Library Assembly Minutes, Nov. 27

Attending:  Kate Anderson, Jack Batterson, Rachel Brekhus, Laura Buck(chair), Jim Cogswell, Deb Ward, June DeWeese, Anselm Huelsbergen, Libby Myre, Ashley Nelson and Ann Riley

Kate Anderson gave an update on what is happening with Mizzou Advantage.

  • There are now 4 areas instead of 5 with a focus on collaborative networks
  • Instead of the more formal proposals there are currently lightning round pitches for $25,000 in funds.
  • Recently funded proposals are the Science Communication Network for speakers and faculty training.  Digital Humanities received funding for graduate students,
  • Mizzou Advantage has also provided funds for the hiring of Chris Elsik in Animal Sciences.
  • Provided partial funding for a position of Historian of Modern Life Science.  Rest of funding provided from various departments.
  • Undergrad research teams
  • Digital storytelling major almost approved (teaching classes)
  • New courses and certificates have been developed
  • In March, there will be a Symposium on “Zoobiquity” (a layperson’s book on the impact of animal health on humans)
  • June asked if there was someone responsible for getting library-related events to Shannon and asked for more heads-up for staff on events of possible interest.
    • Concerns that branch library events aren’t publicized  as well under the current system
    • Rachel mentioned it would be helpful to have separate ways to promote mainly externally-focused events and events that might have more internal-interest
    • Agreement on trying to better publicize events.
  • Anne Barker has done a lot with digital humanities. The last symposium this year will be Dec 11th, and then they will continue in the spring.
    • From a shared handout: “The digital Humanities Initiative is an interdisciplinary community of MU faculty, staff, and students interested in exploring and developing the ‘digital humanities,’ broadly construed as the intersection of humanities disciplines and computing. To join the exploration and hear of upcoming events, please join our discussion list: dighumanities-l. Send an email to with the text: subscribe dighumanities-l <your name>.”
  • Mizzou Advantage has boosted the library’s profile by hosting seminars & exhibits in the library i.e. the exhibit Alla currently has in the Colonnade.
  • Has provided funding for librarians to go to conferences
  • The funding opportunities for development will be more widely publicized, including examples of past awards.

Director’s Announcements:

  • Thank you to everyone for their “patience and fortitude” over Monday’s closure. Jim expressed his “sincere appreciation” to all staff that helped make this possible and hoped there was minimum disruption for staff. The lights are still out in parts of Ellis, including  Gov. Docs.
  • The library will house a Martin Luther King, Jr. maquette (a model used to make the sculpture) of the Martin Luther King, Jr. statue on the main mall in D.C. It will be housed in the West-end of the atrium. That space will also be used by the Chancellor’s office to advertise diversity initiative events. The maquette was donated by Ty Christian, a Mizzou alum who fundraised for the sculpture in Washington D.C. There will be a more permanent base made for the maquette.
  • The St. John’s Bible was here (1 of the 7 volumes). They donated a coffee table edition of the volume that visited, and Jim wants to eventually add it to the collection. The purchase of the 100th full set for the library’s centennial is contingent on private funding.
  • Development Officer search (Jim and Ron Kelley are on the search committee). One candidate Melanie Mercer has visited for an interview. There are two other candidates being considered, at least one of which will be invited to campus. Jim will solicit feedback on candidates.
  • Digital Curator for Journalism – search committee met this morning, and the position is posted. As far as Jim knew, none of the $31 million gifted to the journalism school was going to the Journalism Library.
  • Ann reported that the (RAIS) Associate Director for Research and Information Services search committee has met and are reviewing applications. The position will be open until filled and they are working on preliminary Skype interviews for December and hope to have campus interviews in January.
  • Deb reported that the HR position has 4 candidates visiting (Nov.29th and 30th, and December 6th and 7th). Mark will email out the information about all candidates out in one email. Everyone will also later get a “dos and don’ts” email about the interviews. The candidates will give a 10-15 min talk on a topic of their choice and how it relates to higher education and libraries at their open forums. The evaluation forms will be due to Deb by Dec 10th.

Departmental Announcements:

  • June:  promoted the January 30th Martin Luther King, Jr. event with Judge Glenda Hatchett. The 3 to midnight circulation shift will also open up, as the current person leaves on December 11th. Ellis is having more and more videos on reserve, and the videos are heavily used.
  • Libby: voiced a concern brought up to her about the lack of staff involvement in the process, meetings, etc. of ROWE (results-oriented work environment)
    • Rachel explained that the most recent meeting was for supervisors only, including for supervisors of staff, and that meeting was purposely tailored for and advertised to them. She discussed how MOREnet is in a pilot program at MU that still has aprx.1 more year to run. The MULAC ROWE committee (Rachel, Goodie, Jackie) are still in the information-gathering phase, but Rachel has been trying to share the information that is being gathered staff-wide through email. Jim agreed that information should be shared. He also said the “at the moment, there isn’t any concerted effort to move in that direction [ROWE.]” Rachel reported that questions remain as to how this would affect exempt/non-exempt staff if ever implemented. The MULAC ROWE group will not meet again until January, and Rachel was open to the idea of a staff member on this committee.
  • Kate: MULAC is going to meet and look at library policy 21: recruitment and hiring of librarians and archivists
  • Rachel: Government Documents are still without lights, but they have found computers to use in the meantime and are using flashlights for item retrieval.
  • Ann: there will be a RDA workshop on the Amigos Network on December 11th. Elaine Huntsucker has married and is now Elaine Nelson. Terry Austin is retiring in February, and there will be a reception for her in January.
  • Laura: Vet Med has been busy moving materials to open up space and have their own recycling dumpsters now. They will look into the possibility of an open house, possibly a MULSA March one.
  • Deb: gave her proposal to ITC (MU Information Technology Committee) about the e-learning librarian.  It was enthusiastically received, but there were questions about continuing funding. They will not make a decision until around spring. HSL hosted the Health Science school’s research day. At the research day, HSL shared their 1st floor renovation plans, which currently has some funding questions.

There will be no December meeting of Library Assembly due to the holiday.


Library AssemblyMinutes: September 25, 2012

Present: Kate Anderson (unofficial recorder); Jack Batterson; Rachel Brekhus; Laura Buck (chair); Shannon Cary (guest); Jim Cogswell; June DeWeese; Dana Houston; PT Martin; Libby Myre; Ashley Nelson; Ann Riley; Sheena Waggoner


  1. Minutes from Library Assembly 8/28/12
    1. No additional changes. Laura will send to Shannon for NewsNotes
  1. Update from Staff Representative Committee (SRC)—Shannon Cary
    1. Based on survey administered by PT Martin, over ½ of respondents felt that the current SRC held little or no value to them. However, respondents did feel classified staff needed a way to express concerns and provide input. Therefore, the charge of SRC needs to be revised.
    2. Shannon Cary, Bette Stuart, and Tammy Green are looking at other libraries and will be meeting with the MULAC executive committee to discuss how MULAC was developed and structured.
    3. Jim is very much in favor of SRC and supports these efforts. MULAC can serve as a model for a classified staff group. Any successful group like this takes commitment.
    4. Discussions are still in the beginning stages. Have a suggestion or question? Contact Shannon, Bette, or Tammy
  1. Director Announcements –Jim Cogswell
    1. Annual Review with Provost Foster (note: this review is separate from the 360 evaluation deans undergo every three years). See Jim’s report to Provost Foster below.
      1. i.      Because of space limitations from the Provost, not every activity can be highlighted.
      2. ii.      While Provost was unaware of e-Learning initiative and split-funding of positions, he was supportive of these efforts. Provost applauded the Libraries’ efforts in succession planning.
      3. iii.      For upcoming Centennial of Ellis Library, Provost encouraged Jim to integrate celebration with larger institutional goals and initiatives.
  2. SWOT Analysis
    1. i.      Jim took part in a SWOT analysis on Aug 29. Approximately 150 faculty, administrators, and (a few) students looked at Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats in 16 different areas of importance to the MU campus – topics cut across disciplinary boundaries (e.g., infrastructure; fundraising)
    2. ii.      Report is forthcoming
  3. UM Press Update
    1. i.      Jim will serve as ex-officio on the advisory board. This group has not yet met.
  4. Position Descriptions and Job Ads for Open Vacancies (question from floor)
    1. i.      June asked that PDs and ads for the HR position and the RAIS position be posted to NewsNotes/distributed to all staff
    2. ii.      Information available:
  5. Update on Info Commons 2 (question from floor)
    1. i.      Rachel asked for update on timing of construction. Jim will contact facilities to make sure work in that area (1st floor Ellis near elevator) is NOT done during finals week
  6. Development (question for floor)
    1. i.      PT asked about possibilities for different kinds of development, including renting of space. MU Libraries has to abide by campus rules and the space is owned by the University, so probably not a possibility
    2. Staff Website Subcommittee Charge – Jim Cogswell
      1. Jim presented a formal charge. With inclusion of an “organizational” element, the charge reads as follows:

Charge to Subcommittee of Library Assembly to Oversee Staff Website

Overview of group:

  • Name of group: Staff Website Subcommittee
  • 2-3 Library Assembly members, staggered terms
  • members have basic knowledge of web-based information, broad knowledge of MU Libraries

Principal responsibility: Oversee content and organization of the Staff Webpages

  • ensure content is accurate, authoritative and current
  • assign areas of webpage for review/revision by specific units or individuals
  • recommend to Web Advisory Group additions/changes to Staff Web content

Subcommittee serves as point of contact for revisions and updates to content

  • any library staff member may suggest revisions or corrections to subcommittee
  • subcommittee submits reports to Library Assembly about proposed reviews/revisions
  • Library Assembly approves any major changes or additions proposed

Subcommittee hands off approved changes/revisions to Web Advisory Group for implementation

  • Web Advisory Group consults with Subcommittee if follow-up is required
  1. Members: June DeWeese; Sheena Waggoner; Rachel Brekhus (new member)
  1. Department Announcements
    1. HSL/Vet Med (Laura): New electrical outlets and data ports in vet med! Number of computers will increase in number from 4 to 10. Three laptops now available for check-out in HSL.
    2. LMT (Deb): Search for Human Resources Manager has been posted to two academic listserv’s as well as on the MU Job postings site. Applications will be accepted through October 15. They’ve received 35 applications, and the committee is in the process of sorting through those and ranking them. If all goes well, candidate interviews will begin in mid to late October. Jim noted that he hopes to have the HR manager begin around the first of the year.
    3. Administration (Sheena): Nathan’s last day was the 20th. Steve Hammer has started. Online student application form is working well.
    4. MULAC (Kate): Chris Montgomery, grant writing consultant, spoke to MULAC about her services. Best thing is to contact her early on in process to be connected to right people and resources. Looking at how best to give input to LMT on staffing plan.
    5. Branches (Ashley): at Engineering, they’re talking with students to gauge areas of interest (very informal)
    6. Ellis Reference (Rachel): teaching is continuing apace:  FIGs; Eng 1000s; McNair Scholars; International Student Workshops. Instructors have been training on BlackBoard Collaborate. Anne Barker is spearheading the Digital Humanities Colloquia.
    7. Security (Dana): Ellis Library 1st floor women’s restroom is open! Working out a few problems. Mirrors are on backorder.
    8. LTS (PT): 14 new security cameras being installed in Ellis this week. Ivy (HSL) is learning book-eye scanner. ILLiad upgrade complete. Doubling size of moloch for digitization needs. VPN changing. Use the ticket system for questions ( Thermal printer for physical processing. Web cameras for 159 for online meetings. Working with DoIT on thin clients that, um, “spawn.” IE patch will be pushed out tomorrow am.
    9. Ellis Access Services (June): getting new laptops and iPads for checkout. High-demand items!
    10. LMT (Ann): Remember the United Way launch!

For next time…Need to elect official recorder.

July 20, 2012


To:                   Brian Foster, Provost

From:               Jim Cogswell, Director of Libraries

Subject:           Annual Review, FY12


Per your letter of June 7, I am submitting a review of major accomplishments related to the goals discussed in last year’s evaluation, anticipated goals for the coming year, and a brief review of budget plans for FY13.


MU Libraries Top Achievements, FY12

The singular achievement of the past year followed what we earnestly hope will be a single event in the history of the MU Libraries – the arson attack on Ellis Library in September. I have never been so proud of the staff of the Libraries, or more grateful for the support of the University community, as I was in the days following this disaster. The effects of the fire, and the successful recovery from it, have been documented elsewhere so I will not take time to report further in this review.

A summary of other noteworthy achievements, grouped within the four strategic directions of the Libraries, follows:

  1. 1. Integrate the Libraries more fully into the teaching, research, service and economic development missions of the University.

In October, the Research and Information Services (RAIS) Division began a collaborative effort with Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies, Jim Spain, to coordinate e-Learning instruction efforts across campus. We hired a librarian on contract (split-funded through the MU Libraries and the Office of the Vice-Provost for Undergraduate Studies) to integrate instructional services for Mizzou Online and all distance-learners. A detailed report on progress in this area was issued this month.

With this split-funded e-learning position as a model, we are creating Clinical Medical Librarian positions for both the Medical School and the School of Veterinary Medicine. Neil Olson has agreed to fund one-half of the latter position for up to three years, and we are expecting to have a search underway by September. Plans for the Medical School position await the arrival of the new dean.


  1. 2. Develop and implement strategies to improve collections and services.

A primary focus of the past year was addressing Strategic Goal 3, Objective 11, of the “One Mizzou” campus plan. Over the course of the year, the Library Committee and the Library Assessment Advisory Committee conducted surveys of students and faculty, developing measures to track use of resources and quality of services. A report, initially anticipated in June, is expected to be available in August to both the Libraries Management Team and the Library Committee summarizing conclusions and recommending areas in need of attention.

A second focus was library development, specifically the hire of a new Director of Development, and Nathan Marticke joined the library staff in March. Nathan brings ten years of fundraising experience in both small and large academic institutions to this position. With a new Vice Chancellor for Development and Alumni Relations starting work this month, we are eager to undertake a new level of fundraising for the MU Libraries with a major library celebration at the height of the MU campus campaign in 2015. (See below.)

  1. 3. Develop and implement strategies to improve staff resources and space/facilities.

In May, the MU Libraries long-term HR Director resigned to take a position at the University of Iowa. Leo Agnew had spent the past thirteen creating quality programs in staff training, diversity and organizational development. We have a search underway to find his replacement, but it will be difficult to find someone as talented and creative as he.

As noted in last year’s report, we are beginning to make changes in staffing allocations to accommodate succession planning. Over this summer, we will be making reassignments in the Veterinary Medical Library, and we have recently hired a new position to enable staffing changes in the Access Services Department of Ellis Library. In the next two years, we anticipate having perhaps five retirements among our senior librarians, and we are working proactively to manage those likely vacancies.

We are especially grateful to the Provost Office for continuing salary support for FY13. Fully one-half our permanent employees currently make less than $35,000 per year, and most of our academic librarians and archivists have salaries far below those of their ARL counterparts. With the two-percent salary pool, and the most-welcome added augmentation to that amount, we will be able to give most of our staff salary increases well above the two-percent level, and internal funding will help with equity adjustments for selected positions.

  1. 4. Promote the MU Libraries by enhancing the content, quality and frequency of external communication about our mission and impact.

Our customary series of exhibits, lectures, performances and public programs continued. Among the highlights are the following:

  • Exhibits included The Civil War in Missouri; Russian Historical Maps; One Hundred Years of Coming Home, as part of MU’s centennial celebration of Homecoming; Food Revolutions: Science and Nutrition 1700 – 1920, in March, 2012, in conjunction with the annual Life Sciences Symposium; and Dime Novels from Special Collections; and a History of the Olympic Games.
  • Public events included programs on the New Madrid Earthquakes; Open Access; Copyright and Fair Use; the Pro Arte string quartet in performance; three separate programs for Black History Month; Poetry by Toi Derricotte; and a special program on the Holocaust which saw our largest single audience in the Ellis Colonnade.
  • MU Libraries Federal Documents celebration. Not only did 2012 mark the 150th anniversary of the Morrill Act, but it also signified 150 years of the MU Libraries as a federal documents depository. In fact, of the more than 1,200 depository libraries in the country, MU is the 15th oldest. Rep. Blaine Leutkemeyer, UM President Tim Wolfe, and U.S. Superintendent of  Documents, Mary Alice Baish were among the dignitaries on hand in May to celebrate the event.
  • Faculty Lecture Series continued with four lectures during the year, featuring Professors Doug Randall, Ingolf Gruen, Carol Ward and Laurel Wilson.


Major Initiatives for FY13

In the coming year, we will continue to pursue the four strategic directions enumerated above, along with the following areas of concentration:

  1. Plan for Centennial of MU Libraries, 2015-16.

The building now known as Ellis Library, the first building on campus constructed to house the library collections of the University, opened to the public in the fall of 1915. The building was dedicated in January, 1916, with a formal ceremony in the central reading room located on the second floor. We are now in the initial stages of planning for a campuswide celebration of the first one hundred years of the MU Libraries. We hope to have a year-long series of programs and events to celebrate the enduring values of libraries and learning at the University of Missouri.

  1. Pursuing a Student “Library Resources Fee.”

In last year’s budget review, I presented a goal of pursuing a student fee to provide direct support for library collections and services. Unfortunately, the Ellis Library fire derailed this effort until late in the spring semester. In May, a working group of library staff and students began meeting to develop a plan to enact a fee in support of library collections and services for students. Initially, the plan entailed having a referendum posed to students on the Columbia campus, but my counterparts on the three other campuses have asked to make this a system-wide proposal based on the model of the student Information Technology Fees (ITF). What’s more, I am convinced that if we were to hold such a referendum and it should fail, we would effectively doom any future action on the issue.

I propose that we take our case directly to the Board of Curators for their action. We need to get endorsements from student organizations on the four campuses (MSA, GPC and their counterparts on the other campuses; the ASUM; the Intercampus Student Council; campus graduate/undergraduate groups, etc.). We must provide statistics to demonstrate increased use of library resources, space and services and the need for more funding to provide this support. We should also have the same kind of letter-writing campaign that Xavier Billingsley mounted to lobby support during the state legislative session last year. I believe this strategy is the best course of action to secure a Library Resources Fee.

Budget Review

We are still bracing for a shortfall in our materials acquisition budget of as much as $400,000 by the end of FY13 and perhaps as much as $1million in FY14. It is possible that these deficits may be moderated if the sluggish economy holds in check the anticipated price escalations of commercial publishers, and there are signs that the Open Access movement and the Federal Research Public Access Act (FRPAA) legislation are beginning to have some effect. For example, in February, science publisher Elsevier withdrew its support for the publisher-backed Research Works Act (HR6399) after receiving intense opposition from authors, editors, and library consortia. However, it is clear that we must actively pursue a student library fee as a new revenue stream to address continuing budget pressures.

Jim Cogswell

Director of Libraries

Library Assembly August 28, 2012

Ellis Library Rm 4F51A
1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.

Attending:  Rhonda Whitaus, Jack Batterson, Rachel Brekhus, Laura Buck (chair), Jim Cogswell, June Deweese, Dana Houston, PT Martin, Libby Myre, Ashley Nelson, Ann Riley, Sheena Waggoner (vice chair), Deb Ward, Rachel Brekhus and Karen Witt, Mike Holland

  • Laura Buck called to order at 1 pm
  • The Library Assembly Guidelines were approved.
  • Laura asked about where LSO falls organizationally.  Jim clarified they report now thru various departments.  The current organizational chart will be updated to include LSO.  Laura had received a suggestion that for assembly purposes the chart could be color coded.
  • Concern was expressed about the lack of volunteers for recorder.  Deb volunteered to be the back-up for Ann.
  • Volunteers were needed to help June keep track of the staff web page, to help with maintenance, broken links, etc.  A question was asked if the person has any control over design etc of the page.  Sheena volunteered.
  • Library Policy #41, Confidentiality of Library Records was presented by Mike Holland. Any changes came from Nancie Hawke in Univ. Counsel’s office.  The policy deals with patron records and what information cannot be shared.  It incorporates Missouri law and the ALA Code of Ethics.
  • Ann shared about the demand driven acquisition program starting this fall.  The DDA is a pilot program which will start in the fall in some subject areas and will last 6 months.   Bibliographic records are loaded according to the library’s approval profile.  The patrons will use their pawprint & password and request that the library acquire the book.  If it is available as an e-book they will have immediate access.
  • Announcements: Director
  1. Jim announced he will be gone to the Deans retreat in St Louis, e-learning is on the agenda and also the Missouri College Advising Corps, which takes recent grads and sends them to areas with low percentages of college grads and encourages them to attend college They will also meet new development chief Tom Hiles & he will be giving the capital campaign update during the retreat.  This will be the first retreat outside Columbia.
  2. Tomorrow there will be an internal and external SWOT analysis done on campus and a report is likely later.
  3. The University of Missouri Press will have a new advisory committee with representatives from all campuses.  It will advise the new press, which has been transferred to the MU campus.  See the news release for more details issued August 28th 2012.
  4. Jim also reported on his meeting with campus administration on the library fee and there is no new information.


  • Staff Announcements:
  1. Ashley reported Engineering has extended Friday hours to 6 pm. Math is 7-5, Journalism will be closed on Saturdays in the fall semester due to security concerns.
  2. Reference has been giving many tours and orientations including one for new graduate students. They are also doing English 1000 orientations and other specialized orientations.  They will have a Blackboard training scheduled to learn to offer graduate student workshops online. Many students are asking at reference desk about textbooks, and are told that the library in general will not supply them, although they can requested through Mobius. June reported some textbooks are on reserve.
  3. At HSL they are also having numerous training sessions. They are close to a final plan on the renovation.  Deb reported so far in HR managers search there are 36 applications.
  4. The Vet Med rare book collection is in the process of being moved to HSL.  Trenton’s new office will be located in HSL.  The new blinds have been installed and all are invited to see the new look.
  5. Ann reported that Brian Cain is the new Digital Resources Catalog Librarian.  Felicity Dykas is working with SISLT on the ORCID project.  The purpose of the project is to create a registry of unique identifiers for researchers.
  6. Sheena reported students need to do the new online application. Sheena also pointed out preliminary paperwork needs to go to admin before sending them to CAP center.  Students must go thru orientation before hire is finalized and student can be paid.  Ellen has hired Steven Hammer as her assistant and he will do the student wage budget.
  7. MULAC will review lib policy 21 on hiring and sent a statement thru Rachel to Faculty Council in support of a peer reviewed university press.
  8. June announced Access is finally fully staffed and Tammy Green ‘s uncle died.
  9. Deb announced welcome video will soon be posted online.

Library Assembly Minutes: 5/15/12

Attending: Members: June DeWeese, Anne Barker, Stephen Stanton, Libby Myre, Jack Batterson, Kate Anderson, Deb Ward, Dana Houston, Mark Ellis, Gary Cox, PT Martin, Stephen Clayton, Karen Witt.  Ex Officio: Jim Cogswell, Ann Riley. Guests: Julie Rogers, Pat Jones

  • Guests: Pat Jones, Julie Rogers, from Ellis Library Security, were present to address emergency procedures and Security Department activity.
    • Fire and Fire Drills in Ellis Library.
      • Emergency maps are posted in every department.
      • Exits – In an emergency and drills – walk through alarmed doors.
        • Sometimes employees hesitate.
          • Especially during drills.
      • Ground level – in addition to West Entrance, State Historical Society and through Ellis Auditorium, emergency exits are located at:
        • Loading dock (to Hitt St.).
        • Center south door (onto Kuhlman Court).
        • West corner (Toward Arts & Sciences Bldg.).
      • On 1st Floor – Emergency exits are in each corner of 1 South.
        • North East portion of building – green stairwell out to Hitt Street.
        • North West portion of building – North Entrance and West stair case to Ellis Auditorium
      • Upper floors – The main stair ways in the center of the building.
        • The Green staircase on the East side .
        • The stairs in the west stacks.
    • Drill: Security tries to hold a drill annually – usually in Sept to coincide with campus fire prevention events.
      • Same week they burn a replica dorm room in speaker circle.
      • Jim urges branch libraries to also take part in drill.
  • Fire Alarms:
    • Will sound briefly and then be turned off.
      • An officer will silence and acknowledge the alarm.
        • If a fire is in progress, the system will sound, again, automatically.
        • Otherwise, the alarm system will inform the officer where the fire alarm was triggered.
          • The officer will go immediately to that location to assess the situation.
          • If there is a legitimate emergency situation, the officer will manually sound the alarm again from the nearest wall station alarm.
          • If a false alarm, Security will make an announcement over the speaker system as soon as possible.
    • Fire trucks will be sent to the Library each time the fire alarm sounds.
      • Regardless of whether or not the alarm was deemed false or if it sounds the second time.
    • During an actual emergency, Security will make a public announcement.
      • If possible, the announcement will contain directional information, if important. (i.e. Avoid the East stair well!).
      • Due to noise/emergency, an announcement may be hard to hear.
        • Employees should have an idea of what to do in emergency (even if they cannot hear the announcement).
  • Evacuations of Ellis Library: Maps/Instructions should be posted in each department (usually by the door of the main entrance to the department area).
    • Each department has an evacuation destination.
      • Once there, supervisors should count employees.
      • Security will go around to each gathering location and get counts.
      • During inclement weather, alternate (indoor) locations have been identified: Fine Arts Annex, Student Success Center and Arts& Science’s Building.
    • Disability patrons – during an emergency evacuation, patrons who cannot take the stairs should be assisted to a “closed stair” well (such as the green stairwell in Ellis Library’s northeast corner).
      • Police and Fire Department personnel on the scene should be alerted as soon as possible about the identity and location of the individual(s).
    • Informing Patrons – In Ellis Library, Security is responsible for informing patrons of emergency situations.
      • They inform the patrons of an emergency and instruct them to evacuate or take cover.
        • If the patrons resist, security leaves the patrons and continues to follow security procedures.
      • Employees may assist inform patrons, but are instructed to please not to put self in additional danger.
        • Employees are advised to leave patrons if they resist.
  • Emergency Medical Situations:
    • In Ellis Library, Security asks that staff responding to a medical situation, call Ellis Library Security.
      • 2-2053 (listed on every phone in the building).
      • Security can act as first responders before the medical professionals arrive.
        • Each officer receives training as first responder.
      • Security has procedures for quickly directing and informing emergency professionals about situations in Ellis Library.
        • Ideally, an employee reporting a patron medical emergency to security can either stay with the patron or delegate someone to assist so that patrons are assured assistance is on the way.
    • Discussion ensued about patron medical emergencies:
      • More training may be needed for Library employees who encounter patrons in a medical emergency.
      • The Library has a defibrillator in security.  Security personnel are certified operators – but the machines are easy to use.
        • Security will explore the possibility of creating another defibrillator station on one of the upper floors.
      • Security suggests employees include very specific location directions when reporting a medical emergency.
        • Security will consider the suggestion to post easy-to-see direction markers of some type throughout building.
          • It is possible to find design-neutral or decorative styles of such markers.
    • Ellis Library Security Code – for discrete and immediate request for security, employees can say the code 1033 (ten-thirty-three) and the location while contacting security.

UPDATE: A different number was given out during the meeting that is only intended for Ellis Library Security Officer use – security asks that employees use and disseminate only the 1033 (ten-thirty-three) code.

  • When Security hears this code, they will know that help is needed immediately.
  • Security urges the same code be used throughout Ellis Library so that it is immediately recognizable to the Security Guards.
  • Severe Weather
    • Recent drill went very well.
    • If you thought of any improvements while taking part in the drill, please email Pat Jones or Julie Rogers.
    • Ellis Library Security starts to monitors the weather as soon as they hear any bad weather may be on the way.
      • They use the computer and weather radio.
      • When there is a Severe Weather Watch issued, Security immediately begins to gather material and supplies.
      • If an official warning is issued, Security begins the appropriate procedure immediately.
  • Active Threat – MU Police Department is creating a protocol for “active threat” situations.
    • An active threat is considered any time an individual acts in threatening manner and tries to do harm to a mass of people.
      • Can be with a weapon (gun, knife, etc.) or without.
    • MU PD developed a pilot program with Ellis Library Security.
      • Similar to the RAD (Rape Aggression Defense) training.
      • It can be intense. (Video reenactments of Columbine shooting).
      • Feedback reports that training creates awareness among participants (even in their private lives).
    • The program tries to encourage/teach action in active threat situations.
      • Research shows that a natural reaction to a threat is to hide or not act – inactivity can lead to more danger in an active threat situation.
      • Libraries, in general, are considered a potential target.
        • Because it is a public/popular place.
        • PA systems and cameras are becoming more and more an effective deterrents and defense to such threats.
    • The program continues to evolve.
      • Security is working on a way to bring the training to more employees.
        • Hopefully something this summer – Stay tuned.
      • MUPD does have courses (with active part). Go to MUPD website, to RAD section – it is free.
  • Branch Libraries – Emergency procedures at branch libraries are coordinated with the related departments and building coordinators where the Libraries are located.
    • Emergency procedures vary from branch to branch.
    • If employees have questions about the procedures similar to the ones we have discussed, they should please contact their supervisors.
      • Emergency procedures should be part of employee training.
    • Employees at branch libraries should feel free to share information and ask advice from Ellis Library Security for emergency and security issues.
    • MU PD is the emergency contact (911 or 2-7201) for all the Branch Libraries except HSL – who should contact Hospital Security (882-7147).
    • Question: Can branches call Ellis Security if they have problematic patrons? (Not quite emergency, but “sketchy”…
      • A. Branches are urged to first call MUPD.
        • MU PD welcomes calls about irregular behavior.
          • At least report it.
          • Any University Department can request a drive/walk by visit by MU PD.
      • A. Sharing of information with Ellis Library Security is also encouraged.
  • Other Security Activity
    • Capital improvement award/grant – for camera system.
      • Award is for more cameras – to make library safer.
      • Better DVR equipment.
      • Hope to have all installed by the Fall 2012.
      • Questions:
        • Do we record 24 hours? – yes some on motion sensors.
        • How long do we save?  Depends on how much activity is recorded.  On a busy weeks= 16-20 days.  When traffic is not so busy 5 – 6 weeks.
    • Space committee:  ELSFAC (Ellis Library Space Facilities Advisory Committee) Update – Pat Jones
      • First floor women’s restroom:
        • Should start in June and go into Sept, 2012.
        • Provost office to fund ½ of this project.
        • Auto door for disabled.
          • One will also be installed in 1st floor Men’s room.
        • Design/colors will more closely resemble other Library themes:
          • Examples: Room 201 and Information Common.
        • Many improvements:
          • Full length mirror.
          • Extensive Discussion of hand dryers and auto flush toilets took place.
        • Women’s restroom lockers – will be moved to second floor.
    • 20 Full-sized lockers are being installed on second floor.
    • Signage – ELSFAC attempting to make signs more clear and consistent.
    • Please send ideas to Space Committee! – email Pat Jones or suggest through ELSFAC website.
  • Phone tree – Jim Cogswell.
    • Inspired by September 2011 fire in Ellis Library.
    • MU Libraries to update twice a year.
      • Possibly near all staff meeting.
  • Jim would also like to practice at least once per year.
    • To help verify # and procedures.
  • Format lists First, Second and Third Call:
    • Does not intend to capture every employee’s number.
    • Tries to quickly communicate who to call in an emergency and who those individuals will call.
      • Alternates are also provided where possible.
  • Director announcements –
    • Celebration of Service Next Monday. – Jim will ask members of Library Assembly to read top ten list.
    • Tiger spot is gone.  Campus Committee on Art and Artifacts will decide what happens to circle in front of Ellis Library.
      • MU Libraries will have a representative at meetings.
  • Student Library Fee – Library will put a proposal together for a Student Fee.
    • To be voted on in the Fall of 2012.
  • Budget information – with flat budget from state, the University will not be conducting lay-offs.
    • Jim expects a 2% salary pool increase.
    • Will be “merit based” as in previous years.
  • Other Announcements – Staff Representative Committee survey update – PT Martin.
    • Survey had 88 responses.
    • They are compiling the data.
    • Hope to soon have data and a proposal out soon.
  • Gary Cox – Reminder that some members will rotate off after next meeting.
    • Including a member of the Web Committee (Stephen Stanton) and the Recorder (Mark Ellis).

Meeting Adjourned…
Addendum: the following are suggestions and additions made by Library Assembly Member Jack Batterson.  Although I did not have an opportunity to confirm and clarify, I am including here to capture the suggestions and clarification from his notes.  Thanks, ~Mark Ellis 2011/2012 Recorder.

At the end of my notes, I wrote $800,000  (This was a figure that Jim gave during his announcements, and I cannot remember what it was – did it have something to do with the student fee?)

Ellis Security plans to offer another RAD course in July – if anyone wants to take the course sooner, can do it through the University:

Julie said that there is a video on the RAD page at the MUPD Web site. I could not find that video.  Is that video still available?

It would be good to explain more what RAD means in the notes –

On page  5 about the camera in Ellis – it might be worth noting that the cameras are motion activated? I think Pat said that the new cameras will be on the upper levels of Ellis Library?

One suggestion (I think Deb Ward said this is what HSL does) was to have a sign at the entrance of the library “under a tornado watch” so library patrons know

I thought Julie was going send a library wide email about the 1033 code that security uses so everyone would know – I don’t remember getting that yet?

It might be useful to give the url to the phone tree chart? I see Phone tree within the Directories section of the staff page, just under library phone numbers. That seems to be a department phone tree that looks very different from the phone tree chart we got at the last meeting:


Library Assembly Meeting Minutes, April 24

Attending- Members: Gary Cox, Mark Ellis, Karen Witt, PT Martin, June DeWeese, Laura Buck, Mary Hainen, Stephen Clayton, Dana Houston, Libby Myer, Anne Barker, Stephen Stanton. Ex officio: Deb Ward, Ann Riley, Jim Cogswell. Guest: Nathan Marticke

  • MU Libraries Director of Development Nathan Marticke –introduced himself to the Assembly.
    • Nathan started at MU Libraries on March 5, 2012.
    • Most recently was Regional Director of Development at William Jewell College, Liberty, MO.
    • He was born and raised in Missouri.
    • Worked at University of Central Florida.
    • Has been a fundraising for higher education since he graduated college.
    • Undergraduate degree from Northwest Missouri State University (in Maryville) in Marketing.
    • Graduate degree from Park University (Parkville, MO) in Communication and Leadership.
    • Looks forward to the new campaign and working with everyone.
    • Nathan finds “making connections” the most rewarding aspect of fundraising.
    • His first impression of MU Libraries is that it is filled with highly dedicated individuals.
      • He was struck by the number of employees who have been here for many years.
        • That speaks very highly of the Libraries.
  • Director Announcements – Jim Cogswell:
  • Mizzou Center in Blue Springs, MO.
    • An “outpost” in the KC area.
      • Will soon be breaking ground for a new 30,000 ft. building.
      • There will be a library/information center.
        • MU Libraries were invited to partner with Mid-Continent Public Library to create/share a library presence.
    • UMKC chose not to take part.
      • They see this as a Mizzou centered outpost.
        • Different from UMKC mission/degree specialty.
      • Many institutions have similar centers in Kansas City already.
        • And around the state in Metro areas/centers.
          • Including MU – and more are likely.
  • Council of Deans/Provost Staff retreat planned for August, 2012.
    • The two groups will hold a joint retreat this year to look at MU Progress in relation to its strategic plan.
  • New Mizzou capital campaign to begin soon.
    • There is a new Vice Chancellor For Development and Alumni Relations –  Thomas Hiles.
  • MU Library Society Dinner took place April 13th – guest speaker Nick Basbanes.
    • Well received – he is an authority on books/book collecting.
  • Friends of the Library Luncheon was held, April 14th.
    • Speaker: Gary Ellis – expert in Missouri music since the Civil war.
    • Friends of the Libraries Presented awards to Stuckey Essay contest winners.
    • They also presented awards for the second annual undergraduate research essay contest.
  • The Libraries will seek to fill the Library Human Resources Coordinator position.
    • Some consideration will be given to the role of this position at the Libraries.
    • Employees can turn to Sheena Waggoner for HR matters after Leo leaves and until the position is filled.
  • MU Libraries has co-sponsored a visit from poet Toi Derricotte this week in honor of National Poetry Month.
    • Ms. Derricotte visited the classes of Dr. Cornelius Eady, MU English Department, yesterday, April 23rd.
    • Today, April 24th, she performed a reading in Ellis Library and will take part in events this evening at the Berlin Theatre (Café Berlin – on Orr St.).
    • Other sponsors included:
      • The MU Chancellor’s Distinguished Visitor’s Program.
      • Cave Canem.
      • MU Theater Department.
  • MU Libraries will be receiving Chinese Language and Culture Books as a gift from the Confucius Institute at the end of May, 2012.
  • Staff Representative Committee – PT Martin.
    • SRC was active in the past but has drifted for a while.
    • As the most recently elected chair, PT would like to revive the committee and help identify a new role.
      • Original SRC was linked to Library Council.
      • Somewhat recently established Library Assembly takes on the communication role that, at one time, was assigned to SRC.
      • Miscellaneous feedback indicates that there may still be a role for SRC at MU Libraries (ombudsman role, welcoming new employees, etc.).
      • Survey should give a better indicator.
  • Elaine Huntsucker of the Cataloging department has helped put together a survey for MU Libraries employees.
    • Gets a sense of employees’ perception of SRC.
    • What they would like to see SRC’s role become.
    • Survey should go out this week.
    • Jim Cogswell applauds the effort.
  • General Announcements:
    • Laura Buck – Veterinary Medicine: Reconfiguration update:
      • Central room/area cleared out.
      • Will be working with designer Cindy Curnutte soon.
      • Interesting items found during move.
        • Sent to Archives.
  • Anne Barker – MULAC:  Jim Cogswell evaluation is complete.
    • Results will be delayed since Jim and Provost have not yet met to discuss.
    • They had planned to meet 4/23 but the Provost was forced to cancel at the last second.
  • Deb Ward – RAIS:
    • Events:
      • MU Libraries will host guests from Washington University, in St. Louis.
        • Will be accompanied by a visiting Librarian from South Africa.
      • Federal Depository 150th Anniversary Event, Thursday, May 3rd, at 1:30 pm.
    • Positions:
      • Working out the specifics and hoping to post a Clinical Veterinary Medicine Librarian soon.
        • Working in cooperation with Vet School.
      • E-learning librarian position – Hoping to post fulltime position soon.
        • Annelise Freeman has temporarily held that position.
        • Working in cooperation with Jim Spain in Undergraduate Studies office.
  • June DeWeese – Access Services.
    • Circulation offices, Reserve and ILL areas (Rooms 102, 103 and 101) are scheduled have furniture moved in on May 15th.
      • Both the return of damaged furniture as well as new replacement items.
      • Will be second day of intersession (a busy processing time for Access Services).

[UPDATE – from June DeWeese: The return/delivery of Access Services furniture will take place approximately a week later than was reported.]

  • Ann Riley – Access, Collections and Technical Services:
    • Digitization Interest Group – Felicity Dykas and Kelli Hansen have started a Digitization Interest Group. (Second meeting was today).
    • Collections Budget – there has been a lot of collections budget talk lately.
      • Gaps in the FY 2012 have been covered.
      • FY 2013 will have some serious deficits in the collections budget.
        • Due to journal inflation.
        • Options being considered:
          • Utilizing more Demand Driven Acquisitions (while refining auto approvals profiles).
          • Cancelling less used journals.
          • Altering how we order monographic series.
          • More news soon as discussions continue.
    • OPEN Positions – Two searches in her area (ACTS) underway – both are going well with many applicants.
      • Assistant Head of Access Services.
      • Metadata Catalog librarian.
    • New scanner on trial in Cataloging Dept.
      • Library Employees are welcome to come by and take a look.
  • PT Martin – LTS:
    • A copy machine has been set up as a scanner as well as a copier.
      • In the foyer of 52 Ellis Library
      • Can scan large quantities.
      • Can interpret some items.
      • Is on a computer from where material can be emailed, or saved in various formats.
      • Specific questions should go to Kathy Peters.
    • Kick scanner in Information Commons still available for casual scanning.
      • Material can be emailed or saved to a flash stick drive.
  • Stephen Stanton – Geology Library:
    • Geology Development Board Event this week.
      • Stephen will attend.
      • This group has provided funds for Geology databases.
  • May meeting:
    • Date will likely change to May 15th
      • Jim is out of town on May 22.
      • If no objections, Mark will look into changing the date to May 15th, at 1 pm.
  • Pat Jones, Head of Ellis Library Security, will be in attendance.
  • Gary Cox asks members to please look over Library Assembly Proposal (upon which we have been acting in place of a policy or charge) for possible revisions.