Present: Jack Batterson, Rachel Brekhus, Laura Buck, Shannon Cary, Jim Cogswell, June DeWeese, Dana Houston, PT Martin, Judy Maseles, Libby Myre, Ashley Nelson, Ann Riley, Matthew Stephen, Sheena Waggoner, Deb Ward, Rhonda Whithaus, Karen Witt
Departmental Announcements
- Security (Dana Houston)
- Julie Rogers was in the hospital, but she is now home resting. She has been sent flowers and cards.
- Asbestos was found in the ductwork of room 16 in the State Historical Society. Other options are being looked into.
- Last Friday, MUPD provided another Active Shooter Training at Ellis, and participation in this training is growing.
- Ellis Library Access Services (June DeWeese)
- Reference (Rachel Brekhus)
- Library Technology Services (PT Martin)
- Approximately 640 damaged books were returned at the end of this semester with more than a “little” bit of pencil markings.
- This doesn’t include books with highlighter marks, food stains, obscenities, etc.
- The issue of damaged books is nation-wide.
- Jim mentioned that people are not aware of the issue and seem surprised to find how prevalent it is. He recommended an educational exhibit on the issue, and the idea will be passed on to the Preservation Committee and Ellis Exhibits Committee.
- MU Libraries continues to participate in the Mizzou Fair.
- LibAnswers went live June 1st.
- Training and developing of workflows is ongoing.
- Eventually all online reference will be in LibAnswers, but for now, chat and email reference are handled independently.
- LibAnswers is FAQ/search based and very good at keeping statistics. For example, one can see how many questions are answered by discovery of a matching FAQ.
- Anne Barker is moving from 173 Ellis to 106B in Government Documents.
- Brenda Graves-Blevins retired June 1st. A search for a temporary Science Librarian is underway.
- Twyla Gibson from SISLT has received Mizzou Advantage funding to establish a “Digital Humanities Commons” in the Allen Institute in London Hall.
- It would provide graduate student assistance and project planning help for faculty wanting to undertake digital humanities projects.
- The Library’s Digitization Advisory Group will be talking with Twyla.
- English 1000 sessions and Mizzou Fair continue. Planning for conference presentations and the Divided Loyalties exhibit (see May minutes) continue as well.
- The Missouri State Historical Society in St. Louis has invited Marie Concannon to present on June 22nd.
- Annelise Freeman, Rachel Brekhus, and Ashley Nelson presented at MOBIUS.
- The Government Documents librarians organized the Missouri FDLP Annual Conference that was held in Ellis on June 6th.
- Michael Hopkins from the Journalism Library has started working at LTS, and his position at Journalism will be filled.
- Health Sciences and Veterinary Medical (Laura Buck)
- Vet Med (Laura Buck)
- The Vet Library has new soft seating chairs, and it is very busy as students’ finals start June 24th.
- HSL (Deb Ward)
- Renovations continue
- Some things will start to be moved back in on August 19th, and the expected finish date is October 1st.
- Mandi Davis started June 10th as the new Administrative Assistant.
- LMT (Deb Ward)
- Nancy Turner Meyers retires in August. LMT is still thinking about what to do, but they would like Jeannette Pierce (the new RAIS division head starting August 5th) to have input.
- Annelise Freeman is finishing her 2nd annual report (link to first).
- Cataloging (Jack Batterson)
- Retirements (Ann Riley)
- Allan Bloom, Hunter Kevil, and Karen Darling are all retiring in the next month.
- Karen’s retirement party will be July 17th.
- Hunter and Allan will have a departmental cake reception on July 19th. There will be a no-host happy hour afterwards at FlatBranch.
- MULAC (Rhonda Whithaus)
- MULAC met June 19th to review changes to governance documents and to discuss results of the evaluation of the task force on performance appraisals for Librarians and Archivists.
Agenda Items
- Elections and new representatives to Library Assembly
- This is Laura Buck’s last meeting as chair.
- Sheryl Cullina and Admin will handle the elections for the four upcoming Library Assembly vacancies:
- Health Sciences and Veterinary Medical (Laura Buck)
- Ellis Library Access Services (June DeWeese)
- Library Technology Services (PT Martin)
- Security (Dana Houston)
- A new co-chair and recorder will need to be elected at the July meeting.
- Policy #43, Food and Beverages in Ellis Library (Shannon Cary)
- The proposed policy is attached at the end of these minutes.
- Minor changes were made from the previous policy version.
- Library Events and staff food and drink exemptions are outlined.
- The policy does not address the temporary staff from Jesse who will be in Ellis. Further discussion may be needed.
- Except for a typo in 4.1, the policy passed.
- Proposal to transfer MU Libraries’ staff webpage (Judy Maseles and Matthew Stephen)
- Judy and Matthew propose moving the current staff site gateway that is in Dreamweaver ( to LibGuides (mockup: or WordPress (mockup page shown in meeting).
- Library Assembly is responsible for the content on the staff page. The Web Advisory Group (which Judy and Matthew are on) are responsible for the format.
- Sheena, June, and Rachel are on the staff webpage subcommittee.
- June requested that Sara Bryant be added to the Web Advisory Group.
- MU Libraries is moving websites off of Dreamweaver and Cascade due to server compatibility. SharePoint content is not being moved.
- Not all of the staff pages can be moved (Collections Development’s SharePoint site, for example), but the core pages can be.
- LibGuides
- Things needing to be password protected could be put into E-Reserves.
- Easy to change and edit. Site administration is easy with LibGuides.
- The look of the page would be controlled by the set of rules developed for the MU Libraries’ new mock up site because it would be part of the same LibGuide group.
- Files easy to upload.
- WordPress
- Easy to change and edit, but there is more of a learning curve for the people maintaining the site than with LibGuides.
- Files easy to upload.
- The decision was made to transfer to LibGuides and to build off of the work Judy had already done.
- Judy previewed the new MU Libraries’ gateway (still in development):
- The hoped for rollout date of the new site is August 1st, in time for the start of the semester.
- The public MU Libraries’ websites (excluding Vet Med and HSL which have yet to decide) are being moved from Cascade to WordPress due to server support.
- The MU College of Engineering also uses WordPress.
- Use of space in Ellis by persons outside the Libraries (Jim Cogswell)
- Renew Mizzou (Mizzou Weekly article with an explanation)
- Jim Cogswell knew about it 48 hours before the public did and thus has many questions as well.
- After the Library Assembly meeting, Jim met with management campus facility representatives in an initial informational meeting. Later, he will meet with department heads and others.
- Both CPRR and 202 will be used to temporarily house the Jesse Hall staff.
- There has been no decision made about moving SCARaB to room 202 after the Jesse Hall staff vacate.
- Jim does not yet know about the footprint the Jesse Hall relocation will leave (modifications, etc). But because the Jesse Hall departments are high profile areas (e.g. admissions) with students and families visiting, he believes any modifications would be higher quality.
- Jim wants to make sure that any modifications made are usable for the Library and for patrons. He is unsure what input the Library will have.
- The number of Jesse Hall employees relocating to Ellis is unknown, but the Registrars Office and Admissions are the departments with units moving to Ellis.
- Rachel Brekhus asked about the Jesse Hall staff’s use of the Library’s staff lounge, but further information is needed.
- Jim doesn’t anticipate the need for extra security.
- The Ellis Library Space and Facilities Advisory Committee has developed an online survey concerning the use of space across the Library, particularly Ellis.
- Rooms 4D11 (DoIT computer training lab) and 4D12 (map)
- 4D11 will be usable for instruction.
- The Ellis Library Space and Facilities Advisory Committee will talk with the Instruction Committee on how to best use/set up 4D11 to meet instructional needs.
- Computers are a possibility to have in this room.
- 4D12 will be renovated into a room primarily for meeting space.
- It will receive new carpeting and painting.
- It can also be used for instruction.
- Wireless is believed to work in both rooms.
Director’s Announcements (Jim Cogswell)
- The Library Management Team (LMT) retreat is June 20th – June 21st.
- Jeannette Pierce will attend, as she will be in town house hunting.
- Edward McCain will start July 29th as the new Digital Curator. This is a split-funded position with Journalism, and he will have his office in the Reynolds Journalism Institute.
- Jim Cogswell was in St. Louis last week for the University Press Curator search, and four candidates will be brought to campus for a full, personal, two-day interview. They hope to start interviews in the second week of July.
- The MU Libraries has no internal funding for merit raises this year.
Additional News
- Mireya del Castillo passed away June 17th in Kansas City. In the course of her distinguished career, she had worked at Ellis Library and MU Law Library.
University of Missouri-Columbia Libraries
General Policy Manual Policy #43
1.0 General Policy
2.0 Informing Patrons about this Policy
3.0 Bookmark Cafe
4.0 Library Employees
5.0 Ellis Library Events
1.1 Beverages in approved containers are allowed in Ellis Library except in Special Collections and the Shelving Room.
1.2 Approved beverage containers include but are not limited to reusable cups with heavy snap-on lids and bottles with screw-on or pop-up lids. Unapproved containers include but are not limited to paper, cardboard and Styrofoam cups with or without lids; and, open soda or juice cans.
1.3 Food and drinks in any containers are allowed and encouraged in the Bookmark Café.
1.4 Containers for the by-products of chewed tobacco are not permitted in any area of Ellis Library.
2.1 All Library staff are encouraged to inform patrons of this policy when appropriate. Library Security will enforce this policy if necessary. All patrons should be addressed in a respectful manner.
2.1.1 Individuals will be asked to discard non-allowed items, consume them immediately, move to the Bookmark Café or go to places outside the building.
2.1.2 If the alternatives given in 2.1.1 are not acceptable to the patron, Library Security may be called to discuss other options.
2.1.3 If an individual causes a major disturbance or is a flagrant violator, then Library Security may call MUPD (Campus Police).
3.1 Customers of the Bookmark Café may bring food and beverages into other areas of the library regardless of the container if they are going to a meeting in any private office or conference room. To the extent possible, library employees who are chairing meetings or meeting with individuals who may wish to bring food and beverages upstairs should alert Security in advance.
3.2 Security may approach customers taking food and beverages in unapproved containers beyond the Café area. Customers who are not attending meetings will be asked to return to the Café.
4.1 Library employees may bring food and beverages into the Library in approved containers for consumption in all areas permitted in 1.2. Additionally, library staff may bring food and beverages in non-approved containers to non-public areas such as the staff room or private offices provided that the food and/or beverage is not readily identifiable by library patrons.
4.2 Food which leaves crumbs may not be consumed in public areas or near computers or library materials. Foods of this type (cakes, cookies etc.) may be consumed in approved areas in each division. Approved areas are to be determined by the Division Heads. Food containers should be as secure as possible to prevent spillage.
4.4 Leftover food, food containers, and empty beverage containers should be disposed of in covered waste receptacles provided in each area. Recyclable materials should be rinsed before storing in recycling bins in the Staff Lounge.
5.1 Food and beverages may be allowed for certain special events held in Ellis Library regardless of containers used.
5.2 Permission for food and beverages at special events will be granted by MU Library Administration.
5.3 Food and beverages at special events must be contained in the event area.
Proposed by the Public Services Committee 8/91
Revised by June DeWeese and Roberta Winjum 12/10/91
Approved by Library Council 2/12/92
Revised by Bob Almony, Cindy Cotner, Ellis Security 8/6/98
Approved by Library Council 9/17/98
Approved by Director of Libraries 9/17/98
Revised by June DeWeese and Judy Maseles 12/8/03
Approved by Library Council 1/28/04
Revised by Pat Jones and Shannon Cary 10/8.12
Approved by Library Management Team