Action and Information Items out of LMT 9/11/12

Attending: Jim Cogswell, Deb Ward, Michael Holland, Ann Riley (Supp0rt: Mark Ellis)

Information Item:  Nathan Marticke, Library Director of Development is leaving to become an Associate Director of Development for Parks College in Kansas City, MO.  His last day at the Libraries will be 9/20/12.  He leaves on good terms.  A search again for a replacement ASAP.

Information Item: Jim Cogswell Reported on the Dean’s retreat that took place in St. Louis, August 30-31, 2012. Among the topics discussed:

  • MU’s AAU status (the high costs of research)
  • A need for MU to engage in cost accounting for more complex budget analysis.
  • Pending retirement of MU Budget Officer Tim Rooney (December 31, 2012).
  • Development  report – Tom Hiles =  MU needs more large gifts and to think of the big ideas that inspire them.

Information Item:  Jim Cogswell Report from SPRAC – Legislative Update, Campus Budget report, enrollment report.

Action Item: LMT discussed the recent Digital Humanities initiative on campus and how it fit in (or didn’t) to the MU Libraries strategic goals and objectives and the staffing plan.  It was resolved that Anne Barker should be invited to one of the next couple Library Management Teams to discuss her activity with new initiative and the potential/possible role of MU Libraries.

Action Item:  LMT discussed the Assessment Committee, Assessment Report and an Assessment position.  It was resolved that LMT would create a description for a 50% FTE Assessment position for current Library employees to apply or express interest in. This would be on top of current duties.  Would include a stipend of some kind.  Next Step – Jim Cogswell will draft position description.

Action Item: It was resolved that LMT would rotate the task of giving Management Team report at the MULAC monthly meetings.  Jim attends and reports at every other MULAC meeting.  The task of giving the report at the alternate meetings will be shared and rotated by Ann, Deb and Mike.

Action/Information Items from Library Management Team 9/18/12

Attending: Jim Cogswell, Ann Riley, Deb Ward, Mike Holland.  (Support: Mark Ellis)

Information item:  Jim Cogswell reported from UM Library Directors TelePresence Meeting (9/18 – 10 am). There is a growing need for streaming server on all four campuses = Directors will discuss more with Gary Allen.  The Directors discussed funding possibilities of shared digital resources.

Information Item:  Jim Cogswell discussed his annual review by Provost Foster. It was a positive/strong review which Jim feel was really a positive/strong review of the Libraries. LMT urged him to share with Library Staff as a compliment to their efforts/accomplishments.

Action Item:  LMT resolves to Post the Consolidated Goals and Objectives Accomplishments Document for all-staff feedback.

Action item: LMT has designated Anne Barker the Library Digital Humanities Liaison for this project for at least the next two semesters.

Information Item:  LMT discussed the Digital Cataloger position and its priority in the overall Library staffing plan.  Further discussion in MULAC and later LMT meetings expected.

Action and Information Items from Library Management Team 10/2/12

Attending: Jim Cogswell, Deb Ward, Michael Holland, Ann Riley. (Support: Mark Ellis)

Information Item:  Deb Ward was given more information about the MU Medical Campus being created in Springfield, MO.  Will apparently open in 5 years.  A class/cohort that begins in Columbia in 2015 will finish in Springfield. Funding has supposedly set aside for Library electronic resources and staffing to help support.  LMT is concerned about the lack of MU Libraries feedback requested/sought during the planning stages of the Library aspect of this initiative.

Information item:  LMT continued to discuss staffing plan.  Specifically discussed:  new support staff positions, the number of positions and placement in the phases.  After discussion of a wide range of topics (including how positions could be shared, reassigned, etc.), it was decided to keep three positions in phase three for now.  Subject to ongoing discussions.

Information Item: LMT discussed emerging possible positions and staffing needs that are not reflected/addressed in the current staffing plan.

  • Technology assistant for patrons of Journalism Library.
  • Mizzou Advantage Library Liaison position – 50% FTE, currently vacant.
  • Graphic Designer.
  • Others….

Information Item:  Jim Cogswell and Mike Holland met with Heiddi Davis, Director of Space Planning/Management, again, to discuss Archives moving back in Ellis Library.

Information item:  LMT further discussed the creation of a Digitization Department.

Director’s Calendar: October 8-12th, 2012

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Monday, October 8th
1:00 – 3:00 p.m. – Joint meeting of the Council of Deans and the Provost Staff, Memorial Union

Tuesday, October 9th through Thursday, October 11th
Jim travels to Washington, D.C. to attend the Membership Meeting of the Association of Research Libraries.

Friday, October 12th
6:00 p.m. – MU Faculty Alumni Awards, Reynolds Alumni Center

Information and Action items out of the Library Management Team MEETING 8/21/12

Action Item: Policy 33: Ellis Library Exhibits is approved by LMT as of 8/21/12 (Policy was vetted to Library Assembly and will now be posted on policy website.)

Action item: Policy on Telefacsimile is officially rescinded and will be removed from the policy website.

Action item: Rooms Reservation System – LMT request Mark send out information again in an all staff email (providing  an opportunity for feedback).

Information Item: Goals and Objectives accomplishments “forum” – discussion ensued about an open meeting to specifically discuss the MU Libraries accomplishments and how they relate to the strategic direction of the Library as set out in the Goals and Objectives document created by LMT in 2010. The list of accomplishments originally collected by division prior to the August All-Staff Meeting will now be consolidated into a single report for discussion and eventually dissemination.

Director’s Calendar: September 24 – 28th, 2012

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Monday, September 24th
3:00 – 5:00 p.m. – Council of Dean, Memorial Union

Tuesday, September 25th
2:00 – 3:30 p.m. – Library Management Team, Ellis Library

Wednesday, September 26th
11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. – MU Libraries United Way 2012 Kick Off Pizza Party, Ellis Library Staff Lounge

Thursday, September 27th
6:00 – 9:00 p.m. – Jefferson Club Event, Kansas City, MO

Director’s Calendar: September 17-21st, 2012

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Tuesday, September 18th
10:00-11:30 a.m. – UM Library Deans/Directors Meeting (via TelePresence), Ellis Library

2:00 – 4:00 p.m. – Library Management Team, Ellis Library

Thursday, September 20th

1:00-2:00 p.m. – Library Committee, 4F51A Ellis Library

2:00-3:30 p.m. – MU Libraries Staff Association New Staff Tea, Ellis Library Staff Lounge