Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 5/27/14

INFORMATION ITEM:  The Centennial Celebration logo was discussed.  Co-chair Chris Montgomery reviewed printouts of possible banners, ties, tie-pins and bookmarks.  She will take input back to committee (and the contracted graphic designer) for further discussion.

 INFORMATION ITEM:  By July 1, the Library will need to show the campus Budget Office from where the 2% give-back comes. LMT reviewed salary savings from currently open positions and discussed the amount that acquisitions will be required to cut (approximately $117,000).

It was also clarified by Campus Budget Office Rhonda Gibler that the $500,000 that the Libraries will receive for the next four years IS part of the strategic reallocation. The rest of the strategic allocation has already been committed.  Jim then assumes that when the Chancellor mentioned in a personal conversation with him that he will entertain additional requests if they will lead to higher stature in AAU, he must have been referring to making it part of the larger campus request from the system if the proposal is persuasive.

ACTION ITEM:  Jim will pull together a framework of a proposal to Chancellor Loftin with a preamble and broad strokes for how the MU Libraries could raise its ranking in ARL .  He will tie this in to how it would directly lift the University’s stature in AAU. Jim will send the frame and outline for LMT to review, revise and fill in details. Jim would like each Division Head (LMT member) to put estimated numbers on the proposal whenever possible.   Jim urges the Libraries to think “big ideas” and strategic (long term).  The more details the better. 

Director’s Calendar June 2nd – 6th, 2014

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Monday – Wednesday, June 2nd – 4th
Jim will attend various meetings at the MOBIUS Annual Conference which is taking place in Columbia. (He will be intermingling attendance at the conference with regular meetings and office work on campus.)

Thursday, June 5th  
2:00-4:00 p.m. – Library Management Team, Ellis Library

Director’s Calendar May 19th – 23rd, 2014

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Monday – Tuesday, May 19-20th
Jim will be in Kansas City attending meetings sponsored by the national organization ALADN (Academic Library Advancement & Development Network)

Wednesday, May 21st
9:00 a.m. – Jim will attend the MU Librarian and Archivist Council (MULAC), Ellis Library

Thursday, May 22nd   
2:00-3:00 p.m. – MU Libraries Celebration of Service Event, Ellis Library

Information & Action Items from Library Management Team 5/13/14

Guest for part of the meeting: Communications Officer Shannon Cary

ACTION ITEM: Shannon Cary will contact Space Planning Director Heiddi Davis to review Renew Mizzou Signage which was developed for Enrollment Management. She and Pat Jones will work with Heiddi to assess the number, content and format of the signs. Shannon will also develop a directional sign to place at the top of the stairs in one south (the stairs that go from the atrium to the information commons).

ACTION ITEM: Handout stands will be placed by both entrances during Renew Mizzou. They will contain the general Library flyer (already developed), Information sheets about how to sign on to Mizzou Wireless (to be created) and a parent-focused flyer (to be developed).

INFORMATION/ACTION ITEM: The food and beverage policy will be relaxed during Renew Mizzou. Light snacks and covered drinks will be allowed in Ellis Library. Shannon will communicate the policy to staff and will work with her design student to draft a sign for review.

INFORMATION ITEM: Jim Cogswell met with Chancellor Loftin on Monday, May 12. They had an engaging conversation about a variety of Library related topics. The subjects included: the relationship between institutional AAU standings and library ARL rankings, possible future student fees dedicated to MU Libraries, developing a library component to endowed positions, the need to have the entire library budget included in the current year budget give-back, the possibility of MU Libraries to receive reallocated funds if proposals link funding to AAU stature, possible additions to offsite storage building, and the MU Libraries centennial celebration. TAKE A WAY: Chancellor Loftin seems very knowledgeable and understanding of library issues. As much as he can, he will work with MU Libraries to achieve goals, especially when they complement the institutional goals.

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT Discussed two space renovation projects in Ellis Library for which they received proposals from ELSFAC (Ellis Library Space, Facilities Advisement Committee).One involved suites 304 and 307 (across from balcony that overlooks room 201). The other space involved several rooms on the fourth floor (suites 4C51 & room 4C12). Discussions will continue. MU Libraries received money from Student Capital Improvement Fund to repurpose space on the fourth floor into more study rooms.  

Information and Action Items from LMT meeting 4/29/14

INFORMATION ITEM:  LMT would like to create a communication plan to specifically coincide with the Renew Mizzou project.   As Enrollment Management will have signage and tools to inform visitor how to find their departments located in Ellis Library, MU Libraries will also create signs to help patrons find library departments, study spaces and points of interest.  The plan:

·         Will take advantage of higher traffic/profile.

·         Will likely remain even after Renew Mizzou.

·         Will be coordinated with Pat Jones, the ELSFAC sign committee and Shannon Cary.

Communications Officer Shannon Cary will attend the May 13 LMT meeting to further discuss. 

INFORMATION ITEM: The Fiscal Year 2014/2015 general revenue allocation has been received. The 2% give-back appears to include acquisitions budget. The amount is calculated at $353,000. It is hoped that this is just an over-sight and that the give-back will exclude acquisitions.  Inquiries are being made.

·         The funding does include additional amounts to close the “Acquisitions Gap” over the next four years. 

·         A new gap will be created if the current give-back amount remains.

ACTION ITEM:  LMT will create an Ellis Library North Entrance Task Force to rethink a number of processes/policies regarding the North Entrance.  Also to be considered by this group are changes to the Food and Drink Policy.  Tentative members and stakeholders were discussed.  The charge and membership will be announced after they are finalized.  

ACTION ITEM:  Jeannette Pierce will contact Shannon Cary to discuss again the possibilities of a big screen message boards in Ellis Library. Previous proposals made by the Communications Committee were delayed by concerns about ongoing content management and the ability to keep information fresh and up-to-date.  Jeannette and Shannon will explore having Librarians help with content. 

INFORMATION ITEM:  LMT is exploring the possibility of moving the microforms/microfilms on the fourth floor to a different location. Discussion ensued about where that might be and the various service changes and opportunities that would be created.  Meanwhile, an engineering study will be requested to ensure all possible safety concerns are being considered in regard to the weight of the cabinets and where they are or will be stored.


Director’s Calendar April 21st – April 25th, 2014

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Tuesday, April 22nd    
2:00-5:00 p.m. – June DeWeese Retirement Reception, Memorial Union

Wednesday, April 23rd        
3:30 – 5:00 p.m. – General Faculty Meeting, Jesse Wrench

Thursday, April 24th
2:00-3:00 p.m. – MU Libraries Lecture Series Event, Judith Mabary with Janice Wenger and Cheryl Black, Ellis Library Colonnade   

3:00-5:00 p.m. – Library Management Team, Ellis Library

Friday, April 25th  
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon – Orin Ethics Forum, Bush Auditorium

2:00-3:30 p.m. – Tap Ceremony, Jesse Hall

Director’s Calendar April 7th – April 12th, 2014

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Monday, April 7th – Tuesday, April 8th  
Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA) Directors Meeting, Phoenix, AZ

Thursday, April 10th       
8:00-10:00 a.m. – Council of Deans, Student Center

Friday, April 11th  
3:00 p.m. – MU Remembers, Memorial Union

6:00 p.m. – Library Society Reception and Dinner, Ellis Library

Saturday, April 12th  
8:00 a.m. – Friends of the Library Executive Board Meeting, Memorial Union.

10:30 a.m. – MU Libraries Donor Appreciation Ceremony, Ellis Library

12:00 Noon – Friends of the Library Annual Luncheon