Library Assembly, 3/20/2012

Attending: Members: Gary Cox (Chair), Laura Buck, Stephen Stanton, Stephen Clayton, Karen Witt, Libby Myre, Jack Batterson, June DeWeese, Mark Ellis, PT Martin Ex-Officio:  Deb Ward (LMT);  Jim Cogswell (LMT), Anne Barker (MULAC) Guest: Shannon Cary

  • Mark and Shannon sought feedback on the format of the MU Libraries Celebration of Service.
    • The 2012 Celebration of Service will take place on May 24th, 11:30 am-1:30 pm, in the Grand Reading Room, 201 Ellis Library.
    • Discussion ensued concerning department/constituent feedback.  Some of the comments included:
      • Can the notable anniversaries be published prior to the event.
        • Some of the celebrants don’t realize they are being recognized.
          • Work Anniversary dates at the University can be hard to formalize (especially if an employee transferred or worked for the university at two different times during their carreer).
          • Shannon will look into how Leo assembles his list of employees with monumental anniversaries.
      • Top Ten List – After brief discussion it was resolved that the Library Assembly will help Jim read off the top ten list again this year.
      • Mixer/Games -Some feedback from the employees suggested mixing up the seating so that employees are encouraged to visit with colleagues that work in different departments.
      • Flowers, plants and/or take away items – Some discussion took place regarding the tradition of giving out boutonnières/corsages to the anniversary employees.
        • Some felt this was an old fashioned practice that could be replaced with giving plants or some type of take-away gift that might last longer or be more meaningful.
        • It was also noted that not everyone likes plants/flowers.
        • Shannon Cary will consider the feedback and various options.
      • It was noted that MULSA provides food for the Celebration of Service and that without their participation the event would not be nearly as festive and as anticipated as it is.  (Thanks, MULSA!)
  • Development of a Web Based Ellis Library Room Calendar underway – Shannon and Mark presented the prototype of what may soon be a web based system to calendar the Ellis Library Conference rooms, classrooms, and event space.
    • The program is the same shareware that the Reference Department uses to book the student study rooms (it has been successful for that purpose).
    • The web based system would provide a single virtual place for MU Library employees to see what rooms are available.
      • An employee could also see what is scheduled throughout the library – thereby acting as an internal Library calendar.
      • A column could be added to note library sponsored events taking place outside the library (at Branch Libraries, Memorial Union, etc.).
      • LTS is exploring ways to control who can schedule rooms that are overseen by certain departments or entities – Ellis Library Colonnade, Ellis Library Staff Lounge, Instruction Rooms, etc.
    • The overall guidelines for reserving rooms would not greatly change, but the proposed shift over to this web based program promises some exciting advantages over what we currently use (Outlook).
    • To see a prototype of the calendar developed by LTS, log onto the Ellis Library External Event Calendar from the Staff Web Page:
    • More information on the development of this calendar to be relayed soon.
      • So far reception has been positive.
      • To be implemented some time over the summer.
  • Student fee update
    • MSA (Missouri Student Association) and the GPC (Graduate Professional Council) have designated students to work with a team from the MU Libraries to develop a Student Library Fee proposal.
      • The goal is to have the issue appear on a ballot in the Fall Missouri Students general election.
    • Jim would welcome volunteers from the Library Assembly to join the Library representatives who will be meeting with these students.
      • Jim also plans to approach the MU Librarians and Archivist Council (MULAC) to ask for volunteers.
      • The meeting with the students will take place the first week in April.
        • On a weekday, likely around 5-6:30 pm.
      • Jim is considering 5-6 Library Representatives total.
    • Discussion ensued about the role of Library employees on this committee.
      • Jim: to help get a feel for what the students want.
        • To help draft a proposal in such a way to show students how a fee will help provide what they want.
    • Discussion ensued about:
      • How to spread awareness of the many things the library provide for students that they already have without charge.
        • And how they may be threatened due to budget restraints.
      • If student employees present at these meetings might help spread awareness through their informed perspective.
      • About whether or not pithy examples (comments or data) might be helpful.
    • Send all volunteers, self-nominations and/or suggestions to Jim Cogswell for consideration.
  • Future meetings: Gary Cox
    • Development officer  to be invited to next Library Assembly Meeting.
    • Also Julie Rogers from security may attend the May meeting to discuss the suggestion to have a Library Fire drill over the summer and to discuss the Active Threat Training that has been taking place in the Library.
    • Jim Cogswell cannot attend May 22 Library Assembly meeting.
      • Gary may be in touch about rescheduling.
  • Announcements:
    • Anne Barker – MULAC:  Jim’s evaluation coming up.
      • Deans are evaluated every 5 years.
      • Provost office has a standard form that MULAC was able to modify for the library.
      • Survey Monkey will be used.
      • An email with the link to come out after spring break.
      • When finished the numerical data will be available.
      • The questions with (anonymous) comments will only be viewable by the Provost and Jim.
    • Deb Ward – Ellis RAIS and HSL.
      • HSL – lounge renovation is complete.
        • Funds have run short in construction
        • We are in Middle of phase one – it will be completed.
          • Moving stuff out, creating study rooms.
        • Other plans are back to the drawing board.
      • HSL – Literature in health care – Robin Blake is going to help pick out some titles.
      • Ellis RAIS – MU Libraries – Faculty Lecture series:
        • April 4th:  Carol Ward – Where did we come from.
        • April 19th: Doug Randal
      • Ellis RAIS- Government Documents will hold an event May 3rd to celebrate 150th Anniversary of being a Federal Repository.
        • Mary Alice Baish, The Superintendent of the National Repository (in Washington, DC), will be here with other Government dignitaries.
        • A program, open to the public, will be held 1:30-2:30 p.m.
      • E-Learning  – MU Libraries is asking for extension on Annelise Freeman’s E-Learning Position (co-funded by the Undergraduate School)
        • Hoping to extend two months (to end of June).
        • Annelise is making progress on the fulltime E-Learning position description.
  • PT – LTS – New staff machines will be arriving soon.
    • To be replaced: Staff white Macs and Dell 745s.
    • Paid for by desktop enhancement funds.
    • June DeWeese – Access services
      • Brooke Shannon – starts working full time next week.
      • There have been many applications for Assistant Head of Access Services.

Library Assembly Minutes, 2/28/2012

Attending: Members: Gary Cox (Chair), Laura Buck, Stephen Stanton, Stephen Clayton, Karen Witt, Libby Myre, Jack Batterson, June DeWeese, Mark Ellis, Matt Stottle Ex-Officio:  Deb Ward (LMT); Mike Holland (LMT),  Ann Riley (LMT), Jim Cogswell (LMT), Ann Barker (MULAC)

  • Announcements:
    • Library Director Jim Cogswell:
      • Ellis Library First floor Women’s restroom remodel.
        • Scheduled for this summer.
        • Central MU Administration will contribute $100K.
      • Expansion of Ellis Library Information Commons.
        • South of main elevators (on the 1R side).
        • Funded by the Libraries portion of the MU ITF funds.
      • New Library Development Director hired and will start 3/5/12.
        • Nathan Marticke.
        • 104 K Ellis Library, 884-8645.
      • MU Libraries and Provost Office budget meeting did finally take place 2/20/12.
        • (Had been rescheduled twice.)
        • Review of 5 years.
          • One past, the current year and projections for three years into the future.
        • The Discussion wasn’t cheery.
          • The future cuts from the state allocations to higher education were reduced recently but will remain significant.
        • As best as MU Libraries Administration and LMT can predict,  FY13 will be impacted in these ways (all figures and plans are subject to change):
          • Salary pool for 2012 will increases around 2%.
            • Originally hoping for 3%.
            • Staffing plan will be impacted.
              • Possible delays in filling positions.
              • Acquisitions will be impacted.
                • LMT is working out the details.
      • MSA/GPC and MU Libraries revisit the topic of Library Student Fee.
        • Topic was brought up by Missouri Student Association President X. J. Billingsley – He heard this was considered in the past.
        • Jim Cogswell met with the MSA Academic Affairs committee 2/21.
          • He hopes to meet with GPC soon.
        • Jim shared and discussed an information sheet detailing enhanced services that a student fee might be able to augment:
          • Extended Hours.
          • More Study space.
          • Collections.
          • See spreadsheet entitled: Libraries Fee Information – MU Feb1.2
            • (This is an informational document to further the discussion of a student fee. No official proposal has been made.)
        • MSA reception of the idea of a Library Fee was rather positive.
          • They asked MU Libraries to work with some of their representatives to put together a proposal.
          • The proposal will be formally presented to MSA with hopes to be put before the student body as a ballot issue.
          • Over the years, Jim has talked to 3 different MSA presidents/administrations about this topic.
            • The current representatives seem the most receptive to the idea.
    • Laura Buck, Veterinary Medical Library.
      • Improvements made to Vet Med Library .
        • Outlets installed.
        • Some rearrangements.
    • Matt Stottle, Ellis Library Security.
      • Matt accepted a new job at IBM (service response coordinator).
        • This will be his last Library Assembly Meeting.
    • Stephen Stanton, Geology Library.
      • New lights in Geology.
      • Campus Facilities has been working off and on since August, but have often been called away to other campus projects.  (Finally complete…)
    • Anne barker, MULAC.
      • Reference books are shifting to make the expansion of Info Commons possible.
      • Wayne Barnes coordinating.
    • Deb Ward, LMT member- Head of HSL and Interim Associate Director of RAIS.
      • HSL construction on library-space/testing-room moving along.
      • Room is complete; furniture not yet arrived.
        • Currently, a space for compact shelving is being created.
      • Questions:  How is this project funded?
      • Answer:  Funded by Med School and made possible by stimulus funding.
    • Mark Ellis, Administrative Services.
      • The MU Libraries Celebration of Service Event has been scheduled for May 24th, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm (or 1.5 hours within this span of time).
      • Mark and Shannon Cary, the Administration representatives to the Celebration of Service “committee” (an informal/unrecognized team), would like to know if Library staff are satisfied with our current format of the celebration of service.
        • Rather than have another survey (they sent one out approximately 3 years ago to reach our current format), Mark and Shannon would like to discuss in Library Assembly.
        • Mark will make sure it is on the agenda next meeting and will send out more information to staff and Library Assembly members soon.


  • Policy review – Mike Holland.
    • Policies 10 and 44 were presented to Library Assembly.  They were revised by Access Services.
      • Since Mike is the facilitator of the process, and these were revised by Access Service, he turns the discussion over to June DeWeese for an overview.
    • June DeWeese, Head of Access Services.
      • Policy 44- Policy for Responding to Disruptive Patrons.
        • Outlines what MU Library staff can/must do when encountering a disruptive patron.
        • Last time revised 1992.
        • Mainly updated the names and positions that were referenced.
        • Branch location procedures may need to be adapted.
        • Discussion:
          • Matt Stottle reports that Ellis Library Security is satisfied with this updated policy and how it pertains to Ellis Library Procedures.
          • Some members expressed that they did not review the “procedures” link that was imbedded in the attached policy.
          • Jim C. – Concerned about branches.
            • Perhaps a separate policy for branches?
            • Discussion ensued about if branch procedures can be handled in sub-points or if the matter needed in a new policy.
            • It was also asked if “frontline personnel” were also getting this information in training.  They were/are.
        • Conclusion: Mike suggests this policy be circulated further to the various departments/constituencies in the hopes,  if there are not a lot of major changes, it will be passed on to LMT in a few weeks.
          • If he hears that more discussion is needed, it can be brought back to the Library Assembly.
      • Policy 10-Overdue Fines and Replacement Costs.
        • The policy online says that it hasn’t been revised since 1992 however the functional policy was last revised by Access Services, Nov 2009.
        • Changed some specifics about the counting of days overdue.
          • Policy reflects how the system counts holidays.
        • Some changes reflect new issues such as laptops.
        • The biggest change is the removing of a cap on fines.
        • Discussion Ensued:
          • Question/Answers…
            • Q. Does anyone try to go beyond our policy (“over our heads”) to refute/refuse fines.
            • A. Rarely – almost never. Especially with our support/allowance of patrons buying replacements.
            • Q. Wouldn’t the replacement cost for some of our bound journals reach thousands?
            • A. Yes, the provision 4.4 B which calls for billing at twice the subscription rate for bound journals almost always results in the items being “found” by the patron.
            • This policy/procedure did go through MERLIN Circ/Reserve committee.
            • Concerns expressed by Branches Representative Stephen Clayton on behalf of branch libraries.  (Journalism even sent a list.)
              • A request was made for the Circulation and Reserve staff from all the various libraries to meet and discuss.
        • Conclusion: Mike feels this policy revision and discussion, which cuts across most (and perhaps all) divisions, needs an ad hoc committee.
          • He will make that recommendation to Jim Cogswell, who would select such a group.
          • It was requested that policy 29 also be reviewed at the same time.

Library Assembly Meeting Minutes, Jan. 26

Library Assembly
4F51A Ellis Library

Attending: Members: Gary Cox (Chair), Laura Buck, Michelle Baggett (proxy for Branches), Karen Witt, Libby Myre, Jack Batterson, Stephen Stanton, June DeWeese, Mark Ellis, Matt Stottle Ex-Officio:  Deb Ward (LMT); Mike Holland (LMT),  Ann Riley (LMT), Jim Cogswell (LMT), Ann Barker (MULAC)

  • Announcements
    • Library Director Jim Cogswell:
      • Library Director of Development Search interviews continue this week:
        • Friday, January 27th
        • Wednesday, February 1st
        • Everyone is encouraged to attend the Candidate Open Meetings, 12:30  – 1:30 pm, 159 Ellis Library
      • The Libraries’ Annual Budget Review meeting with the Provost’s Office Staff was rescheduled for a later date at the request of the Provost’s Office.
      • Sobering discussions took place this week at the Council of Deans regarding the University Budget after statements from the Governor, during the State of the State address, in which he indicated there would be a 12.5% decrease in state appropriations for Higher Education.
        • According to Tim Rooney, MU Budget Director, the impact is estimated at $21 million dollar reduction for the Columbia campus.
        • Represents a 25% reduction over past 3 years.
      • Ellis Library first floor women’s restroom will be remodeled over the summer.
        • Work to begin soon after commencement.
        • Hope to have the room open by start of Classes in the Fall.
      • A forum on the Ellis Library fire took place on January 10, 2012.
        • Jim reminds all employees that release time will be granted to anyone who would like to utilize the MU Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to talk through or otherwise deal with personal issues related to the fire.
    • June DeWeese – Access Services:
      • Five (5) Ear sensors have been made available for check out from Ellis Library Reserves.  They are part of a campus program that submit biofeedback information to computers on campus.
        • Two hour check-out period.
        • Intended for students who have participated in an orientation/training
      • Access has two half-time positions open.
        • Interest has been shown.
    • Deb Ward Head of HSL and Interim Associate Director of RAIS:
      • Dorothy Carner helped submit an IMLS grant related to media output.
        • Title: Curation Center for Digital News Media.
        • Other players: Archives, School of Journalism, Kate Anderson.
      • HSL staff lounge closes as of today for renovation.
      • Open position in HSL-ILL.
    • Ann Riley, Associate Director of Technical Services.
      • Technical Services has formalized the creation of a Digitization Department.
  • Introduction/Update from the Collection Steering Committee (CSC) – Ann Riley
    • Formerly the CDC – Collection Development committee.
      • Changed somewhere near 2009 and reduced number of membership.
    • Charge: to oversee policies, advise on budget matters.
    • Recent activities:
      • Initiated a monthly meeting of selectors.
      • Working on: demand-driven acquisitions.
        • Loading (into MERLIN) bibliographic records of books NOT acquired through “approval plan”.
        • When the book is looked up in MERLIN, a note will appear saying if you want this book click here – if a books button is clicked three times, the book will automatically be ordered.
  • Policy on Policies – Mike Holland, University Archivist and Director of SCARaB.
    • Jim asked Mike to look at MU Libraries policy manual and policy process in general.
    • Mike discovered, as expected, a large need to revise/review.
      • Policies reflect a former management structure.
      • Refer to Library Council which no longer exists. And SRC – an entity whose status is unknown.
      • Mike started by drafting a new version of Policy 1 – Policy Formation. (Copies where distributed.)
        • The root of the policy stays close to “spirit” of original.
          • Terminology and management structure references updated.
          • Policy recommendations and recommendations to review current policy can come from anywhere.
          • Review of policy drafts will be vetted with Library Assembly.
          • Library Management Team will approve and Director will have ultimate say.
          • Mark will post Policy on MU Library Staff Web Page for review.

Library Assembly Meeting, Nov. 15, 2011

Attending: Members: Gary Cox, PT Martin, Matt Stottle, June DeWeese, Jack Batterson, Stephen Stanton, Stephen Clayton, Libby Myre, Anne Barker, Karen Witt, Laura Buck, Mark Ellis.  Ex Officio:  Jim Cogswell, Ann Riley, Deb Ward.

Guests: MaryEllen Sievert, Ernest Shaw.

  • Report from LTS RE Conversion to Exchange 2010 – Ernest Shaw, Head of Library Technology Services (LTS)
    • Will take about 17 days to complete conversion.
      • Started last Friday.
      • Some networking issues have occurred.
      • Exchange has been slow.
      • Overall, migration going well.
      • Please report any problems to LTS.
        • There may not be anything they can do but it may be useful to know.
    • Questions/Answers:
      • Q. Will there be any lost mail?
        • A.: Not expecting any.  It is a rather routine migration. (Though large in scale.)
      • Q. Are they doing backups?
        • A. Yes, there is routine and multiple copies being made. But if anyone thinks they lost something, let LTS know.
  • Assessment Committee Update – MaryEllen Sievert.
    • Two year project.
      • First year:
        • Planning and discussing.
        • Took part in an MSA/GPC survey.
          • Was able to add Library questions.
          • Great turnout for their survey.
      • Second year will be developing:
        • Surveys
        • Focus groups and/or interviews
      • Feedback Focus:
        • How does MU Libraries support research both on and off campus?
          • Bibliographic study – research grant bibliographies to see what resources are held my MU Libraries.
          • Return of Investment (ROI) estimates.
            • Follow efforts of several other institutions that have pulled together such data.
        • How effectively do the collections, services and facilities of MU Libraries serve students on and off campus?
          • Will plan to use surveys and focus groups.
          • Likely breakout undergraduates, graduates and faculty.
        • How effectively do the collections, services, and facilities of MU Libraries serve faculty?
          • A collaboration possibility with Library Committee.
            • They share a charge from new MU Strategic Plan to develop assessment benchmark and tools.
            • Will be working with a new study on eLearning and the libraries.
            • Will be using surveys and focus groups.
        • Explore Association of Research Libraries (ARL) statistics and other data that the library has been gathering on usage.
          • In some way asking MUL collectors of data to change how they collect info.
          • Adding new data to collect so the numbers can distinguish more finely the activities of the Library
            • Character of instruction as an example.
            • Seek a uniform collecting of data through the organization and branches.
      • Questions/Answers:
        • Q.  When was the MSA/GPC survey conducted?  Were the results ever shared (with MU Libraries employees)?
          • A. MSA/GPC survey was done during finals week.  Results came in over the summer.  MaryEllen will check with Shannon Cary to see if results were shared and if they could be again.
        • Q. Are the MSA/GPC questions asked every year?
          • A.  It was a one-time survey.
          • Comment:  Excellent turnout for their survey.
            • Student groups were entirely responsible for the survey
            • Survey monkey format sent out by email.
        • Q. Alumni Association does an exit interview with graduates that have library questions.  Any chance we can get to that data?
          • A. Assessment group will contact the Alumni Center.
        • Q. Concerning data comparison to five and ten years ago, how will you handle data for new services that have emerged within that amount of time (for which you won’t have historical data)?
          • A. Part of goal is to look forward and set in motion the data to collect for future analysis.
          • Focusing on questions such as:
            • What do we collect?
            • How do we collect it?
            • Do we need to make measurements of performance consistent?
        • Q.  Some departments only turns in small portion of stats collected.  Will there be an effort to (or has the committee considered) requesting  that information?
          • A. Assessment committee has kept/will keep in mind
        • Q . Has a ROI study been compared with other schools (peers) Big  12 and such?
          • A. Not all schools publish ROI
          • Q. Can Assessment Committee share data on institutions that do measure ROI.
          • A. Committee will review and share what it can (findings were reviewed in a white paper vs. actual data).

UPDATE: Here are links to more information about this topic sent by MaryEllen:

  • Q Does the Change to SEC have any impact on peer groups.
    • A. Not much.  Not anticipating any.  Most peer groups have been shifting from conference alliance for a while. (GWLA, Research I Peers, etc.)
    • Q. What will we do with data/findings?
      • A.  JC MU Strategic Plan asks for “quantitative and qualitative measures”: to make sure MU Libraries is living up to mission
        • Come up with Bench marks.
        • Assess quality by periodic surveys.
        • Q. When is two year mission done?
          • A. August 2012.   A lot will be done earlier.
        • Q. Will there be ongoing assessment?
          • A. yes, absolutely.
            • External (funding) pressures will always be there.
            • MUL must stay proactive to keep control of process.
              • To have say in assessment.
              • ME Sievert – there are cycles of how often to collect data.
                • Care must be taken to avoid survey fatigue.
  • Jim announcements:
    • Search for Development Director will be reopened.  Two candidates came to campus. One withdrew. Libraries and MU Development Office will reopen the position in hopes of attracting a larger applicant pool.  Goal: to fill early next year.
    • Starting in December, five year budget review between MU divisions and Provost Office
      • Review past year, current and three years projected in to the future.
      • Projections use University provided budget assumptions.
      • MU Libraries meeting with the Provost is Dec 7.

UPDATE: As of 11/28/11 – the MU Libraries budget meeting with the Provost has been rescheduled to January 25, 2012.

  • Jim will report on budget discussion in the All-staff meeting.
  • Meeting to follow-up on the fires in Ellis Library will take place in January.
    • Recovery will be completed and the rush of the end of the Fall Semester will be over.
    • Will be an open meeting. Plans to invite various entities that responded/helped with fire and restoration (Campus Facilities, Environmental Health and Safety, ServPro, etc. ) Would like to reflect on what could have been done better.  What did we do right? And to say “Thanks”.  No date, yet.  Looking at the first few weeks of January.
  • Other announcements;
    • Deb Ward: Annelise Freeman is on board as a part time E-Learning Librarian.
    • June DeWeese:
      • Terry Brooks retires next week.  Access Services will host a retirement Open House with snacks this Friday, November 18th.
        • Q. Will Access Services be allowed to replace?
        • A. Yes – We plan to request to fill all vacancies (as mentioned in the all-staff meeting in August).  There is still a Hiring Freeze.  We have to request to fill, justify, and be granted approval.  LMT expects replacement approvals due to number of positions lost.
      • North Entrance Book Drops will be Open.  June expresses Thanks to Pat Jones for making this possible.  This will be for the convenience of patrons during finals week.
    • Matt Stottle: Security has noticed an increase in food and beverages violations (unapproved containers, food, candy, etc.) on the upper floors.  When possible, please help remind patrons of the policies.
  • Next meeting will be January.  Guests will be Collection Steering Committee representatives.

Library Assembly Meeting, Oct. 25, 2011

Attending:  June DeWeese, Matt Stottle, Deb Ward, Libby Myres, Stephen Clayton, Stephen Stanton, Ann Riley, Jack Batterson, Mark Ellis, PT Martin, Gary Cox, Karen Witt, Laura Buck, Jim Cogswell.

  • Ellis Library Fire Update– Jim Cogswell:
    • Two or three follow-up meetings will be planned in November:
      • One will be to reflect and say thanks.
        • Will focus on what we learned from the experience.
          • Open to all MU Library employees.
          • We will also invite MU and External groups who were involved in the fire/water damage response
            • Campus Facilities, MUPD, Environmental Safety, SERVPRO, etc.
        • Will also allow MU Libraries to say a final “Thanks” to everyone who was involved with the clean-up and recovery.
      • The other will be a facilitated meeting with J. Hunter and MU Employee Assistance Program(EAP).
        • Smaller meetings.
          • For anyone who would like to speak through their emotions and feelings of the event.
          • Two or more sessions will be scheduled based on need.
          • The dates of these meeting will depend partly on the EAP calendar.
  • Retirement plan benefits changes – Jack Batterson
    • Jack passed out a summary sheet that illustrated the proposed changes to current retirement plan that is being discussed by the Board of Curators.
      • New plan combines a Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution design.
        • Current retirement plan is a Defined benefit plan.
      • Plan affects anyone hired after Oct 1 2012.
      • We can invite a representative from UM Benefits to have a Library info session if we feel we need it.
        • Since affect only new employees, some wonder if there will be a need.
  • E-Learning Position – Deb Ward
    • MU Libraries has been working with Jim Spain, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies and Interim Vice Provost of eLearning, to create a halftime contract employee to work in E-Learning.
      • They have identified a successful candidate and hope to hire Annelise Freeman
      • Will work broadly with Instruction, web committee, and others on all things e-learning.
      • Position slated for 6 months as a trial.
      • A&S has partnered with library and Student Success Center to provide tutoring in Ellis Library for the past three years.
        • It has been a very successful collaboration relationship.
  • Health screening and Flu shots to be offered at various places and dates around campus.
    • This takes the place of the big health fair that has been held previous years.
      • It is free.
      • Bring Coventry insurance card.
      • This year, there is also a $100 HSA incentive award for making a Cerner health account.
        • 50 points questionnaire
        • 50 points health screening.
        • Deadline: April 2012.
    • Coming to Ellis Library Nov 8 – Colonnade.
  • Director’s Announcements:
    • 8th Annual Ellis Library Homecoming Open House took place Oct 15th.
      • 800+ visitors, Libraries provided Hotbox cookies.
      • Archives put on a first rate exhibit as back drop.
      • A lively event.
    • Development Director Search.
      • Two formal interviews with open presentation/Q&A Sessions  for MUL employees to attend.
      • Up to two more candidate visits possible.
      • Evaluation forms out soon.

UPDATE: Concerning the Development Director search MU Libraries and the Development Office have decided to re-open and re-post the position in order to attract a broader pool of candidates.

  • Provost’s Budget Review Process starting
    • Provost office schedules meeting to review each University Division’s budget.
    • Reviews past year, current year and future budgets projected out three years.
    • Jim will provide an update to the budget review at the All Staff Meeting in January.
    • Jim’s 360 Evaluation which was due to be initiated by the Provost’s office in September, was put off due to the Ellis Library fire. It will be rescheduled in the near future.
    • United Way campaign still going on. Pledge online.
    • QUESTION: Gary C. – Has heard from Jim and Library a high figure related to damage estimates (over $500 K) but in a recent article on the State Historical Society,  He read price of damage small (around $10K) figure.  Was that only collections?
      • ANSWER: the $10,000 figure reported was for replacement cost of a collection of microfilm damaged by water. Still no final estimate of overall damage costs.
  • Other Announcements:
    • Stephen Clayton on behalf of Journalism Library:
      • Retiring Journalism Professor Betty Winfield has donated 1,300 books to the Journalism library.
        • Currently being cataloged.
        • Journalism is shifting collection to accommodate.
        • A dedication will take place November 10th, at 2 pm.
          • Everyone is invited.
          • A reception will take place 2:30-4 pm, 102 RJI
      • Journalism Library is holding their annual film contest.
    • Ann Riley on behalf of Technical Services –Brian Cain, an internal candidate was hired as a Librarian Cataloger
      • One year/ temporary appointment to save the Libraries time rather than going through an approval to fill and full search process.
      • Cataloging plans to conduct a full nationwide search in twelve months
    • Gary Cox on behalf of Archives – MU Athletics online streaming channel coming soon.
      • Archives material may be featured.
        • Athletics has contacted Archives for athletic reels.
        • Ann Riley:  100 years of athletics is a popular hit on MOspace.
    • PT Martin for LTS – Library Migration to Exchange 2010 – may start as soon as Nov 5.
      • There is not much information beyond that.
      • Email storage space will expand.
      • Potentially a way to set up Auto Archives to align with University Retention Policy.
  • Future Library Assembly Agenda items – Visits by committee chairs:  Gary Cox
    • Next committee to be invited to Library Assembly:  Assessment committee.
      • Followed by:  Web Advisory Group, and then Collection Steering Committee.
      • Gary plans to invite the new Development Director as soon as that person is hired.

Library Assembly Meeting Minutes, Sept. 20

Attending: Gary Cox, Karen Witt, Jack Batterson, Laura Buck, June DeWeese, Anne Barker, Matt Stottle, Steven Clayton, Libby Myre, Deb Ward, Stephen Stanton, Ann Riley, Mark Ellis, Jim Cogswell.

  • Discussion of survey results: (a recap of last month’s discussion and continuation of new topics):  Based on the survey, the Assembly resolved:
    • To send a “teaser” email to the all-staff email distribution list that would give highlights of the Library Assembly Meeting Discussions.
      • A complete copy of the minutes would continue to be published in News notes and posted on the Library Assembly web page.
    • That Mark Ellis will regularly publish in News Notes meetings of interest from the Director’s calendar.
    • To not make a great effort to publish survey results.
      • Results are not secret nor are they negative, but they were mainly intended for Assembly use and action.
  • Staff Web Subcommittee – volunteer needed:
    • After a call for a volunteer and further discussion, the Assembly resolved to have the subcommittee begin the task of reviewing and updating the staff web site with only two members.
      • An open invitation shall be extended to any Library Assembly members who would like to join.
      • Current members June DeWeese and Stephen Stanton are also invited to request another member if they find the work too burdensome.
  • Identifying training opportunities/needs for staff:  Gary received a suggestion after the all staff meeting requesting LMT to let non-librarian employees know about training opportunities (budget amounts).
    • MULAC annually proposes a budget for Librarians, there is not a current mechanism to do the same for non-librarian staff members.
      • Jim suggests if a staff member has a training need and identifies a training opportunity they should let supervisor and LMT member know to bring forward.
    • Response to membership suggestions:
      • Jim will inquire if Staff Development Committee could fill this role until a more formal process developed.
      • It was commented that Webinars are getting better and better (and cost effective).
      • Concerning DoIT software classes, if deemed job related, the Libraries will be willing to pay some or all of the cost.
  • Discussion of fire in Ellis Library on 9/10/11:  Jim Cogswell
    • The good news: There were no injuries, and minimal damage to our collections.
    • The damage:
      • Seven separate fires were started in DigiPrint Circulation/Reserve and InterLibrary Loan departments.  Sprinkler Systems activated and contained the fires.  Sprinkler system ran for about an hour as the fire department ensured there were no other fires in the building.
      • DigiPrint, Circ/Reserve and ILL offices sustained some fire and smoke damage. All of the first floor sustained smoke damage.
      • Most of the damage was caused by water. The only part of the collection damaged were items in Circ/Reserve and ILL. 40 items are currently being treated in Ellis Library in hopes of restoring them.  Others, including approx 15 from other institutions were damaged and an effort will be made to replace.
      • Beyond the damage in Circ/Reserve and ILL , the sprinkler systems caused the Northeast quadrant of the first floor to become flooded.  This caused saturation of the floor and walls in Admin office, the TelePresence room and the Government Documents Collections area.
      • The water also seeped down into the Missouri State Historical Society.  Some State Historical collections were damaged (microfilm deemed destroyed but replaceable).  Some papers and film became wet.  Those items have been or are being treated.
      • Much of the area (NE quadrant of Ellis Library first floor) are still dealing with water cleanup (fans and dehumidifiers have been running constantly).
    • What happens next:
      • Restoring of library will happen in stages.
        • First phase:  DigiPrint, Cir/Reserve/ ILL.
        • Second phase:  Administration Office and TelePresence Room.
        • Third phase:  Government Documents Collection area.
      • The carpet will be replaced in all areas saturated by water.  The tiles underneath will, in most cases, need to be torn out to ensure water is not trapped under new carpet.
        • Most of the tile is NOT asbestos (as was once thought).
        • There is a small amount of asbestos tile in DigiPrint and Circ/reserve area.   It has not been determined how to best deal with those sections.  [UPDATE as of 9/30/11: tile in DigiPrint and Circ/Reserve was tested and is NOT asbestos.]
    • Until then:
      • Circ/Reserve and ILL are temporarily located in the north end of 114 (Current Periodicals Reading Room).
      • After they move back to 101-103, the Administration Office will be temporarily moved to this space wile 104 is being restored.
      • It will likely take the better part of the semester to completely recover from this occurrence.
    • Thanks: Jim expressed pride in the library staff and how they pulled together.
      • Many staff members came in over the weekend to help move Library items out of harm’s way and to start the preservation process for damaged equipment/material.
      • The Library could not have asked for more/better help from all the many units on campus that came and helped out.  (Just to name a few: Campus Facilities, Environmental Health and Safety, MUPD, etc).
      • Great outpouring of support and caring from students, fellow libraries, friends and the public.
      • The Head of Ellis Library Security, Pat Jones, deserves thanks and praise for many hours spent coordinating almost every aspect of the Library Response to this incident.
        • Access Services extends thanks to Pat Jones and Security as well.
    • Other Comments:
      • No dollar figure has been attached to the cost of this incident.
      • Most damage is covered by insurance (which has a $100K deductable).
        • It is safe to say that the cost in man hours, restoration efforts and office furniture will be well into the hundreds of thousands of dollars.  (Could reach over one million.)


J. Batterson: Cataloging interviewed three individuals for the position formerly held by Mary Aycock.  They will initially fill the position on a temporary basis.  John Budd, faculty member of Library school, visited at our Catalog Department meeting today and gave us insights into academic libraries. We are digitizing the pre-1920 theses and dissertations

Deb Ward: Next week, Wednesday,  Sept 28, is the HSL Symposium from  9:00 am  –  12:00 Noon, in  Accuff Auditorium.  All MU Libraries employees are invited.  Along with celebrating HSL 25th year anniversary, the event will honor Dr. Don Lindberg – currently the Director of the National Library of Medicine.  Prior to that, Dr. Lindberg was a Professor of Pathology and Director of the Medical Informatics Group (MIG), University of Missouri

Jim Cogswell: Jim and the Development Office have just scheduled the first Interview for the Director of Development position.  A candidate will be on campus Friday, October 7th. More information will be made available as that date approaches.


Jim will attend UM Library Director’s meeting in KC Thursday, September 22.

Next week Jim will be at a GWLA Meeting , Mon and Tues,  in New Mexico .

Ann Riley: to celebrate Open Access week in October, MU will host a professor from KU and other speakers from our MU Faculty.  More information to be distributed soon.

Library Assembly Minutes, 8/23/11

Library Assembly
8/23/11, 2-3 pm
4F51A Ellis Library

Attending: Members: Laura Buck, PT Martin, Matt Stottle, , Ann Barker, Jack Batterson, Steven Clayton, Stephen Stanton, Mark Ellis, Libby Myers, June DeWeese, Karen Witt, Gary Cox.  Ex-officio: Jim Cogswell, Ann Riley, Deb Ward.  Guests: Karla Geerlings.

  • Announcements :
    • Director’s Announcements – Jim Cogswell : Jim will be up for 360 review in Sept 2011. (All direct reports of Provost Foster are subject to periodic evaluations.) The evaluation will include performance input from peers and those who work in the Dean/Director’s division/college.
    • Access Services – June DeWeese: The recent Shibboleth upgrade created complications with University contract appointment.  Ernest and June have to enter each individual as an exception. Access Services is surviving with the loss of staff (recent retirees were in possession of vast amounts of institutional knowledge).
    • Special Collections – Karen Witt:  Kelli Hansen has put together a presentation (video) on Special Collections web site. She is currently assembling an “in-person” presentation to take on the road when asked.
    • LTS – PT Martin: Mizzou wireless had been spotty the few days prior to the meeting. Thin clients (virtual terminals) located in Ellis were also having some trouble.  DoIT is investigating.  The Student who primarily helped with the web programming moved out of town. Mathew is the only individual currently doing web programming.
    • Deb Ward – E learning Task Force: Deb has been invited to participate in a new task force formed to improve communication about E-learning initiatives on campus. First meeting will be September 15.
  • Karla Geerlings, MULSA President gave a report of Ellis Library Staff Lounge renovation plans.     (See Full Report that will be posted on the Library Assembly page: )
    • Summary:
      • Subcommittee assembled a report of Ellis Library Staff lounge status/issues.
        • Actions included: removing a soda machine, moving machines, cleaning upholstery, replacing sofa, adding artwork, adding coffee table.
        • Further recommendations: remodeling with new cabinets, deep sink, water softener, hot water. Complete rewiring that would allow rearranging room for better use.
        • Proposal went to Campus Facilities.   Cost estimates were quite a bit over expectations and resources.  (Cost of working in old building and the current location, which in hindsight, was poorly chosen.)
        • MULSA is considering resubmitting a lesser plan.  Priority: Hot Water.
          • Web Page:
            • It has been suggested that the Departments (or other constituents) of each member be listed by their name.
              • Ann Riley so motioned.
              • PT Martin seconded.
              • Unanimous Agreement.
              • Gary Cox suggests that the Staff Web Sub-group start/continue work on staff web page upkeep and recommendations without the third member.
  • Library Assembly Questionnaire results.
    • Ann compiled results and sent a report.
      • 47 participants.
      • Gary highlighted results.
      • Discussion regarding Distribution/Dissemination of Library Assembly information/Minutes.
        • Several suggestions about alternate ways beyond News Notes to distribute information: (8 suggestions for distributing by all staff email.)
        • Discussion included recommendation to send out either shorter minutes or a short teaser that directed readers to the Library Assembly Web page for full minutes.
        • Discussion ensued about the Director sharing more information about his calendar and travel (so that interested parties could follow up with him about meetings, events, etc).
          • It was resolved that Jim Cogswell will share “large” calendar items (such as Library related travel that takes him off campus – such as UM Library Directors meetings, GWLA, ARL, etc.).
            • Jim and staff assistant Mark Ellis will work to find a process.
  • Next Meeting:  Jim Cogswell is not available to meet Sept 27th (date of next LA meeting.)
    • Gary asked if the Assembly would like to meet September 20th instead, or meet without Jim.
    • After discussion, it was resolved that the Recorder, Mark Ellis, will try to reschedule to the 20th and report back to Gary Cox if a lot of members could not make it that day.

Meeting Adjourned.


Library Assembly Meeting Minutes, July 26

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
1:00 – 2:00 pm
159 Ellis Library

Members:  Gary Cox (chair), Karen Witt, Mary Hainen (for Jack Batterson), June DeWeese, Laura Buck, Stephen Stanton, Libby Myer, Steve Clayton, Mark Ellis, Ryan Buttrey (for Matt Stottle), PT Martin.

Ex-Officio: Deb Ward (LMT), Jim Cogswell (LMT), Anne Barker (MULAC)

  • Welcome – Gary Cox, FY2012 Chair of the Library Assembly.
  • Introductions – All.
  • Announcements:
    • Director’s Announcements – Jim Cogswell:
      • Last week (July 21, 2011) an All Staff Forum was held.
        • A lively discussion of the LMT Retreat material took place.
        • Material to be reviewed with a staffing plan at the upcoming All Staff Meeting in August.
        • All Staff Meeting will take place on Thursday, August 18th.
          • 2:00-3:30 pm.
          • In Ellis Auditorium.
        • Access Services – June DeWeese:
          • Access Services filled two positions.  Both will start next month.
            • One in Circulation; one in Shelving.
        • Faculty Lecture Series Committee- Deb Ward:
          • Formerly an “Ad Hoc” committee.
            • Held first official meeting July 25.
            • Brenda Graves-Blevins elected as chair.
            • Committee will be added to the list of MU Libraries committee soon.
  • Review of Charge – Gary Cox.
    • Facilitate communication throughout MU Libraries.
      • Not here to set policy.
      • Members are responsible for relaying information back to departments.
      • Assembly has been operating from the initial proposal (composed by a working group of fellow library employees).
        • The Assembly has no official policy.
        • Policy or Bylaws may be a subject discussed later this year.
  • Vice-chair and Recorder – Gary Cox: As the first meeting of the year, it seems appropriate to choose/discuss the positions of Vice-Chair and Recorder.
    • Mark Ellis stated he was willing to be recorder again, if no one else volunteered.
      • No one else volunteered.
      • Laura Buck volunteered to assume Vice-chair .
      • Review of duties.
        • Vice chair – meets with Director and Chair to set Library Assembly agendas.
          • Slight changes may be needed to the draft of Assembly policy/bylaws.
            • Meeting schedule of Library Assembly Chair and Library Director are different than proposed.  (This first year, the meetings have most often occurred the day before the Assembly meetings.)
          • Recorder
            • Assembly Minutes – after discussion, no one expressed problems with current practice of approving the minutes by email (approximately within one week of the meeting date) and posting in News Notes (the next possible news notes publication date after the approval of the minutes).
  • Library Assembly Survey – The Library Assembly’s first annual survey is complete in Survey Monkey.
    • Gary will follow up with Ann Riley (coordinator of the survey creation) about  how we will distribute survey to all MU Libraries staff.
  • Other unresolved issues:
    • Dual appointments.
      • Jim Cogswell and Gary had a chance to discuss the issue in their meeting the day before and they suggest that the employee with a dual appointment be allowed to vote and represent only one department. That (home) department should be where the supervisor who signs the employee’s timesheet works.
        • After discussion, it was agreed that this would be the easiest solution.
        • The issue could be brought up again, if problems arise.
        • Staff Web Subcommittee: After a subcommittee of the Library Assembly coordinated an update of the MU Library Staff Web Page, it was resolved (at meetings past) that a permanent subcommittee would be formed to periodically check the web page to ensure that it is kept current.
          • June DeWeese and Stephen Stanton volunteered for the subcommittee and it was resolved that a third member would be appointed.  The appointment of the final member was put off until the new members were elected.
            • To give the new members a chance to volunteer for that subcommittee.
            • Since not all of the new members are present, Gary would like to move appointment to the next meeting.
  • Review of FY2011 activity:
    • Guest speakers:
      • Ernest Shaw – LTS update.
      • Pat Jones –Ellis Library Space and Facilities Advisory Committee introduction and update.
      • Shannon – Communication Officer:  Introduction and update of the Communications Advisory Group.
      • Gary suggests that each of these visitors return for periodic updates.
      • Also, any other committees.  (Such as the Assessment Committee)
        • The Library Assembly made a list last year, but didn’t make it through.
        • Gary will revisit list.
        • April meeting discussion on Values statements.
          • Context:  When Jim first started at MU Libraries (2002) Library Council reviewed what we, the Libraries, held closest as values.
            • Process started with MU Values.
          • The Task: the question this year was do the values still ring true?
            • Discussion was lively.
            • Jim was impressed by how much of the discussion affirmed the current values.
            • But no closure.
          • Jim propose Library Assembly to transmit to LMT the discussion outlines and notes.
            • LMT will consider further action (possibly a revised draft of the values statement)
        • Mark Ellis (admin representative) mentioned that the format of discussion seemed powerful process.
          • Each representative was encouraged to hold a meeting with their constituents (it was suggested that a member of the Diversity Action Committee be present), discuss the topic and bring back summaries and recommendations to discuss at an Assembly meeting.
  • Meeting time and dates for FY2012
    • After discussion it was agreed upon that the currently monthly meeting time and dates seemed to work well for the group.
      • It was further clarified:
        • Fourth Tuesday of month
        • 1-2 pm.
        • The day will shift to the third Tuesday of the month for November.
        • The December meeting will be skipped due to the close proximity to the winter intersession and Christmas holiday.
          • An emergency meeting may be called if urgent issues arise.
  • Other/Misc. Business:
    • Jim will likely leave a spot on the All Staff meeting Agenda for Gary Cox to give a quick intro/summary/update of the Library Assembly.
      • Other All Staff Meeting Topics to include:
        • MU Libraries Staffing Plan.
        • Brief look at budget numbers.
        • As a potential future action/discussion point, it was pointed out that the last SRC terms posted on the web expired 2009.
          • There may be a need to kick-start the election process.
        • Salary increase letters to go out soon.
          • LMT has worked into the salary increase process this year a $300 increase to library employees below $35K annual salary to offset increases to health insurance costs.
            • Separate from 2% merit pool.
