of data about the librarians.

Discussion of Policies
Policy #17: Ellis Library Faculty Research Office

INFORMATION: Noah presented the updated policy to LMT. He stated that he revised the policy to make sure it was in line with current practice. The primary changes were to eligibility and assignment priorities. He removed references to a fee or deposit, because it was current practice to provide offices at no charge. He changed the length of time in which faculty needed to contact library before losing their office privileges.

ACTION: Addition of the statement “The Library reserves the right to enter offices in search of          
materials that are not checked-out or for security concerns.” A few other minor changes in wording.

ACTION: Jeannette will work with Freddy on procedures for checking out materials that faculty have in research offices.

ACTION: Revised policy will be sent to LMT for final approval and then to staff for comments.

Policy #61: Ellis Library Graduate Study Carrels
INFORMATION: Noah stated that this was a new policy and is similar to the faculty research office policy.

ACTION: Addition of the statement “The Library reserves the right to enter carrels in search of
materials that are not checked-out or for security concerns.” Addition of a new first priority on carrels for those engaged in the writing of their dissertation. A few other minor changes in wording.

ACTION: As of January 1st, 2017 carrel rates will increase.

ACTION: Jeannette will work with Freddy on procedures for checking out materials that students have in carrels. She will also talk with Cindy Cotner about whether carrels should be reserved or a priority added for those with disabilities.

ACTION: Revised policy will be sent to LMT for final approval and then to staff for comments.

Policy #62: Ellis Library Rental Lockers
INFORMATION: Noah stated that this policy was simplified and written to be in accordance with current practice.

ACTION: Addition of the statement “The Library reserves the right to enter lockers in search of
materials that are not checked-out or for security concerns.” A few other minor changes in wording.

ACTION: As of January 1st, 2017 locker rates will increase.

ACTION: Revised policy will be sent to LMT for final approval and then to staff for comments.

Policy #62: Policy on Acquiring Value Gift Material
INFORMATION: Corrie stated that she revised this policy to simplify it and bring it in line with current practice.

ACTION: Corrie will add some language in the policy about working with University Archives. She will check with Matt about the proper terminology for gifts.

ACTION: Revised policy will be sent to LMT for final approval and then to staff for comments.

Update on Travel Cards and Procedures
INFORMATION: Kathy updated LMT on changes to procedures for travel expenses.

ACTION: Kathy and Whitney will work with librarians on getting registered for conferences and letting them know about new expense procedures.

Membership for Library Committees
INFORMATION: Sheryl is still putting together the list of committee members. She has some people she needs to contact and recruit for committees.

ACTION: Sheryl will meet with Jeannette this week to finalize committee membership.

Collections Steering Committee Update
INFORMATION: Jeannette gave a brief update of the work of CSC. She stated that information is being kept up-to-date on webpage and there is a link on the gateway.

  • A list of cancellation decisions will be made public soon, and they will be asking for input.
  • They have been working on fund reallocation for the selectors.
  • Discussing the philosophy of MOBIUS last copy.

Library Management Team Action and Information Items, 8/9/16

Present:  Shannon Cary, Michael Holland, Corrie Hutchinson, Pat Jones, Kathy Peters, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Ernest Shaw, Deb Ward

Announcements about Building and Security
INFORMATION: Pat made several announcement regarding facilities.

  • On Aug. 18 there will be an electrical outage in Ellis Library. This is an annual check of the electrical systems.
  • A painting from the MU Museum of Art and Archaeology will be installed in the Grand Reading Room on Aug. 11.
  • Ellis Library will receive new recycling and trash receptacles on Aug. 29. Old trash cans will be taken away.

ACTION: Pat will request information about the painting from the museum, and Shannon will distribute the information to staff.

Fall Hours Talking Points
INFORMATION: LMT discussed the fall hours talking points document that Shannon had distributed earlier via email.

ACTION: Shannon will share with staff and post as gateway announcement.

Student Worker Budget

INFORMATION: Kathy presented LMT with the proposed student worker budget for this year. LMT members said that overall the budget looked ready for distribution to departments. There was discussion about the numbers for a few departments, but it was agreed that minor adjustments could be made where needed.

ACTION: Kathy will follow up with the appropriate LMT members to figure out adjustments in their areas.

Travel Budget
INFORMATION: Kathy presented LMT with the proposed travel budget for this year. The allocation for each department is based on the number of librarians.

ACTION: Travel policy will be announced at MULAC meeting on Aug. 17 and at All-Staff Meeting on Aug. 18.

All-Staff Meeting
INFORMATION: Ann reminded LMT of the agenda for the All-Staff Meeting next week. There will be guest speakers from Human Resources and Campus Facilities. Ann will discuss the budget and travel policy. Grace and Kelli will present on the Cycle of Success campaign.

Goals and Objectives
INFORMATION: Ann thanked the LMT members who sent in objectives for each of the Libraries goals. Whitney Seva, in the Admin office, will compile all of these into one document.

ACTION: Departments who have not yet completed their objectives need to do so and send them to Ann.

ACTION: The phrase “and professional practice” will be added to Goal 3: To position the University Libraries as active partners in support of research.

Article Reach
INFORMATION: There is a proposal from MOBIUS regarding Article Reach, which allows patrons to self-initiate article lending. Some members of LMT thought we had already decided not to participate in Article Reach due to several concerns, including use of print collection, copyright issues, work for staff, proxy access and licensing.

ACTION: A group will be formed to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of providing the Article Reach service to our users. Members will include Ann, Corrie, Jeannette, Ernest and Deb.

Kickoff Event Highlight
INFORMATION: The Chancellor’s office asked schools/colleges and other units to provide one highlight that could be shared at a kickoff event and possibly for a Chamber of Commerce slide show. LMT discussed possible Libraries activities that could be highlighted.

ACTION: The Marketing Team will work with appropriate staff to send information and graphics about the Hathi Trust project, highlighting the digitization of the Vetusta Monumenta.

UPDATE: Felicity Dykas worked with the Marketing Team and submitted this article The Chancellors’ office provided positive feedback, so we expect to see this featured in the slide show at the kickoff event.

Sierra Web
INFORMATION: Ernest gave LMT a brief update on Sierra Web. He stated that Sierra Web is live, but is limited to five seats for the MERLIN cluster. He said that it works well, but his only concern is that it is not very secure. Anyone with Sierra credentials can access the site from anywhere. Coordinators will be doing some testing, and he will keep everyone up-to-date

Policy No. 63: Ellis Library Food and Drink

Approved by LMT on July 26, 2016

  • Scope of Policy

    • This policy establishes rules for consuming food and drink in Ellis Library.
  • Goals and Purpose

    • The food and drink policy is intended to help the Libraries maintain a pleasant environment conducive to study and research, while preserving our collections, equipment, and furnishings.
  • Food and Drink Allowed in Ellis Library

    • The following food & drink types are allowed in most areas, unless signage indicates otherwise:

      • Dry, non-perishable snacks such as those found in vending machines (crackers, chips, nuts, etc.)
      • Non-alcoholic drinks in covered containers
    • Meals and other types of food may be consumed in the BookMark Café and ground floor seating area near the elevators.
    • All food deliveries must be received outside of the library.
    • Please report all accidental spills to a service desk as soon as noticed so that they can be addressed.
    • Users who fail to abide by the policy will be asked to relocate to an appropriate space or to leave the library.
  • Restricted Food and Drink Spaces in Ellis Library

    • Examples of spaces that are more restrictive include:

      • Special Collections Areas
      • Ellis Reading Rooms restricted to covered drinks only to honor quiet policy
  • Alcohol and Tobacco

    • In accordance with University regulation, no alcohol or tobacco products are permitted in the Libraries.
  • Exceptions to the Policy

    • Scheduled events and activities that include food and/or drink must be approved by Library Administration.

Library Management Team Information and Action Items, 7/26/16

Present:  Ellen Blair, Shannon Cary, Michael Holland, Corrie Hutchinson, Pat Jones, Kathy Peters, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Ernest Shaw, Deb Ward

Travel Budget and Policy
INFORMATION: Kathy sent out a draft 2017 travel budget to the members of LMT. The spreadsheet included FY2016 details. The projections for this year were based on last year’s travel, but budget is $18,000 less. LMT members had a discussion about how this money would be allocated.

ACTION: Ann and Kathy will work on final numbers and a travel policy based on LMT discussion to present at All-Staff Meeting.

Development Update

INFORMATION: Ann talked to LMT about some changes that she and Matt have discussed regarding development for the Libraries. Library Society event will be held April 28 to coincide with campaign cabinet meeting. It will be a cocktail buffet followed by a special event open only to Library Society members. We are working on possible speakers for this event. Please send any ideas to Ann or Matt.

Purchasing Cards
INFORMATION: Kathy reported that as the Admin Office transitions fiscal operations due to Ellen and Steve’s retirements, we are going to try reconciling Purchasing Cards a little differently.  Ellen and Steve did an amazing job behind the scenes due to their vast wealth of knowledge and experience. But Kathy will need to have employees provide more information about purchases in the future.

ACTION: Kathy will hold a training session in August for all cardholders to review purchasing guidelines.

Fall and Winter Break Hours
INFORMATION: Jeannette sent the proposed Fall and Winter Break hours for Ellis Library to LMT members. Ellis Library hours have to be reduced due to budget cuts and the failed student fee proposal. She pointed out the following changes:

  • Library closing at 7:00 on Fridays and 6:00 on Saturdays.
  • Slightly reduced weekend hours on holiday weekends.
  • 24/7 week prior and week of finals. 
  • Extended Circulation Hours on Sunday mornings for week prior to finals and finals week. However, not extended for Friday and Saturday night of those two weeks.
  • Reference Desk closing at 10:00 instead of 11:00.

ACTION: LMT members suggested a few days on the proposed fall and winter break hours where hours should be expanded. Shannon will make changes and get them distributed. Pat and Jeannette will work on getting appropriate staffing to cover the extra hours.

Graduate Study Carrel Fee Proposal
INFORMATION: A proposal to increase the fees for the graduate study carrels was submitted to LMT. The proposal was to increase the fees by four times the current amount because they had not been increased in over ten years. It was suggested that this discussion be tabled until Noah Hartsfield brings his Graduate Study Carrel policy proposal to LMT.

United Way
INFORMATION: Deb stated that Sheila Voss has been recruited to be the United Way district ambassador for the Libraries. Cindy Cotner, Karen Eubanks and Deb will continue to serve on the United Way Committee. They will hold a chili kick-off again this year.

Library Management Action and Information Items, 7/19/16

Present:  Ellen Blair, Shannon Cary, Sheryl Cullina, Michael Holland, Corrie Hutchinson, Pat Jones, Kathy Peters, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Ernest Shaw, Deb Ward

Food and Drink Policy
INFORMATION: LMT members discussed the next steps for the newly approved food and drink policy. They agreed the policy will be implemented beginning August 1. It was also stated that staff needed to be made aware the policy affects them when they are in public areas. If they are taking food from public area to private office, they should be discreet.

ACTION: New food and drink policy will be communicated to users and staff by Public Relations and Marketing Committee and through News Notes.

ACTION: Pat will train Security staff on the new policy.

Goals Process
INFORMATION: Ann stated now that the staff had given input on the mission, vision and goals, objectives needed to be written.

ACTION: Ann will distribute revised Mission, Vision and Goals document.

ACTION: Ann asked each division head to meet with their staff before August 9 to write one or two objectives per goal. Goals should be for this fiscal year.

All-Staff Meeting
INFORMATION: There was a discussion about possible agenda items for the August All-Staff Meeting. Agenda items will include low waste implementation, benefits, food and drink policy, the cycle of success campaign and a budget update.

Cycle of Success Marketing Campaign
INFORMATION: LMT had a brief discussion about the Cycle of Success campaign proposal and budget that was submitted by the Public Relations and Marketing Committee.

ACTION: LMT approved the implementation of the Cycle of Success campaign but is currently unable to commit significant funds. They recommend that the PR & Marketing Committee should still go forward with the social media components and other less expensive activities outlined in the campaign.

Emergency Task Force Proposal
INFORMATION: There was a follow-up discussion on the proposal to create an Emergency Task Force that was presented by Edwin Davis at the last LMT meeting.

ACTION: LMT members will send recommendations for members to the task force to Pat by July 25.

Annual Report
INFORMATION: Ann talked to LMT about preparing for the Annual Report. She said a lot of the content would come from the Annual Statistical Report. She would like LMT members to be thinking about a summary of the year for their division or department.

Student Fee Strategy
INFORMATION: LMT members discussed a survey that Ann received from the Division of Student Affairs. The survey’s purpose was to assess the student body’s appetite for an increase to student fees.  Ann has been invited to meet with Jeff Zeilenga, assistant vice chancellor for student auxiliary services, and Alysha O’Neil, director of budget and fiscal operations for student affairs, to discuss the results of the survey as it relates to the Libraries and to develop an initial strategy and target amount for a referendum.  Ann explained the proposal meant the Libraries could receive a portion of the student activities fee if they were able to get an increase.

ACTION: LMT agreed to work with Student Affairs on this proposal.

Committee Charges
INFORMATION: There was a brief discussion about committee charges.

ACTION: LMT will have Whitney, the Administrative temporary office assistant, work on getting the current committee charges on the staff website.

Travel Policy
INFORMATION: Ann stated the Libraries had their own travel rules that had been imposed on top of the MU travel policies to try to spread the money out to more employees. She would like to consider following the MU travel guidelines with some exceptions.

ACTION: Ann and Kathy will work on a travel policy proposal based on the LMT discussion.

Library Management Team Action and Information Items, 7/12/16

Present:  Ellen Blair, Shannon Cary, Sheryl Cullina, Michael Holland, Corrie Hutchinson, Pat Jones, Kathy Peters, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Ernest Shaw, Deb Ward

Food and Drink Policy
INFORMATION: Jeannette Pierce, Pat Jones and Deb Ward worked on a new food and drink policy for Ellis Library. Jeannette stated that a new policy needed to be created because there was currently no policy that was being enforced. She said that the group looked at policies at other academic libraries, and the suggested policy follows general practices at other libraries. She stated that one of the main changes she wanted to point out was that food would not be allowed in the reading rooms due to possible noise disruption from having and eating food.

ACTION: Jeannette will incorporate suggestions that were made by LMT during this discussion and send out a new version for LMT to vote on. 

Humidity in 3 Central
INFORMATION: Corrie stated that the Library is getting HOBO reports that show high levels of humidity in 3 Central. She was interested in knowing what was being done and if more should be done to correct this problem.

ACTION: Pat will keep the doors to 3 Central open to allow for more air circulation and see if that affects the humidity levels. She will also see if Energy Management will caulk the windows.

Emergency Operations Task Force
INFORMATION: Edwin Davis from Security presented a proposal to LMT about creating a Library Emergency Operations Task Force so that staff members are thoroughly equipped to act upon an emergency. The Task Force would organize informational emergency seminars for staff, so they can be informed of emergency procedures.

ACTION: LMT members will think about emergency procedures as they relate to their areas and who they might want to appoint to the Task Force. LMT will discuss this again at an upcoming meeting.

Change in Custodial Service

INFORMATION: Pat reminded LMT members that the low waste program was going to be implemented by MU Operations over the next few months. Ellis Library is scheduled to get new recycling and waste bins between Aug. 29 and Sept. 2. She shared a map with LMT of the public areas in Ellis Library that would still be maintained by Operations and the private offices that would not.

ACTION: The Libraries will purchase vacuum cleaners for each floor of Ellis Library that has private offices and for the branch libraries. Cleaning supplies will also be provided and kept in a central location.

ACTION: Shannon and Pat will work on announcement for News Notes and handout for staff. Issue will be discussed at All-Staff meeting, with possible guest speaker from MU Operations.

FLSA Update
INFORMATION: Sheryl stated that she was supposed to attend an HR meeting about FLSA, but it was rescheduled and will be at the beginning of August. The FLSA guidelines will need to be enacted by December 1. Job classifications 10 and above will be exempt. Classifications 9 and below will be non-exempt.

ESFAC Empty Walls Ideas
INFORMATION: Pat said that the Ellis Library Space and  Facilities Committee had been discussing what to do with blank walls in the library. Possible ideas included working with student organizations, such as fraternities and sororities, to see if they would be interested in putting up art work or posters to promote their organizations. They also talked to Special Collections about providing some of the posters from their collection. The Libraries could also work with outside groups, such as the Art department.

ACTION: ESFAC will continue to pursue getting art from the following groups: Special Collections, MU Art Department, MU Museums and Columbia Art League.

ACTION: Shannon and Pat will work on plaque for MLK, Jr. replica that will honor Ty Christian and replace current photo.

Fall Hours
INFORMATION: Jeannette stated that she has been talking with Cindy Cotner, Freddy Martinez, and Pat Jones about Fall hours for Ellis Library. She asked LMT if Ellis Library would be open 24 hours during finals and the week before finals. It was agreed that Ellis should remain open during that time if there is a way to find enough staff to work the extra hours.

ACTION: Pat will check with MUPD to see if they have Events Staff who could be hired to cover evening hours during finals and the week before.

Room Reservation System
INFORMATION: Jeannette asked LMT if they wanted to move ahead with implementing the LibCal calendar system for meeting room reservations in Ellis Library. LMT agreed to move forward with this idea. They agreed that if it doesn’t work effectively for staff they can revisit the system and possibly move to an Outlook-based solution.

ACTION: Jeannette and Shannon will work with Judy on creating a training session and handout for the new meeting room reservation system, which will be adopted before the fall semester begins.

Miscellaneous Discussion

  • It was asked when the student worker budgets would be distributed. Kathy and Ellen said that there would be a 5% reduction to the budget, but they were wondering if there should be some reallocation of the funds by department, since some areas underspent and some overspent last year. LMT asked them to create a re-allocation proposal for the next LMT meeting.
  • There was a question about when committee assignments would be completed. It was stated that more volunteers are needed. Sheryl and Ann will look at this and possibly invite staff directly to serve on specific committees.
  • There was a question about the progress of moving shelving to room 202. Pat is meeting with Cyndi Curnutte next week, and she will discuss the project with her and report back to LMT.

Library Management Team Action and Information Items 5/31/16

Present:  Ellen Blair, Shannon Cary, Sheryl Cullina, Michael Holland, Corrie Hutchinson, Pat Jones, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Ernest Shaw, Deb Ward

Discovery Tool Recommendation
Jeannette summarized the work of the Discovery Tools Review Team.

ACTION: LMT approved the Discovery Tools Review Team’s recommendation that the Libraries subscribe to EBSCO Discovery Services (EDS) to replace Summon as its discovery tool.

ACTION: LMT decided that the current team should manage the implementation of the new tool for the fall semester.

ACTION: A new group was appointed to look at the link resolver that is available through EDS. The suggested members are Corrie Hutchinson, Diane Johnson, Rhonda Whithaus, Dave Walsh and Ernest Shaw.

Committee Membership
LMT discussed this year’s process for appointing library committees.

ACTION: Sheryl will send out a general call for membership. LMT will appoint the members.

ACTION: LMT reconstituted the Faculty Lecture Series Committee and decided that recording equipment would remain in room 114A except when it is being used elsewhere.

ACTION: LMT eliminated the Space Planning committee from the current list of committees since it became the Long Range Planning Committee. LMT also eliminated the Preservation Committee, but may reconstitute the committee if a preservation librarian position is created.

ACTION: LMT established a Scholarly Communications Committee. Deb Ward and Jeannette Pierce will work on a draft charge for LMT to discuss at a future meeting. 

Collections Steering Committee (CSC) Report
The CSC met last week and approved a rough budget.

ACTION: Decided to stop all approval in DDA for next year, to cut $500,000 from Wiley and other serial packages, cut around $50,000 titles identified as high cost/low use, cancel EBSCO e-book package, cancel 360 Counter and cancel Libraries’ CLIR membership.

ACTION: All subject funds will take a 20% cut. If DDA and approval cuts are greater than 20% in a specific fund, the fund will receive additional money that can be used for firm only orders.

Planning Retreat 2
           ACTION: LMT will hold a second retreat on June 8 from 9 am to 3 pm.

Update on Projects from First Retreat

ACTION: Small group has been formed to look at food and drink policy. They will meet next week.

ACTION: Pat is going to have Environmental Health and Safety look at rooms 303, 304 and 406 because there is concern about humidity levels in these rooms.

Update on Searches

  • Human resources is classifying the fiscal officer position. It has to go through campus budget office.
  • Have hired SOS temp to fill fiscal assistant position. Will fill position permanently after fiscal officer position is filled.
  • Library Information Specialist position in journalism has been posted. It’s 30 hours instead of 40.
  • Interviews are being scheduled for the Library Information Specialist position in circulation/reserves.
  • Interviews are being scheduled for Library Information Specialist in cataloging
  • Waiting for provost approval for a one-year temporary librarian position to fill the instruction librarian position.
  • Kevin McMillan has started as the UMLD supervisor.

Miscellaneous Discussion
INFORMATION: It has been recommended the Libraries continue the 3D printing service that is currently running in Ellis Library. LTS student workers will help run the service. The students who were currently running the service with a grant will gift us the equipment, leftover material and around $2,000 of leftover money. The Libraries will continue to charge, which should cover materials and some machine depreciation.