Director’s Calendar March 31st – April 4th, 2014

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Monday, March 31st
3:00-5:00 p.m. – Council of Deans, Memorial Union

Tuesday, April 1st      
2:00-4:00 p.m. – Library Management Team, Ellis Library

Friday, April 4th  
10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. – MOBIUS Board Meeting, Columbia
5:30 p.m. – MU Capital Campaign Cabinet Reception, Gwynn Hall

Information and Action Items from LMT 3/18/14

INFORMATION ITEM:  LMT welcomed guest Development Director Matt Gaunt and Grant writer Chris Montgomery to discuss the possibility of applying for foundation grants to fund an endowed Preservation Officer for MU Libraries.

·         Discussion ensued about various foundations and specific details about their grants.

o   All the grants include a required “match” of funds (typically from fundraising).

o   The possibility of partnering with various University and/or external entities was explored and the pros and cons were weighed. (Brainstormed examples of potential partners that may be interested in such an effort include: Mizzou Advantage, Office of Research, UM System, MOBIUS, State Library, State Archives, etc.)

§  Pro: The creation of a high profile preservation lab or center that was a regional or institutional resource seems like it would embody the collaborative spirit that MU Administration wants to promote. 

·         Might be appealing to foundation to show broad impact potential.

·         Could possibly offer services to the region for a fee (or as a member of a consortium) as a way of being financially sustainable. 

·         Better facility and higher profile might attract stronger candidates.

§  Con: Having to share a preservation officer who is badly needed within MU Libraries might dilute the goal and lessen the benefit of acquiring one.

·         Also, generally speaking, donors like to see local impact.

o   It was resolved that MU Libraries would plan to apply for various grants as well as consider making the Preservation Officer and well equipped preservation facilities a part of the upcoming capital campaign.

§  Topic will be revisited again in the near future.

o   It was further agreed that the support of the Chancellor and System Administration will be crucial to meet the preservation needs of MU Libraries and to realize any potential for taking on a regional leadership role.

§  Buy in and support are needed to:

·         Complete of the UM Library Depository.

·         Create a state of the art preservation lab (possibly as part of UMLD facility).

·         Make the creation of a preservation center a potential target of large-scale giving.


INFORMATION ITEM:  Jim Cogswell and Ann Riley met with a Faculty Council Ad Hoc Committee to discuss the mold situation.  A further expression of concern on the part of the faculty took place as well as a request to be informed and to have a chance to offer input for the solution/remediation decisions.

·         Jim and Ann agreed to share with the group a calendar of when actions to address the mold infection will likely take place as well as examples of the lists that will be shared with the faculty to review the items that will potentially be “permanently de-selected”.

·         They also agreed to share with the group the cost of destruction (per book) and also volunteered to share the calculation of the cost to not only remediate but to store and maintain items in the collection (per book).


INFORMATION ITEM:  Renew Mizzou Update – the 20 computers that were in the 114 area that were scheduled to be moved to the Fourth Floor of Ellis Library have instead been removed all together by the Department of IT.  The computers, which originally came to Ellis due to the closing of a DoIT computer lab elsewhere on campus, were already considered out of date and to soon be rotated out of use. The Library Technology Service will try to identify other computers to designate for student use and make available on the Fourth Floor as they can.  

Director’s Calendar February 24th – 28th, 2014

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Monday, February 24th
3:00-5:00 p.m. – Council of Deans, Memorial Union

Tuesday, February 25th    
1:00-2:00 p.m. – Library Assembly, Ellis Library
3:00-4:00 p.m. – Library Committee Meeting, Ellis Library

Wednesday, February 26th
1:00-2:30 p.m. – Black History Month Event: The Black Experience, Ellis Library Colonnade

Thursday, February 27th
3:30-5:00 p.m. – Faculty Council Meeting, Memorial Union

Friday, February 28th
10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Academic Leadership Conference, RJI

Action and Information Items from Library Management Team 1/21/14

Attending: Jeannette Pierce, Michael Holland, Brian Cain, Deb Ward, Ellen Blair, Mark Ellis, Jim Cogswell

INFORMATION ITEM: Remediation of Books by Gamma Ray treatment and relocation of treated material:  we can identify approximately 13,000 items that we know will be sent for remediation (gamma ray exposure).

  • Items of interest to Special Collections and pre 1870 material.
  • Approximately 13,000 items.
  • After Gamma Ray treatment, Special Collections will integrate about 1,000 volumes into their collections. The remaining 12K of these already selected items will be stored in the original UMLD building.

ACTION ITEM:  MU Libraries will proceed/start cleaning the 11,000-13,000k items that are destined for Special Collections by getting of them ready for eradication of mold spores by gamma ray exposure. MU Libraries will work with Procurement Management to pursue a contract for that specific purpose.  MU Libraries will also continue to consult with Environmental Health & Safety for guidance in contracting service and handling exposed material.

INFORMATION ITEM: Based on budget options and further discussion with Procurement and Environmental Health and Safety, LMT will consider how much of the collection can be treated with gamma ray vs. other methods and how much of the infected collection will be discarded.

INFORMATION ITEM: Discussion ensued about criteria for selecting what material (beyond the 13K already selected) will be treated and saved.  Special attention was stressed on how to fairly proceed (taking into consideration the various stakeholders) while still making decisions in a timely fashion.  

Director’s Calendar January 27th – February 21st, 2014

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Monday, January 27th

9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. – Deans and Directors Leadership Workshop, Memorial Union

3:00-5:00 p.m. – Council of Deans, Memorial Union

Tuesday, January 28th    

1:00-2:00 p.m. – Library Assembly, Ellis Library

Jim Cogswell will be out of the Office from January 29th through February 21st.