Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 8/6/13

Attending: Jim Cogswell, Ann Riley, Mike Holland, Jeannette Pierce Support: Mark Ellis

INFORMATION ITEM: Still no word from Provost about FY 2014 budget.  Selectors have been given budgets based on last year’s numbers.

INFORMATION ITEM: A report from the LMT retreat is being reviewed and will be made available soon.

INFORMATION ITEM: Rhonda Whithaus will be the Library contact for the MU Conflict of Interest Oversight Committee.  She replaces Karen Darling who retired in July, 2013.

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT discussed the membership of the Collection Steering Committee (taking into account the various retirements, retirement plans and rotations of current members). The topic will be revisited at a later meeting when Deb Ward is present as the representative of Health Sciences Library.

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT reviewed and discussed the agenda for the 8/7/13 MOBIUS Executive Board meeting. Concerns were raised about upcoming Sierra implementation.  Also discussed was a lack of explanation about upcoming “votes” (Did enough discussions take place at membership and Library levels?).

  • Action Item: Jim Cogswell will communicate concerns to President of the MOBIUS Executive Board.

Director’s Calendar: August 5th – 9th, 2013

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Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Tuesday, August 6th

2:00-4:00 p.m. – Library Management Team, Ellis Library

Wednesday, August 7th

10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. – MOBIUS Board Meeting, MOBIUS Office, Columbia

Thursday, August 8th

8:00-10:00 a.m. – Council of Deans, Memorial Union

Ellis Library will need to undergo some structural repairs to the 1935 addition (the west wing of the current building). Some cracks appeared in the walls and stairways on the west side of the building after last summer’s drought. Engineers tell us that there is no loss of structural integrity, but that they need to repair cracks that are in the roof and on the west side of the main staircase beginning right after the fall semester ends. They estimate the work will take eight weeks to complete, and they plan to finish before work begins on Room 202 in order to house the “Renew Mizzou” tenants from Jesse Hall.

Pat Jones will be the Ellis Library point of contact for the project, and Gary Cox will serve as her alternate.

Some additional details:

  • the west stairwell will be closed from the 1st to the 3rd floor during the repairs
  • the entrance to room 202 that is next to the west stairwell will also be closed, but access to room 202 will be available through room 201
  • room 202 may need to be closed temporarily because they will be bring some building materials through the windows in that room
  • there will be an exterior staging area set up somewhere between Speakers’ Circle and the entrance to Ellis Auditorium
  • we should receive further details about the repairs as we enter the design development phase of the project in September.

Action and Information Items from Library Management Team – 7/9/13

Attending: Jim Cogswell, Deb Ward, Ann Riley, Mike Holland – Support: Mark Ellis

Action Item:  Revisions to Policy #43 – Food and Beverage in Ellis Library were approved. A paragraph was added to address food and beverage being allowed in the library for special events.

Action Item: LMT and Jim Cogswell will nominate four Librarians/Archivists for the Chancellor’s Search Committee in hopes that one will be part of that important group.

Action Item: A task force will be assembled to explore the long-range plan of developing a fellowship program in Ellis Library Reference to possibly begin as early as Fall Semester 2014.

  • MU Libraries will seek to hire a one year temporary general reference librarian to help with coverage until the program is established. A search committee will be assembled.

Information Item:  Discussion related to Renew Mizzou:

  • ACTS is working on storage and collection issues related to the use of rooms 202 and 114 Ellis Library.
    • There is concern about space at the depositories. A policy update regarding duplicates will be sent to UM Library Directors for discussion/approval.
    • What else is needed at this time to prepare for Renew Mizzou’s use of the Library?
      • Dollar figure for move needs to be requested from Facilities.
      • ACTS is coming up with a cost report for Jim C. to send.
      • Other related preparations/issues:
        • The Library Society Dinner will be held in an alternate location in April 2014.
        • Wayne Barnes has been asked to find locations for items now in Room 202 that Reference wants to keep in Ellis.
        • June and Ann will discuss with ESFAC the challenge of over-sized material currently kept in an affected area.

Information Item:  Tentative agenda for All staff meeting August 14, 2014:

  • Update on renew Mizzou – Heiddi Davis will be present.
  • Update on position searches.
  • New Library website updates.

Information item:  Jim and LMT are reviewing notes from LMT retreat and hope to report out to MU Libraries staff soon.

Action and Information Items from Library Management Team 6/18/13

Action and Information Items from Library Management Team 6/18/13
Attending: Jim Cogswell, Deb Ward, Ann Riley, Mike Holland Guests: Space Planning representatives Joey Riley and Bonnie Hansen. Support: Mark Ellis

INFORMATION ITEM Renew Mizzou and the impact on MU Libraries. Highlights of the discussion:

Renew Mizzou will use rooms 202 (West Reading Room) and 114 (Current Periodicals Reading Room) areas.

  • At this time, they do not know the exact departments moving in. (Most likely to include part of Financial Aid and Cashiers office.)
    –To minimize moving and storage issues they are trying to leave as much furniture in Jesse Hall as possible.  (They will use big tables in 202 rather than move them.)
    –No other security concerns have yet been identified.
  • Rough timeline – planners are still meeting with departments in Jesse to find out needs.
  • Construction at Mizzou North will begin June of 2014.
  • Some moving from Jesse will begin March of 2014.
    –Not clear/definite who will move when.
    –Not clear/definite when temporary construction will begin in Ellis or when departments will move in.


  • Meetings  – Space planners will meet with LMT and Library Department Heads as soon as more information is known.
  • Heiddi Davis will attend the Library All Staff Meeting on August 14th.
  • Brochure – Space Planning is working on a brochure to help inform staff of the details of all the moves (complete with timelines). They will distribute as soon as the information is available.

Library Feedback:

  • LMT expressed concern and informed Space Planning of the high-traffic time-periods. (Mid-March to early-May each spring & late October to mid-December each Fall.)
  • Room 114 will be much more flexible to connect electrical and computer equipment. It was recently upgraded for the temporary move of Library departments in response to the fire of Sept 2011.
    –Room 202, on the other hand, has very little infrastructure for such adaptations and may be hard to upgrade due to age and dimensions.
  • LMT expressed concern about increased use of facilities (bathrooms, break rooms, coffee shop, etc.)
    –Women’s restroom was recently renovated. It was already a heavily used facility.
  • Major concern was expressed about taking prime study space off-line – especially in the high traffic times of the semester.
    –The rooms in question are both high traffic areas and the reduction in study space will be noticed.
    –Will there be replacement study space developed on campus?
  • Other considerations:
    –The Library is open long after the Jesse personnel leave for the day.
    –Room 114 does not have doors.
    –West entrance is only ADA accessible entrance. Requires use of South Elevator from ground to first floor.
  • The Staff Lounge is maintained by the MU Libraries Staff Association (MULSA funds purchase the furniture, appliances and supplies.  MULSA volunteers clean the room daily.)
    –Will there be a need to share break space?
    –If so, MULSA has requested through the Library Management Team that they be informed as soon as possible to make arrangements.
    –Space Planning assures the Library they will let them know as soon as possible.

Library needs/requests as the planning goes forward:

  • LMT will share long term plans for 202 and 114 with Space Planning – Since MU Libraries was considering repurposing the two spaces being currently utilized by Renew Mizzou, the Library would like to coordinate any building or adaptation made for the temporary move to coincide with the plan to repurpose the space after the temporary relocation is over.
    –So far, long term plans have only been vague.  MU Libraries will try to finalize and share in the near future.
  • Specific elements of design for which the Libraries and Space Planning may want to collaborate:
    –Presentation space – Financial Aid will need space for 50 participants.
    –MU Libraries would also like presentation space in the redesign.
  • Possible offices or group studies in the North Side of the west reading room
    –Space Planning should coordinate any new or temporary structures with Cyndi Curnutte, the interior designer at Campus Facilities who has worked on most of the recent renovations in Ellis Library.
  • Possible help with funding or remodeling due to the Renew Mizzou –
    –The movement of materials currently in 202 will take time and money to store and relocate.
    –It may be cheaper to replace digitally. Is there Renew Mizzou money allowed for that?
    –West stair-well’s paint is worn and dated (pink paint on cast iron).
    –It will now be showcased due to parents/students visiting guest departments – can it be painted black?
    –Can Space Planning refresh or redesign the Men’s restroom on the first floor?

Joey and Bonnie appreciate feedback and requests. They will take info back to Space Planning to be considered.  They look forward to working together to make the Renew Mizzou transitions go as smooth as possible.

Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 6/11/13

Attending: Jim Cogswell, Deb Ward, Ann Riley, Mike Holland Guests: MULAC Executive Committee; Rhonda Whithaus, Kate Anderson and Gwen Gray; Support: Mark Ellis

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT Retreat will take place June 20-21.  Jeannette Pierce will be in attendance.  She will be invited to MULSA Picnic.

INFORMATION ITEM: Heiddi Davis will attend the August all staff meeting to discuss Renew Mizzou project and how it affects MU Libraries.

ACTION ITEM:  LMT approved updated Policy 21: Recruitment and hiring of Librarians/Archivists and revisions of the Charge for the Digitization Advisory Committee. New copies will be posted on the policy and procedure website.

INFORMATION ITEM: Announcements:
–Jim – the Renew Mizzou project will be using both 202 Ellis Library and 114 Ellis Library (Jim was initially under the impression that only one of the two would be used.) Many details still to be worked out at a campus planning level.
— Deb – HSL has hired a new Administrative Assistant, Mandi Davis.
— Ann – ACTS division meetings were held to discuss planning for the future.

INFORMATIONAL:  MULAC presented a document to LMT prior to the meeting that reflected feedback on the three topics that Jim announced would be discussed at the LMT retreat: the upcoming MU Capital Campaign, Staffing Priorities, and Space Concerns.    Highlights of the document discussion:

MULAC included these among their points:
o    Urged campaign to include all Libraries.
o    Suggested open meetings to discuss centennial book acquisition.
o    Requested descriptions of the positions on future staffing priority lists or explanations of why each position is a priority.
o    It is important to make document delivery services equitable among all branches and open to all university and Library departments.
o    MULAC fears Library LTS is overburdened.
o    MULAC emphatically suggests further and open discussions about space and how it could be utilized.

LMT included these points in their immediate reaction to the document:

  • MU Libraries Capital Campaign will include all the Libraries.
  • Centennial of Ellis Library should be seen as a celebration of all MU Libraries and services.
  • Jim is not insistent that the St John’s Bible be the centennial book purchase, but disagrees that it isn’t consistent with some of the strengths of Special Collections.
  • Targets for collection endowments are helpful, but they are entirely donor-driven. Not all targets will be funded in the course of the campaign.LMT agrees open discussions about space are important.
  • Renew Mizzou is a case where we knew barely 48 hours before it was publicly announced.

Topics that were discussed further:

•    Document Delivery – steps have already been taken and some other options will be explored to make this service more consistent across all the libraries.
•    Instructional Design Librarian – clarification of what that means is needed from MULAC.
•    Special Collections low placement in MULAC priorities is regrettable.
o    Jim feels Special Collections are a “hallmark” of any research Library and a magnet for donor support.
o    MULAC urges more explanation of priority positions and brief descriptions of new positions as they are listed.
•    MULAC requests more timely communication of LMT notes.

Both MULAC and LMT seek to improve communication before and after LMT retreats in the future, and both see the importance of including input from all staff. (Perhaps further assisted by department, SRC or Library Assembly discussions.)

Information and Action Items from LMT Meeting 5/14/13

Attending: Jim Cogswell, Deb Ward, Ann Riley, Mike Holland; Guest: Matt Gaunt; Support: Mark Ellis

Information Item: Highlights from a discussion of MU’s upcoming fundraising campaign and how it relates to the Libraries:

  • Health Sciences Library will be a major focus of the upcoming campaign. The current $1.5 M remodel of HSL first floor is a “hold-over” from stimulus money projects. Focused meetings will take place about other possible HSL refurbishing to support programmatic goals.
  • A central element of the campaign will be the Library Centennial celebration.  Jim and Matt would like to create a centennial endowment, an unrestricted fund much like the “Chancellor’s Fund for Excellence,” to support a variety of needs. A book purchase to commemorate the anniversary is still being considered. The St. Johns Bible is a candidate, although cost for this is an issue. Other possible acquisitions will be considered.
  • Renovating the Ellis Grand Reading Room (201) is another focus of campaign. Conversations are underway with Campus Space Planning about possibly moving Special Collections and Archives into the west reading room (Ellis 202). This would collocate the two work units around a central area for study and use of materials while using the west stack core for storage of collections. The Grand Reading Room would be updated but would remain a quiet study area as it is now. Further study of this option is needed and will continue before a decision is made.
  • Matt is exploring some ideas to  promote the Library and to bolster fundraising:
    • Special Collections Roadshow.
    • Collaborating with other divisions and the campus as a whole to encourage large gifts that partially include Library.
    • Promoting the Library as the next target of major institutional and donor investment.
      • Why not establish a state of the art, attractive library that expands out toward student center?
      • This would create an impressive stretch of campus (the Rec Center, Student Center, an enhanced Ellis Library.  – Like three prize jewels in the crown of campus!)