Library Assembly Minutes, Nov. 26

Present: Shelly McDavid, Marcia Strong – Ellis Library Security, Ann Riley, Sara Bryant, Libby Myre, Ruth Feldkamp, Dustin Hoffman, Matt Gaunt, Kim Moeller, Sheena Waggoner, Karen Witt, Shannon Cary, Rebecca Graves, Jim Cogswell, Jack Batterson, Michaelle Dorsey, Brian Cain, Karen Marshall

Welcome Library Staff Visitors: Matt Gaunt, Shannon Cary and Michaelle Dorsey

Welcome New Members/Representatives: Brian Cain, Kim Moeller and Ruth Feldkamp

Discuss December’s meeting:

  • Proposal to cancel the December Library Assembly meeting

    • Passed unanimously
    • Will resume meeting in January 2013

Shannon Cary, Communications Officer – Discuss Staff Representation Committee (SRC)

  • Staff Representative Committee

    • Currently inactive
    • Committee function:

      • Charged with serving as a resource to Library Council regarding library employee’s opinions and concerns.

For SRC’s more specific duties, see the policy:

  • No one has shown interest in chairing or co-chairing this committee
  • Last Call to be posted in News Notes, asking for someone to take charge of this committee or it will be dissolved


Michaelle Dorsey, Library Information Specialist – Discuss Preservation of Books

  • Encapsulation is using an ultrasonic welder to enclose pieces in plastic

    • All posters in Special Collections have been encapsulated and cataloged
  • Large number of enclosures done in house

    • Sending less out to the bindery these days
    • Many binding projects can be done in house

Examples are:

  • Fixed break: broken hinges
  • Torn spine: very common
  • Recasing a book: replacing the cover
  • Tip in pages
  • Kemper Funds

    • The MU Libraries received this grant in 2006 to support preservation of the collection
    • The money was payable in 3 equal installments, over a 3 year period

      • 2006-2009
      • These funds have had a lasting impact on our libraries and physical processing
      • More information available at:

  • If you have books that are in need of repairs, Michaelle says send them to her!

Matt Gaunt, Director of Development – Discuss Friends of the Library, Adopt a Book and other Library Potential Fund Raisers

  • Library Users should consider:

    • Library Society
    • Become a Friend of the Library
  • Friends of the Library

    • Goal to Raise: $10,000-15,000
  • Campus Campaign

    • $1.2 – 1.4 Billion
  • Libraries Goal

    • Raise $10 million over a 9 year span
  • Library Staff can Help

    • Provide excellent customer service with a smile on your face
    • Ask the patron if they have joined Friends of the Library
    • If someone wants to give back to the libraries, let Matt Gaunt know!
  • Capital Campaign

    • Facilities needs

      • Renovate the Health Sciences Library
      • Renovate the Grand Reading Room at Ellis Library

Director Announcements

  • Reminder: Ellis Library closed to the public November 27th

    • No water available in the building, it is being shut off for repairs
  • New Emergency Phone Tree

    • Updating and making it available early next month (December 2013)

      • Testing will take place shortly after finals
  • Renew Mizzou

    • Meeting regularly with the administrative staff from the offices moving into Ellis Library

      • Talking through some issues related to the move

        • Signage
        • Connectivity
        • Lots of little details to work out
      • January 2014 Library All Staff Meeting

        • Renew Mizzou Administrative Staff coming to our meeting to be introduced and discuss their plans for moving into Ellis Library

          • People from their departments moving into Ellis 104 and 202
  • Guests in Ellis Library

    • Brady and Ann Deaton

      • New Deaton Institute for International Affairs opening

        • Operating out of 104 Ellis

          • 104 Ellis will now be the executive suite
    • Brian Foster   

      • Retiring at the end of 2013

        • Moving his office into a room up on the 4th floor of Ellis Library in January or February 2014
  • UMLD2 Sub Terra

    • Books have been stored here since March 2007
    • This past Summer in July and August the relative humidity spiked to over 70%, prime conditions for mold growth to occur

      • Discovered books had sprouted mold in October 2013
      • Over 600,000 items are effected

        • Too expensive to irradiate the mold on all these titles

          • Some titles will be withdrawn selectively
          • Trying to keep titles with intrinsic value in the collection
      • Recognized need to find a new space to house materials now located at UMLD2 Sub Terra

        • Need for a space that is more environmentally secure

          • Possibility to build an addition on the Depository at Lemone Industrial Boulevard

            • This addition is approximately $4 million to build
      • More information can be obtained at:

Departmental Announcements:

Special Collections:

  • Display in the colonnade titled “Verba Sacra: The bible from manuscript to modern printing”

    • Displayed all of December 2013 and possibly January 2014


  • Our department is pleased to welcome Navadeep Khanal as our new E-learning librarian. 
  • We are also excited about the completion of the first stage of new carpet in East Reference

Meeting adjourned 2:01pm

Library Assembly Meeting Minutes, Oct. 22

In attendance:

Shelly McDavid, Dustin Hoffman, Sheena Waggoner, Jim Cogswell, Rachel Brekhus, Ann Riley
Wendy Batson, Marcia Strong – security, Sara Bryant, Jeanette Pierce, Jack Batterson, Libby Myre, Kate Anderson, Jim Cogswell, Felicity Dykas, Jackie Blonigen

Introducing and Welcoming:

  • Wendy Batson – Engineering Library
  • Marcia Strong – Ellis Library Security
  1. Representatives Felicity Dykas, Head of Digital Services, and Jackie Blonigen, Head of Collections Services Interim
  • Determined that there is a need for Digital Services and Collections Services Departments to have their own Library Assembly Representative

    • Felicity feels these departments need their own representation at the table to speak to what is happening within the departments
    • Ruth Feldkamp has already volunteered to be the Library Assembly representative for Collections Services
    • Need to re-read the Library Assembly Guidelines by the November 2013 Library Assembly meeting to determine what the correct course of action is when a new department is created

      • Jack Batterson informed the committee that this is probably covered within the Library Assembly Guidelines document

        • Jack Batterson also states we would need to add the two new departments to the Library Assembly Guidelines
    • A motion is made to add two new representatives for the two newly formed departments, details to be determined at the November 2013 Library Assembly Meeting

2. Jeannette Pierce, Associate Director for Research and Information Services: Discuss her new position

  • Spending a good portion of her time still getting to know the RAIS Division

    • She has been meeting individually with the Ellis Reference team
    • Still needs to visit the Math Library on campus
    • Talking about the future of Reference and RAIS

      • Drafting a post for the 3 temporary librarian positions, determining what qualifications they are looking for specifically
  • Operations Committee for Distance Learning Position

    • Newest endeavor on-campus
  • Conference on Student Learning Outcome Needs

    • Anne Barker and Jeannette Pierce are attending this conference together
  • Renew Mizzou

    • Particularly interested in supporting student study space
  • Assessment Committee

    • What kinds of things can we assess?

      • Relevant to show our impact on campus via assessments
      • Assessments committee needs to keep current on national trends with assessments
    • LibQual Lite survey

      • Assessment committee will keep repeating the LibQual survey every 3 years
    • The Assessment Committee will be creating an annual statistical review of library activities that will help us reflect on what we are doing more and less of over time
    • Future use of focus groups with students, might provide some key insights
    • Wrote a nice charge for the library assessment committee
    • Webinars, an initiative with ACRL, the Value of Academic Library Assessment

      • Need to bring this to a focus for our libraries
  1. Director Announcements:

Renew Mizzou

  • Ellis Library shoring up the 1935 addition

    • Work starting in December 2013 and running through January 2014 or February 2014
    • Steel beams can be brought in up the stairs, instead of through the windows of Room 202
    • The passageway outside of 202 will be closed during the entire construction project
  • Ellis Library Women’s restroom in the corridor immediately outside of the West Reading Room

    • Closing and being converted in to a handicap gender neutral restroom
  • Ellis Library Room 205

    • Turning this space in to a break room for the Renew Mizzou staff members

      • Possible use of the space after Renew Mizzou, a lactation facility
  • Ellis Library Staff adjusting to the Renew Mizzou changes

    • How will we accommodate all the disruption that our staff will be feeling?

      • Unit heads will need to talk with their staff to give people an opportunity to talk through what they are feeling.
  • Dustin asks, “Is Renew Mizzou providing their own on-site tech support?”

    • Yes, it is just a question of where they will be located

      • Looking into a space to house a single tech position

Renew Mizzou Departments and Visitors

  • Financial Aid housed on 2nd Floor of Ellis Library
  • Admissions housed on the 1st Floor of Ellis Library

    • Admissions reports 35,000 visitors each year
  • Excellent opportunity for all these visiting parents, students and siblings to get to know the libraries better
  • Ellis Library Closure: Vintage plumbing to be fixed

    • On November 27, 2013, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Ellis Library will be closed to the public but not to staff.

      • The 1915 vintage plumbing needs repairs
      • LMT decided the best time to fix it is the Wednesday before Thanksgiving
      • Fixing the pipe in the subbasement and the sprinkler system
    • Staff members can remain in the building working that Wednesday using facilities in other buildings or they may take a vacation day
  • UMLD 2: Sub Terra: Mold Outbreak

    • Discovered mold on an unknown number of volumes at the off-site sub level
    • Belfour Restoration was on site Friday, October 18, 2013 stabilizing the infestation
    • Need to control the humidity levels to control the spread of the outbreak
    •  Considering an alternate place to store the books

      • Jim feels we cannot take a chance of a loss of materials
      • Jim’s preference would be to build the second module of UMLD 1

        • UMLD 1’s HVAC  system was designed to easily accommodate a second building to hook in to the system

          • Jim Cogswell informed the committee that building a second facility will cost somewhere around $4 to $5 million
    • Jack Batterson asks, “What is covered under our insurance policy?”

      • Most likely a humidity induced mold outbreak is not covered under the policy
    • Updating the phone tree

      • Need to add a special addendum to the phone tree to test it to make sure it works
  • Jim’s Evaluation

    • Given yearly by the Provost, current Provost leaving January 1, 2014.

      • Nice compliments given about the library staff
      • The Provost mentioned the budget issue, our shared and biggest issue going forward
      • Library Acquisitions budget is the only one of its kind on campus

        • The Library Acquisitions budget is almost half of the total operating budget for the MU Libraries
        • Working to get significant enhancements to this budget in the coming years
      • Spoke about Renew Mizzou and how to repurpose the space once the construction is over and they vacate the library
      • The Provost thanked Jim for Chairing the search committee for the UM Press Directors position

        • David Rosenbaum has accepted the position and is starting next month
    • Chancellor Brady Deaton

      • Brady and Ann Deaton viewed Ellis Library 104

        • Both Brady and Anne Deaton will be sharing this office space, they will be moving in after the first of the year
        • Good for MU Libraries because important people are always coming to meet with former chancellors
  • Departmental Announcements:

    • Administration – Sheena Waggoner

      • Large tents during sporting events on Lowry Mall will not be setting up in front of the entrance to Ellis Library on Saturday’s for the rest of the year. 

        • The Florida game was the only game we needed to set up a tent for this year.
    • Reference – Rachel Brekhus

      • Library Instruction

        • Library instruction is way up from Fall 2012
        • 114 total instruction sessions
        • More departments served in Fall 2013, then in Fall 2012
      • Office consultations

        • 78 total consultations
        • Helped more graduate students, then undergraduates
        • Offering online versions of the graduate consults and other topics such as Zotero
      • Divided Loyalties

        • Divided Loyalties Civil War Tour on October 12, 2013

          • Two full buses of 28 riders each
          • Evaluations turned in with positive results
        • Beneath Gods and Generals: Human Dimension of a Most Uncivil Conflict

          • Panel Discussion in Ellis Library colonnade, October 23, 2013 from 2-4 p.m.
        • The Great Heart of the Republic: St. Louis and the Cultural Civil War

          • Closing reception for the Divided Loyalties exhibit
          • Featuring historian Adam Arenson
          • November 4, 2013 at 5 p.m. in the State Historical Society Conference Room
      • MU Core Facilities Day and Cyberinfrastructure Day

        • Anne Barker presented
        • Others manned a table
      • Subject swaps

        • Nancy Messina is now the librarian for Religious Studies (formerly Rachel Brekhus) and for Communications (formerly Mike Muchow)

          • Nancy is also taking over Check the List online
      • Government Documents

        • Marie Concannon has been asked to serve on the Data Federation of University Research group

          • “The purpose of the grant is to leverage collective strengths and create a proposal for a scalable and federated approach to the life-cycle management of research data based on the needs of member institutions.”
          • Marie is serving on the Strategy #2 Group: “Strengthen networked repository and storage infrastructure for data derived from research conducted by member institutions.”
      • Government Shut-down

        • Keeping Government Documents Department very busy
        • Marie Concannon created a survey to capture data on how people were being affected by the government shutdown, and used it to promote library services

          • The Missourian did an article entitled: “MU Librarian steps up as federal government websites shut down”

            • Link posted on GPO’s Facebook page and the ALA GODORT Facebook page
    • ACTS: Ann Riley

      • Continuing to work through all aspects of the reorganization

        • Got the phones straightened out
      • Web pages

        • Finding odds and ends to clean up
      • Tech Services

        • Life Cycle Data Growth

          • Pleased that more people are getting involved
      • UMLD 2 Mold Infestation

        • As long as it stays cool and dry, it won’t spread much
      • Digital Services

        • Small grant received from ORCHID organization, money from the Sloan Foundation, developing unique ID’s for MOspace
    • MULAC – Kate Anderson

      • Keeping their ears to the ground with the academic titles project

        • Matt Gaunt is joining them next time to discuss development
    • RAIS – Jeannette Pierce

      • Marie Concannon’s webinar on government documents, small attendance but exploring the possibility of putting it up on MOSpace
      • Library Administration: Ann Riley, Jim Cogswell and Jeannette Pierce all attended the celebration of the new group study rooms in the Engineering Library
      • Dorothy Carner did a unique review, Bernie Riley described it as ‘superb’

        • New digital microfilm, printer scanner machine, amazing

          • In the library starting in November for a few months
    • LTS – Dustin Hoffman

      • Machines running Windows XP, possibility these will be replaced by new machines running 64 bit

        • Working out the kinks before they start passing out new computers
    • Health Sciences Library- Shelly McDavid

      • New exhibit: John Sappington Display

        • Went up last Friday, October 18, 2013
    • Engineering Library – Wendy Batson

      • New group study rooms in library

Meeting adjourned 1:55pm

September Library Assembly Minutes

Library Assembly Meeting
September 24, 2013
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
159 Ellis Library

In attendance:Libby Myre, Sara Bryant, Jack Batterson, Kate Anderson, Sheena Waggoner, Dottie Heuer, Deb Ward, Dustin Hoffman, Karen Witt, Jim Cogswell, Ann Riley, Shelly McDavid

Agenda Items

  • Staff Representative Committee (SRC) update: Shannon Cary, Communications Officer

    • Postponed to October 2013 Library Assembly Meeting
  • Reorganization of ACTS: Access Collections and Technical Services

    • Reasons for the reorganization of these departments

      • Recent retirements:

        • Hunter Kevil, Head of Collection Development
        • Karen Darling, Head of Acquisitions
      • Growing Trend: Digitization of materials

        • 80% of the Libraries Acquisitions budget is now spent on digital materials
      • Demand Driven Acquisitions book purchases
      • Paper serials purchases on the decline, replaced with electronic access

        • Serials check-ins are down 50% due to paper serial cancellations
    • Collection Services

      • Jackie Blonigen: Department Head
      • Handles ordering, cataloging and physical processing of newly acquired monographs
    • Head of Collection Development and Acquisitions

      • Currently seeking a Librarian for this position
      • Interim: Ann Riley
    • Digital Services

      • Felicity Dykas: Department Head
      • Fastest growing area within the libraries
    • Cataloging and Meta-Data Department

      • Wayne Sanders: Department Head
    • Major impact: staff changes in reporting structure
    • Physical move of space: currently taking place
    • Deadline for complete reorganization: October 1, 2013
    • Planning an open house around semester break
  • Library Assembly Representation

    • Impact of Reorganization on Library Assembly Representation

      • Those impacted are still represented

        •  Libby Myer will forward the notes on to LSO (Abbie Brown and Susan McCormack) and continue to keep acquisitions informed
        • Dustin Hoffman will forward the notes on to LTS (Hardy Pottinger and Philip Redmon formerly part of LSO)
        • Jack Batterson will keep cataloging and digital services informed
  • Library Assembly: Branch Library Representation

    • Both Karen Marshall and Wendy Batson are showing interest

      • Possibility that both can represent and alternate attendance at meetings
      • They will decide by the October 2013 Library Assembly Meeting
  • Take the Library Assembly meeting to other Venues On Campus

    • Branch Library Hosting

      • Health Sciences Library, Journalism and maybe Engineering
      • One challenge is securing meeting space on Tuesday afternoon at 1pm
  • Director Announcements:
  • Renew Mizzou

    • 2014-2015 Academic Year, Ellis Library giving up rooms 202 and 114

      • Losing 100 study spaces, looking for spaces inside and outside the building to accommodate this loss

        • Memorial Union and the Arts and Sciences Classrooms are being considered for late night study options

          • Security in those buildings will monitor their own areas
  • Ellis Library Structural Repair

    • Essentially the original 1915 section of the building and the 1935 addition need to be shored back together with large steel beams

      • Beams being brought in through the windows of Room 202
      • Repairs will take place from December 2013 to February 2014
  • U.M. Press

    • Jim Cogswell chairs the committee for the UM Press Director search

      • An offer is being made to the preferred candidate this coming week
  • Veto Bill

    • Governor’s veto sustained, Legislature did not overrule enough votes

      • Money will be coming to higher education

        • MU receiving 14 million

          • 12 million already earmarked

            • 2 Million going to School of Medicine for the new Springfield Campus
            • 1 Million slated for Veterinary Medicine
            • Approximately 2 million will be used for our campus’ needs

              • Mid-year salary raises are not likely because a 1% pay raise just for the Columbia campus would cost $7 million
  • Provost Foster

    • Recently announced his resignation and retirement

      • The New Chancellor will be choosing the new Provost

        • Interim Provost is Ken Dean
  • Position Filled (3rd Reference Librarian, E-Learning Librarian)

    • 3rd Reference Librarian is Nancy Messina

      •  Starting October 1, 2013
    • Current E-Learning Candidate coming to campus Friday, September 26, 2013
  • Department Announcements:

    • Access Services – Sara Bryant

      • Currently working on AV Lending via MOBIUS

        • Reasons why not all libraries are participating

          • Not all MOBIUS Libraries have large AV collections
          • Other MOBIUS Libraries are worried about damage
  • LTS – Dustin Hoffman

    • Replaced instructor machines in classrooms

      • Should be able to use a computer to do a presentation now
  • Health Sciences Library – Deb Ward

    • E-Learning Candidate

      • Candidate search different due to affiliated departments on campus: ET@MO, SISLT and Mizzou Online

        • All candidates need face to face time in these areas
        • Open forum expanded to accommodate other interested departments

          1. A second candidate withdrew only a week ago, left with one viable candidate now
  • First Floor Renovation

    • Completed and opened for patron use Monday September 23, 2013
  • Document Delivery Charges

    • Decided to stop charging our primary affiliated users the $5 document delivery charge

      • Rationale is the mode of delivery is now digital
  • Digital Storytelling Meeting

    • Could this be used to leverage the healthcare delivery system?

      • Interested in the possibility of using this in conjunction with the Literature in Healthcare discussion group
  • Special Collections – Karen Witt

    • Karen Witt and Kelly Hansen are presenting at MLA

      • K-12 Outreach and Special Collections
      • Balancing Librarianship and Home Life
    • St. John’s Bible

      • Special Collections will attend extra sessions on the care and display of the St. John’s Bible
  • Health Sciences Library – Shelly McDavid

    • Creating an iMovie Slideshow of the 14 week renovation of the 1st floor
  • Cataloging – Jack Batterson

    • Reorganization and move
  • Security – Dottie Heuer

    • Found the Library Assembly Meeting very informative
  • MULAC – Kate Anderson

    • The UM System is reviewing academic titles. Librarian and Archivist titles fall into this category.
  • Administration – Jim Cogswell

    • Chancellor Brady Deaton has resigned, but is not leaving campus

      • Official Headquarters are at the Brady and Ann Deaton Institute in University Hall
      • Inviting him to keep an office in 104 Ellis Library

        • He has kept a carrel in Ellis Library for years
        • Former Chancellor’s Richard Wallace and Mel George currently keep offices in 104 Ellis

          • Former Chancellor’s do volunteer work helping the MU Libraries with fundraising activities

August Library Assembly Minutes

Library Assembly Meeting
August 27, 2013
12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
159 Ellis Library

In attendance: Rachel Brekhus, Libby Myre, Sara Bryant, Jack Batterson, Rebecca Graves, Sheena Waggoner, P.J., Deb Ward, Dustin Hoffman, Karen Witt, Jim Cogswell

Agenda Items

  • Renovations of Library Instruction Rooms 4D11 and 4D12

    Guest: P.J.(Pat Jones) of Library Security and Facility Coordinator

  • 4D11 Computer lab and 4D12 old DoIT room

    • Need refurbishments
    • Wired for computers
    • House 14 student computers, 1 instructor computer

      • 4D12

        • Plan to repaint
        • 59 chairs purchased for it
      • 4D11

        • Not used as much as 4D12
        • Discussing removing the ceiling fans due to complaints that they are too low
        • New carpeting – on order
        • Walls currently white, no need to repaint
      • Survey

        • Ellis Space Facility Advisory Committee (ESFAC) will be circulating a survey to MU Libraries about possible uses of these two rooms

          • Rachel Brekhus stated, “The Instruction committee has discussed using 4D12 as an electronic classroom already.”
      • Removal of walls outside 4D11 and 4D12

        • Tear down extraneous walls
        • Provide extra study space for students

          • Possibility of soft seating and tables in this area
      • Funding

        • Renovations have been approved by Jim Cogswell
        • MU Libraries possibly covering funding for this project

          • Jim stated, “Not certain where the funds are coming from, but MU Libraries tries to maintain a small facilities fund for work such as this.”
        • Heidi Davis from Campus Facilities has not said “No outright” but needs the bottom line cost to weigh if Campus Facilities can help with costs
  • Director Announcements: Jim Cogswell

    • LMT Retreat Report

      • Still a work in progress
    • Currently working closely with Renew Mizzou and ESFAC Committee (the Ellis Library Space and Facilities Advisory Committee)
  • Department Announcements

    • Administration: Sheena Waggoner

      • No new news
      • Everyone is in place and students are gradually coming back
      • No job openings in Administration at this time
    • Access Services: Sara Bryant

      • Currently very busy with reserve lists
      • Looking to integrate the BorrowITNow union catalog with the Book Finder for ease of student searching
      • Training
    • DoIT: Dustin Hoffman

      • Every network has gone down

        • Networks are continuing to fluctuate

          • Due to migration of work flow, still not back to where it was previously
        • Back-ups in place to keep the classroom going
    • Health Sciences Library: Deb Ward

      • First Floor Renovations

        • Construction phase completed
        • Now back to the School of Medicine for carpeting phase
        • Furniture and computers to be installed after the carpet
        • Opening date set for Oct. 1st, 2013
      • Branch Heads Meeting at HSL

        • Next meeting at HSL in the newly built 1st floor conference room
        • Meeting after that scheduled to be at the Journalism Library
      • E- Learning Librarian Position update

        • Interviews with 2 candidates set for the last Thursday and Friday in September
    • Ellis Library Cataloging/Technical Services: Libby Myer

      •  Cataloging/Tech Services going through a significant reorganization

        • Ann Riley is directing the reorganization
    • Health Sciences Library Circulation: Shelly McDavid
  • New Missouri Wildlife Photo display at the HSL
  • MULAC: Rebecca Graves

    • Nothing to report at this time
  • Reference Department: Rachel Brekhus

    • Welcomes to the department: Ashley Nelson (temporary science librarian) and Kimberly Moeller (temporary general reference librarian)
    • Search underway for a second temporary general librarian to take duties Anne Barker will have to give up as department interim head        
    • Reference department members heavily involved with subject and general library instruction sessions
    • The International Student workshop series will take place in late September
    • Graduate Student workshops will take place in October
    • Reference Department members are heavily involved with events surrounding the Divided Loyalties exhibit

      • A schedule of events, including today’s screening of Battle: Change From Within has been posted
  • Cataloging: Jack Batterson

    • Renew Mizzou

      • Suzy and Felicity are on a Renew Mizzou Committee

        • Suzy is running related Renew Mizzou Merlin lists
    • Air Conditioning

      • Department too cold in previous years when air conditioning on

        • Problem is now fixed
  • Upcoming Agenda Items

    • Renew Mizzou
    • Divided Loyalties
    • Repair cracks in Ellis structure
    • Book Preservation
    • Book Donor/Friend of the Library/Adopt a Book
    • Invite Jeanette Pierce, RAIS Head
    • Edward McCain, Digital Curator of Journalism
    • Update on New Library Webpage

      • Committee Members asked to think about other ideas for meeting discussions

        • If you think of any other ideas send to Sara or Sheena
      • Jim Cogswell suggested we have Matt Gaunt from Development come and speak about Friends of the Libraries

Meeting adjourned 1:04pm

Library Assembly Minutes, July 23, 2013

In attendance:

Kate Anderson, Jack Batterson, Rachel Brekhus, Sara Bryant, Jim Cogswell, Dustin Hoffman, Dana Houston, Shelly McDavid, Ashley Nelson, Sheena Waggoner, Deb Ward, Karen Witt

Agenda Items

  • Welcome New Members
    • Sara Bryant, representing Access Services
    • Dustin Hoffman, representing LTS
    • Shelly McDavid, representing HSL
    • There was a question about MULSA having a representative to Library Assembly, but it was deemed unnecessary, especially as board members overlap and MULSA is staff/social organization, not library operations.
    • Library Assembly will continue to meet a 1:00pm in 159 Ellis on the 4th Tuesday of every month
  • Round Table Introductions for New Members
  • Vote/Elect Vice Chair & Recorder
    • Sara Bryant volunteered and was unanimously passed as Vice Chair
      • Jim shared that the chair and vice chair usually meet ahead of time with him
    • Shelly McDavid volunteered and was unanimously passed as Recorder
  • Jack-Revisit Policy Revisions
    • Link to General MU Libraries Policy Manual, Procedures and Guides:
    • Discussion about proper flow for effecting policy change – consulted General Policy Manual
      • Targeted question: What more can be done to ensure all policies are current?
        • The General Policy Manual dictates the chain of command for dictating or effecting policy change protocols
        • It is currently assumed that each Library Assembly member shares the policies with his/her department when Library Assembly is considering policy revisions
    • Should the review period be extended for staff to have more opportunities to review the procedures in Policy #1?
      • It was decided that the current review process provides enough opportunity for staff feedback.
    • Effecting Policy changes
      • If there is a credible need to change or update a policy; Jim Cogswell states departments should contact Mike Holland first
      • Mike Holland is the new point person for initiating the process of policy change, and the steps outlined in the policy will be followed.
      • When a policy is changed and signed by Jim Cogswell, the updated signed version is published in News Notes by Mark Ellis

        Director Announcements

  • Pay Raises
    • No new money is available for FY2014, effective early August.
    • Benefits covered internally for any benefit increases, this does not impact paychecks, but does affect the MU Libraries budget.
    • There is a possibility for mid-year pay raises at this time, but no guarantee.
  • Renew Mizzou
    • Request LA assistance with questions for August 14th All Staff
      • Renew Mizzou is the main agenda item for the August 14th MU Libraries All Staff Meeting
      • Heiddi L. Davis and Joey Riley from Campus Facilities Planning will be attending to give a short presentation and Q/A session at the meeting on Renew Mizzou
      • Library Assembly members should inform their staff members to submit questions via email to Mark Ellis by August 7th with the subject line “Renew Mizzou”
        • Questions should be applicable to a larger audience not just one person
  • LMT Retreat Notes
    • 3 Main Focal Points
      • Staffing and Salary
        • Lack of funds for yearly raises from campus
        • Salary Compression
        • National rankings low
        • Space and Facilities Concerns
          • Renew Mizzou
            • Jesse Hall Offices moving to Ellis Library rooms 114 and 202
            • Capital Campaign
              • Committee created to plan events and programming for the centennial celebration, with three main events.
                • Timeframe for events: Fall 2015-May 2016
                • Steve Weinberg creating a tribute volume
                  • MU Libraries: The First 100 Years
                  • MU Press is the publisher
                  • Expected publication date: Spring 2016
              • Jeannette Pierce new RAIS Division Head in attendance
              • MULAC met with LMT prior to retreat – very beneficial
              • Staffing priorities document updated
              • Goals and Objectives document – FY 2012 addressed
  • Men’s/Women’s Restroom – Ellis Library
    • Men’s 2nd Floor and Women’s 4th Floor
      • Damaged fixtures – replaced
      • Campus Facilities providing funding for improvements
      • Planning to have updates done to other Ellis Restrooms
        • Women’s Restroom outside 202 Ellis
          • Needs to be updated prior to Renew Mizzou move of staff to Ellis Library
  • Department announcements:
  • Health Sciences Library – Deb Ward
    • NN/LM Virtual site visit July 17, 2013
      • Best virtual site visit ever
      • Barb Jones’ presentation described how she promotes the value of libraries to our constituents
      • NLM Video:
        • Exhibits the beautiful Health Sciences Libraries within the Midcontinent Region that we are a part of
        • Video distinctly shows the need to renovate the MU HSL compared to our regional counterparts facilities
        • Branch Heads Meeting
          • Standardized the Loan Rules for Bound Journals – now circulate overnight to UG and 3 days to grads, professional, staff and faculty on campus
          • Document Delivery scanning items from UMLD
            • Charges for this service TBD
  • RAIS – Deb Ward
    • New RAIS Head starts August 5th, 152 Ellis cleared for her arrival
      • Deb Ward still working out of 152 Ellis on Tuesdays and Thursdays through July 30th
      • Mary Ryan, Ellis Library Head of Reference retires November 1st, last day scheduled for August 30th
        • Interim Head of Reference, TBD internally from the current librarians in the Ellis Reference Department
        • Hiring a one-year temporary librarian to fulfill the duties of the interim head.
        • Temporary librarians are being hired due to the hiring freeze still in-effect. It is easier to get Provost approval for a temporary librarian than a permanent one.
        • Continuing to work out the details of this transition
        • E-Learning Librarian Opening
          • Currently 24 viable candidates
          • Still receiving applications; position posting closing the end of July
          • Virtual screening interviews begin Friday July 26th
  • Reference Department – Rachel Brekhus
    • 3 Reference Positions: Temp Science Librarian: replacing Brenda Graves-Blevins, Temp Generalist Librarian: expected to fulfill the duties of the Interim Head of Reference, and Temp Social Sciences Librarian: replacing Nancy Myers
      • All temporary librarian positions are a 1 year appointment
      • 2 Replacements have been hired, one for the Temp Generalist Librarian and one for the Temp Science Librarian, we are advised not to mention the candidates by name at this time, but this is good news
        • Tentative start date of August 12th, contingent  upon HR receiving necessary paperwork
        • Instruction
          • Instruction is light in the Summer months
            • Already receiving requests for the Fall and even the Spring semester
            • Goodie Bhullar (Instruction Coordinator) and Anne Barker (English liaison) will meet with the new English 1000 coordinator about our ongoing cooperative relationship with English 1000 classes
            • A Research Process Report has been created to integrate into English 1000 research assignments
              • This report sets students up for successful participation in the Undergraduate Research Paper Contest
              • Projects
                • Members of department heavily involved in the redesign of the website, in coordination with Judy Maseles
                • Reference Department very involved with coming Divided Loyalties exhibit (August-November), in coordination with Paula Roper
                • Training
                  • Website front page search: Summon
                    • Rolling out a new interface on August 1st , MU can turn it on any time after this date
                    • Affiliated parties at the vendor demonstration agree, it is an improvement over the existing product
                    • Access Services Refresher Meeting
                      • Training for the LibAnswers system (will replace email, text and chat) and our annual technology competencies update
                      • TA Training
                        • Taking place early August
  • Administration – Sheena Waggoner
    • EPAF’s – new hire paperwork will be done online by the new hire, this is called onboarding, this will cut the NER time down tremendously
    • Losing Admin Student—Our student is working for the Hospital in her degree area therefore her hours have been cut in the Admin office and we may be needing another student assistant for the Admin office
      • Campus policy change
        • Students can work an average of 28 hours/week across all of their concurrent jobs
  • Further departmental announcements were cut short due to time constraints

Library Assembly Minutes, June 18

Present: Jack Batterson, Rachel Brekhus, Laura Buck, Shannon Cary, Jim Cogswell, June DeWeese, Dana Houston, PT Martin, Judy Maseles, Libby Myre, Ashley Nelson, Ann Riley, Matthew Stephen, Sheena Waggoner, Deb Ward, Rhonda Whithaus, Karen Witt

Departmental Announcements

  • Security (Dana Houston)
    • Julie Rogers was in the hospital, but she is now home resting. She has been sent flowers and cards.
    • Asbestos was found in the ductwork of room 16 in the State Historical Society. Other options are being looked into.
    • Last Friday, MUPD provided another Active Shooter Training at Ellis, and participation in this training is growing.
  • Ellis Library Access Services (June DeWeese)
  • Reference (Rachel Brekhus)
  • Library Technology Services (PT Martin)
    • Approximately 640 damaged books were returned at the end of this semester with more than a “little” bit of pencil markings.
      • This doesn’t include books with highlighter marks, food stains, obscenities, etc.
      • The issue of damaged books is nation-wide.
      • Jim mentioned that people are not aware of the issue and seem surprised to find how prevalent it is. He recommended an educational exhibit on the issue, and the idea will be passed on to the Preservation Committee and Ellis Exhibits Committee.
    • MU Libraries continues to participate in the Mizzou Fair.
    • LibAnswers went live June 1st.
      • Training and developing of workflows is ongoing.
      • Eventually all online reference will be in LibAnswers, but for now, chat and email reference are handled independently.
      • LibAnswers is FAQ/search based and very good at keeping statistics. For example, one can see how many questions are answered by discovery of a matching FAQ.
    • Anne Barker is moving from 173 Ellis to 106B in Government Documents.
    • Brenda Graves-Blevins retired June 1st. A search for a temporary Science Librarian is underway.
    • Twyla Gibson from SISLT has received Mizzou Advantage funding to establish a “Digital Humanities Commons” in the Allen Institute in London Hall.
      • It would provide graduate student assistance and project planning help for faculty wanting to undertake digital humanities projects.
      • The Library’s Digitization Advisory Group will be talking with Twyla.
    • English 1000 sessions and Mizzou Fair continue. Planning for conference presentations and the Divided Loyalties exhibit (see May minutes) continue as well.
    • The Missouri State Historical Society in St. Louis has invited Marie Concannon to present on June 22nd.
    • Annelise Freeman, Rachel Brekhus, and Ashley Nelson presented at MOBIUS.
    • The Government Documents librarians organized the Missouri FDLP Annual Conference that was held in Ellis on June 6th.
    • Michael Hopkins from the Journalism Library has started working at LTS, and his position at Journalism will be filled.
  • Health Sciences and Veterinary Medical (Laura Buck)
    • Vet Med (Laura Buck)
      • The Vet Library has new soft seating chairs, and it is very busy as students’ finals start June 24th.
    • HSL (Deb Ward)
      • Renovations continue
        • Some things will start to be moved back in on August 19th, and the expected finish date is October 1st.
      • Mandi Davis started June 10th as the new Administrative Assistant.
  • LMT (Deb Ward)
    • Nancy Turner Meyers retires in August. LMT is still thinking about what to do, but they would like Jeannette Pierce (the new RAIS division head starting August 5th) to have input.
    • Annelise Freeman is finishing her 2nd annual report (link to first).
  • Cataloging (Jack Batterson)
    • Retirements (Ann Riley)
      • Allan Bloom, Hunter Kevil, and Karen Darling are all retiring in the next month.
        • Karen’s retirement party will be July 17th.
        • Hunter and Allan will have a departmental cake reception on July 19th. There will be a no-host happy hour afterwards at FlatBranch.
  • MULAC (Rhonda Whithaus)
    • MULAC met June 19th to review changes to governance documents and to discuss results of the evaluation of the task force on performance appraisals for Librarians and Archivists.

Agenda Items

  • Elections and new representatives to Library Assembly
    • This is Laura Buck’s last meeting as chair.
    • Sheryl Cullina and Admin will handle the elections for the four upcoming Library Assembly vacancies:
      • Health Sciences and Veterinary Medical (Laura Buck)
  • Ellis Library Access Services (June DeWeese)
  • Library Technology Services (PT Martin)
  • Security (Dana Houston)
    • A new co-chair and recorder will need to be elected at the July meeting.
  • Policy #43, Food and Beverages in Ellis Library (Shannon Cary)
    • The proposed policy is attached at the end of these minutes.
    • Minor changes were made from the previous policy version.
      • Library Events and staff food and drink exemptions are outlined.
    • The policy does not address the temporary staff from Jesse who will be in Ellis. Further discussion may be needed.
    • Except for a typo in 4.1, the policy passed.
  • Proposal to transfer MU Libraries’ staff webpage (Judy Maseles and Matthew Stephen)
    • Judy and Matthew propose moving the current staff site gateway that is in Dreamweaver ( to LibGuides (mockup: or WordPress (mockup page shown in meeting).
    • Library Assembly is responsible for the content on the staff page. The Web Advisory Group (which Judy and Matthew are on) are responsible for the format.
      • Sheena, June, and Rachel are on the staff webpage subcommittee.
      • June requested that Sara Bryant be added to the Web Advisory Group.
    • MU Libraries is moving websites off of Dreamweaver and Cascade due to server compatibility. SharePoint content is not being moved.
    • Not all of the staff pages can be moved (Collections Development’s SharePoint site, for example), but the core pages can be.
    • LibGuides
      • Things needing to be password protected could be put into E-Reserves.
      • Easy to change and edit. Site administration is easy with LibGuides.
      • The look of the page would be controlled by the set of rules developed for the MU Libraries’ new mock up site because it would be part of the same LibGuide group.
      • Files easy to upload.
    • WordPress
      • Easy to change and edit, but there is more of a learning curve for the people maintaining the site than with LibGuides.
      • Files easy to upload.
    • The decision was made to transfer to LibGuides and to build off of the work Judy had already done.
    • Judy previewed the new MU Libraries’ gateway (still in development):
      • The hoped for rollout date of the new site is August 1st, in time for the start of the semester.
      • The public MU Libraries’ websites (excluding Vet Med and HSL which have yet to decide) are being moved from Cascade to WordPress due to server support.
        • The MU College of Engineering also uses WordPress.
  • Use of space in Ellis by persons outside the Libraries (Jim Cogswell)
    • Renew Mizzou (Mizzou Weekly article with an explanation)
      • Jim Cogswell knew about it 48 hours before the public did and thus has many questions as well.
      • After the Library Assembly meeting, Jim met with management campus facility representatives in an initial informational meeting. Later, he will meet with department heads and others.
      • Both CPRR and 202 will be used to temporarily house the Jesse Hall staff.
      • There has been no decision made about moving SCARaB to room 202 after the Jesse Hall staff vacate.
      • Jim does not yet know about the footprint the Jesse Hall relocation will leave (modifications, etc). But because the Jesse Hall departments are high profile areas (e.g. admissions) with students and families visiting, he believes any modifications would be higher quality.
      • Jim wants to make sure that any modifications made are usable for the Library and for patrons. He is unsure what input the Library will have.
      • The number of Jesse Hall employees relocating to Ellis is unknown, but the Registrars Office and Admissions are the departments with units moving to Ellis.
      • Rachel Brekhus asked about the Jesse Hall staff’s use of the Library’s staff lounge, but further information is needed.
      • Jim doesn’t anticipate the need for extra security.
    • The Ellis Library Space and Facilities Advisory Committee has developed an online survey concerning the use of space across the Library, particularly Ellis.
    • Rooms 4D11 (DoIT computer training lab) and 4D12 (map)
      • 4D11 will be usable for instruction.
        • The Ellis Library Space and Facilities Advisory Committee will talk with the Instruction Committee on how to best use/set up 4D11 to meet instructional needs.
        • Computers are a possibility to have in this room.
      • 4D12 will be renovated into a room primarily for meeting space.
        • It will receive new carpeting and painting.
        • It can also be used for instruction.
      • Wireless is believed to work in both rooms.

Director’s Announcements (Jim Cogswell)

  • The Library Management Team (LMT) retreat is June 20th – June 21st.
    • Jeannette Pierce will attend, as she will be in town house hunting.
  • Edward McCain will start July 29th as the new Digital Curator. This is a split-funded position with Journalism, and he will have his office in the Reynolds Journalism Institute.
  • Jim Cogswell was in St. Louis last week for the University Press Curator search, and four candidates will be brought to campus for a full, personal, two-day interview. They hope to start interviews in the second week of July.
  • The MU Libraries has no internal funding for merit raises this year.

Additional News

  • Mireya del Castillo passed away June 17th in Kansas City. In the course of her distinguished career, she had worked at Ellis Library and MU Law Library.



University of Missouri-Columbia Libraries

General Policy Manual Policy #43



1.0       General Policy

2.0      Informing Patrons about this Policy

3.0      Bookmark Cafe

4.0       Library Employees

5.0       Ellis Library Events


1.1  Beverages in approved containers are allowed in Ellis Library except in Special Collections and the Shelving Room.

1.2  Approved beverage containers include but are not limited to reusable cups with heavy snap-on lids and bottles with screw-on or pop-up lids. Unapproved containers include but are not limited to paper, cardboard and Styrofoam cups with or without lids; and, open soda or juice cans.

1.3  Food and drinks in any containers are allowed and encouraged in the Bookmark Café.

1.4  Containers for the by-products of chewed tobacco are not permitted in any area of Ellis Library.


2.1  All Library staff are encouraged to inform patrons of this policy when appropriate. Library Security will enforce this policy if necessary. All patrons should be addressed in a respectful manner.

2.1.1  Individuals will be asked to discard non-allowed items, consume them immediately, move to the Bookmark Café or go to places outside the building.

2.1.2  If the alternatives given in 2.1.1 are not acceptable to the patron, Library Security may be called to discuss other options.

2.1.3 If an individual causes a major disturbance or is a flagrant violator, then Library Security may call MUPD (Campus Police).


3.1 Customers of the Bookmark Café may bring food and beverages into other areas of the library regardless of the container if they are going to a meeting in any private office or conference room. To the extent possible, library employees who are chairing meetings or meeting with individuals who may wish to bring food and beverages upstairs should alert Security in advance.

3.2 Security may approach customers taking food and beverages in unapproved containers beyond the Café area. Customers who are not attending meetings will be asked to return to the Café.


4.1 Library employees may bring food and beverages into the Library in approved containers for consumption in all areas permitted in 1.2. Additionally, library staff may bring food and beverages in non-approved containers to non-public areas such as the staff room or private offices provided that the food and/or beverage is not readily identifiable by library patrons.

4.2 Food which leaves crumbs may not be consumed in public areas or near computers or library materials. Foods of this type (cakes, cookies etc.) may be consumed in approved areas in each division. Approved areas are to be determined by the Division Heads. Food containers should be as secure as possible to prevent spillage.

4.4 Leftover food, food containers, and empty beverage containers should be disposed of in covered waste receptacles provided in each area. Recyclable materials should be rinsed before storing in recycling bins in the Staff Lounge.


5.1 Food and beverages may be allowed for certain special events held in Ellis Library regardless of containers used.

5.2  Permission for food and beverages at special events will be granted by MU Library Administration.

5.3 Food and beverages at special events must be contained in the event area.

Proposed by the Public Services Committee 8/91

Revised by June DeWeese and Roberta Winjum 12/10/91

Approved by Library Council 2/12/92

Revised by Bob Almony, Cindy Cotner, Ellis Security 8/6/98

Approved by Library Council 9/17/98

Approved by Director of Libraries 9/17/98

Revised by June DeWeese and Judy Maseles 12/8/03

Approved by Library Council 1/28/04

Revised by Pat Jones and Shannon Cary 10/8.12

Approved by Library Management Team


Library Assembly Minutes, May 21, 2013

Present: Kate Anderson, Jack Batterson, Rachel Brekhus, Laura Buck, Jim Cogswell, Sheryl Cullina, June DeWeese  Mike Holland, Anselm Huelsbergen, Ashley Nelson, Ann Riley, Sheena Waggoner, Deb Ward, Karen Witt

Agenda Items

  • Data Curation (Ann Riley)
    • Libraries are exploring the issue of data curation.
      • Data curation involves managing research data and the data output from high performance computing.
    • MU Libraries is a member of the Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA), and the MU campus is a member of The Great Plains Network, both organizations exploring the issue of data curation.
    • LMT’s staffing priorities (August 2012 PowerPoint) include a Data Curation Specialist.
    • On May 29th, Kansas State University and GWLA (with an IMLS grant) are hosting the conference “Big Data: From Bits and Bytes to Knowledge and Insights.”
      • Ann Riley has been involved with data curation through MOspace and has been invited to be on a steering committee.
      • Kate Anderson will be a guest on a panel.
      • Some Ellis reference librarians will be attending.
      • Jim Cogswell has invited Gary Allen (Vice President for Information Technology) to speak at the next all staff meeting in August about his data curation plans.
      • Ann Riley and Anne Barker are on MU’s Cyberinfrastructure Council.
        • More and more grants are asking for information regarding a campus cyberinfrastructure plan.
        • The council has recently sent out a survey to faculty and graduate students to help determine MU cyberinfrastructure resources and needs.
        • MU Libraries’ procedure on use of university vehicles (Sheryl Cullina)
          • Sheryl Cullina sent out an email regarding the changes in this policy on May 15, 2013 at 3:11pm to MULIBSTAFF. (Subject line: MU BPPM 6.080 – Use of University Vehicles)
          • The updated procedure will be put on the staff website under “Procedures and Guides.”
          • Updates on the “Recruitment and Hiring of Librarians/Archivists” policy (Anselm Huelsbergen)
            • Anslem presented the proposed revised policy (last updated 1984).
              • Changes were made to streamline the process, revise procedure while keeping policy in place, and reflect input from Sheryl on HR and MU regulations.
              • No great changes were made, but the policy was streamlined, updated, and a few points were added.
            • In response to a question, Anselm explained that the special circumstances mentioned in the revision are defined and regulated by MU’s HR hiring procedures.
            • For the next step in the process, Mike Holland will present the proposed policy updates to LMT for approval.

Director’s Announcements (Jim Cogswell)

  • The annual LMT retreat will be held June 20-21.
    • The focus will be on strategic planning and the strategic use of staffing as the Library’s principle resource. Will also discuss what to do with recently announced vacancies.
    • The new RAIS head is expected to be present.
  • MU Libraries’ Centennial Celebration
    • Over the summer, Jim wants to form a working group with Matt Gaunt for planning events for the celebration that underscore the Libraries’ importance and centrality.
  • Sierra update
    • The MERLIN cluster continues with its indefinitely postponed instillation of Sierra due to concerns and system problems experienced at other libraries.
    • In response to a question, Jim said that looking into a different software has not been eliminated as an option, but there are no current plans to do to.
  • The new hire of a Digital Curator position at Journalism is hoped to be announced soon.

Departmental Announcements

Health Sciences and Veterinary Medical (Laura Buck)

  • Vet Med
    • The AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) COE (Council on Education) accreditation visit ran from May 20-23, and members have toured and visited the library during their stay.
    • Continuing to get many positive comments about the renovation.
    • HSL (Deb Ward)
      • On June 10th, Mandi Davis will start as the new Administrative Assistant.
      • Construction has begun on the 1st floor.
        • Some items are not accessible to patrons due to construction.
          • There are temporary construction doors, and the stacks are closed to patrons. Compact shelving is only accessible to library staff.
          • The journals upstairs are still accessible to patrons.
          • If there are any questions about what is and is not accessible to patrons, please contact Terri Hall. For items not accessible to patrons, there will always be library staff there to retrieve needed items.
      • Water damage along the North wall may be fixed during this construction phase as well.
      • The new information commons area will be used twice a semester, or as needed, as a space for School of Medicine computer-based testing.
      • Over the summer, there will be discussions on ideas for 2nd and 3rd floor renovations.
      • Follow the progress or see the plans at

Reference (Rachel Brekhus)

  • The Science Librarian 1 year appointment position has been posted.
  • Paula Roper and Rachel Brekhus are working with the Missouri State Library on a “Divided Loyalties” exhibit about the Civil War.
    • There will be videos, displays, and town tours.
    • The exhibits will run from August to October.
    • Rachel is organizing a social history and character-driven bus tour of Columbia.
    • The Instruction Committee has developed questions for English 1000 instructors who wish to incorporate questions about research into their assignments.
      • This will prepare students for participation in the Undergraduate Research Paper Contest, as they will already have answered questions about their research practices.
        • The Undergraduate Research Paper Committee is working on clarifying judging guidelines due to no award being granted this year.
        • MU’s Celebration of Teaching was held May 21-22.

Administration (Sheena Waggoner)

  • All student workers, besides 2, are currently gone.
  • Applications from students wishing to work at the Libraries over the summer have been gathered into a folder for supervisors interested in hiring students for summer work.
  • Some phones in Administration are temporarily not working due to storm related power outages.

Branches (Ashley)

  • A GLA is filling in at the Engineering Library during Michelle Baggett’s maternity leave.

Technical Services Retirements (Ann Riley)

  • Karen Darling is retiring July 18th.
  • Hunter Kevil will be retiring July 30th.
    • Ann will be filling in for Karen’s position until a new person is hired, and Karen and Hunter’s positions will be combined in the new position.
    • A new Digital Services Department is being developed.

MULAC (Kate Anderson)

  • MULAC is providing information to LMT for their retreat
  • Work on the travel policy and performance appraisals for Librarians and Archivists continues.
  • MULAC has asked the Ellis Library Space and Facilities Advisory Committee to looking into locations for large instruction spaces.

LMT (Deb Ward)

  • E-Learning Library Liaison Position.
    • A committee has been formed, and a posting is being worked on. It is hoped that the new person can start by the fall semester.
    • The position has been officially approved by the Provost for full funding for three years by the Information Technology Committee.
    • Please refer to an MULIBSTAFF email sent on May 17, 2013 at 3:06pm (subject: E-Learning Library Liaison Position Moving Ahead) for more details.
    • Annelise Freeman has been virtually collaborating since last summer and virtually meeting at least weekly with Deb.
      • Annelise is working on a final report with experiences and information gathering elements to pass on to the new person.
      • Annelise has also been working with Rachel Brekhus and Ashley Nelson on a MOBIUS presentation.
      • Ten million dollars in funding for collaboration between the MU School of Medicine and CoxHealth and Mercy health systems in Springfield has passed the Missouri house and senate and is awaiting approval by the governor
      • On May 30th, branch library heads are meeting to discuss mutual interests and issues affecting MU branch libraries.

Ellis Library Access Services (June DeWeese)

  • The fax module for ERes has been eliminated due to low usage.
  • Starting in the Fall:
    • Based on the results of a patron survey, patrons will receive reminder emails 3-5 days before items are due.
      • Judy and Felicity are coordinating the notices.
      • There will be a $20 processing fee for every MOBIUS book that goes to billed status.
        • Other libraries are starting to do this as well.
        • There will be a $20 fee for late ILL items handled through Ellis ILL.

New RAIS Division Head

  • Update: Jeannette Pierce was announced as the new RAIS Division Head via email on May 22nd.
  • There will be a transitional meeting with a forum and discussion of transitional issues.
  • Sheryl and Sheena explained the process of criminal background checks.
    • HR fills out an online request for a national background check, then an email is generated for the candidate to enter their additional information into the form, then the national check is run (typically taking 24-72 hours).

Library Assembly Business

  • New officers and elections.
    • Laura, June, and possibly others are ending their 3 year appointments.
    • Sheryl will coordinate an email ballot for each department’s election. It will include everyone’s name in that specific department.
    • Judy Maseles has been invited to the next meeting to talk about the new staff webpage design.
    • The next Library Assembly meeting will be held on June 18th instead of the 25th.

Library Assembly Minutes, April 23

Present:  Kate Anderson, Alla Barabtarlo, Jack Batterson, Rachel Brekhus, Laura Buck, Sheryl Cullina, June DeWeese  Mike Holland, Dana Houston, Libby Myre, Ashley Nelson, Sheena Waggoner, Karen Witt,

Agenda Items

Sheryl Cullina discussed the Library’s Leave Policy.

  • The Library’s current leave policy is available at and was last updated 1986.
  • The Library’s policy consolidates many different MU policies, but the Library’s policy has not been revised and updated to keep up with current campus policy.
    • For example, the Library’s current leave policy:
      • Does not include FMLA.
      • Does not address part time accrual rates.
      • Tends to outline less generous policies and leave allowances than MU.
  • Sheryl recommends getting rid of the current policy because it is difficult to keep it revised and in line with MU campus policy, which often has 2-3 updates a year.
  • Mike shared the procedure for updating a policy on the Library’s policy page.
    • Mike takes recommendations from the primary, takes the recommendation to LMT, then takes LMT’s decision to Mark Ellis to update.
    • Mike agrees with this recommendation and recommends rescinding the Library’s leave policy (rescinding policy #30).
    • Mike also shared that the “Telefacsimile (FAX) Policy for Ellis and Branch Libraries, Excluding Health Sciences Library” has been rescinded.

Sheryl Cullina presented finding on the MULIBSTAFF LISTSERV.

  • Last meeting, it was found that the MULIBSTAFF LISTSERV has people on it who are not library employees.
  • By working with Mark Ellis, Sheryl identified 5 non library staff on the LISTSERV.
    • 3 long time non-emeritus employees who transferred to other departments or who retired and requested to stay on the LISTSERV.
    • One former employee who requested to stay on the LISTSERV to receive building updates.
    • Noah Heringman, chair of the Campus Library Committee. It was unclear whether he was added or if he requested to be added.
    • Rachel requested a LISTSERV with only current library employees on it.
    • The MULIBSTAFF LISTSERV does not include the Law Library, but the Law Library is subscribed to all of the MERLIN-level lists that apply to them.

Special Collections Presentation (Mike Holland and Alla Barabtarlo)

Mike Holland presented the value, history, and budget of Special Collections.

  • Special Collections is valuable to the MU Libraries (and special collections are valuable to Academic and Research Libraries in General) for three main reasons.
    • First, special collections distinguish one academic library from another.
      • As library collections become more homogenous, special collections help set libraries apart.
      • They also allow libraries to participate in exhibits (e.g. Art of the Book), symposia (e.g. Life Sciences & Society), and programs (e.g. Angels in Performance Conference).
      • Second, special collections provide research materials for faculty and students.
        • There are multiple collections in MU Special Collections that are deep enough to provide research resources.
          • Examples are the herbals and natural history collections, the Fragmenta Manuscripta collection, British religious, political and economic tracts (Howey Collection) and some of the personal papers and manuscript collections, such as the new Lanford Wilson collection and the Mary Lago collection.
          • In the previous 12 months, Special Collections had1,500 reference questions; 3,100 books paged; and 2,300 microforms utilized.
          • Thirdly, the primary purpose of special collections is to serve as a humanities laboratory.
            • Just as one would not send a microbiology student out without lab work, one should not send a humanities student out without having had exposure to special collections and primary resources.
            • Special collection serves to teach use of original and primary materials to students.
            • In the previous 12 months, Special Collections had158 classes with 1760 participants (graduate, undergraduate, and school classes).
            • Overview of the History of the Special Collections & Rare Books at the MU Libraries.
              • In Ellis Library the rare book collection began as a small collection housed in the office of the university librarian.
              • The rare materials were eventually moved to a closed shelf area within the Language and Literature Library in Ellis Library.
              • In 1962 the rare book collection was moved to its current location (Southwestern corner of the 4th floor of Ellis). At the same time the department of Special Materials was formed.
              • The Special Materials Department also became responsible for microforms and microprint materials around the same time.
              • In 1977 the Special Materials Department was renamed Special Collections Division.
              • In 2005 Special Collections and the University Archives were combined in the new division Special Collections, Archives and Rare Books (SCARAB).
              • Special Collections Budget
                • The firm order acquisitions budget for Special Collections is slightly under $3,000.
                • Receives occasional gift funds. The last sizeable one was four years ago.
                • The Adopt-a-Book program, where Friends of the Library will match donations up to $3,000 per year, has been hugely helpful.
                • The main source of funding recently has been from NEH Endowment funds. Last year, special collections received $18,000.
                • The average Special Collections acquisitions budget for an ARL library is $190,000.
                • The largest part of the MU Special Collection’s collection is donated collections.




Alla Barabtarlo presented on the collections and acquisitions of Special Collections.

  • Two gifts that Special Collections received this year are:
    • Lanford Wilson Collection
    • First edition Rudyard Kipling books.
    • The collection development policy of Special Collections outlines areas of interest and has been recently revisited.
      • With the rising cost of rare books, traditional collection development models need to be examined.
        • For example, the $18,000 NEH Endowment money was given to Special Collections in small increments. This can present challenges when the average cost of a rare book is $20,000.
        • Alla proposes focusing on an “as needed” and “on demand” basis (e.g. required purchases for faculty hires), with purchases of rarities on an “as available” basis.
        • Last year, Special Collections Purchased:
          • Two incunabulas (books printed before 1501).
          • A few small demonstration/replica items for teaching purposes that can be lent out to classes, including a small replica demonstrating how Medieval books used to be chained to library desks, papyrus, and a Babylonian clay tablet.
          • In relation to comic books recently bought to support a professor’s class, Rachel asked about considerations in offering more valuable materials to Special Collections to house.
            • Alla highlighted two general considerations.
              • The value of the item.
              • Mindfulness of if the material will have high usage or demand since the Special Collections materials are non-circulating and cannot be put on class reserve.
              • In this specific case, Special Collections does also have a large backlog of uncataloged comic books.

Director Announcements (Sheena reported in Jim’s absence)

  • There is no news on the Sierra update.
  • The Library Society dinner was a great success.
    • Rajmohan Gandhi, Research Professor and Grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, spoke. The room had 200 seats, and there was standing room only. Approximately 80% of the crowd was students, and even students from Rockbridge high school attended.
    • Angels in Performance Conference on Wednesday, April 24th.
      • Playwright and screenwriter Tony Kushner spoke on campus.
      • Lanford Wilson exhibit in the colonnade.

Departmental Announcements

Cataloging (Jack Batterson)

Reference (Rachel Brekhus)

  • There are three upcoming Reference retirements: Mary Ryan (date unknown), Brenda Graves-Blevins (May 31), and Nancy Myers (August 15).
  • English 1000 instruction requests and RAP appointment requests continue to come in.
  • Some attended ACRL in Indianapolis and will be coming up with ideas for future teaching forums based on things learned there.
  • Goodie made a presentation about library instruction to the Faculty Library Committee.
  • We now have two KIC scanners in the Information Commons, and all scanners are now attached to the internet. There is new software on the KIC scanner that can even save documents to your Google Drive.
  • We are preparing for database cuts as a consortium.
  • The Gov Docs unit is in the final stages of planning the annual statewide FDLP conference in June.  An agenda will be coming out shortly.
  • Marie is chairing a subcommittee of Depository Library Council which has been appointed to assist in the creation of a national plan to identify and preserve the complete historic collection of federal government publications, in accordance with a recommendation from the National Academy of Public Administrators.  The plan will include not only preservation of tangible objects, but also digitization and cataloging.  In conjunction with GPO, the subcommittee will be helping to formulate a strategy for funding this nationwide effort.
  • Marie is presenting in the GPO’s 3-day online conference “Partners in Preservation: Government Information for Future Generations.”

MULAC (reported by Kate Anderson)

  • MULAC is providing information to LMT about the Capital Improvements Committee and staffing priorities.
  • Holding open forums on evaluation of performance appraisals for Librarians and Archivists.
  • Reviewing governance documents.

Security (Dana Houston)

  • The trial for the library fire suspect is being held.
    • Update: Christopher Kelley has been convicted in federal court in Jefferson City for setting fires in Ellis Library two years ago in September.

Ellis Library Access Services (June DeWeese)

  • A lot of people are checking out lots of books now, some of them for the first time.

SCARaB (Karen Witt)

  • For upcoming events, “Beyond Words: Visual Narratives from the Block Book to the Graphic Novel” will be May 3rd.


Health Sciences and Veterinary Medical (Laura Buck)

Library Assembly Minutes, March 19

Library Assembly
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
152 Ellis Library

Meeting Minutes

Present:  Jack Batterson, Rachel Brekhus, Laura Buck, Jim Cogswell, Sheryl Cullina, Dana Houston, June DeWeese, PT Martin, Libby Myre, Ashley Nelson, Ann Riley, Sheena Waggoner, Deb Ward, Karen Witt, Rhonda Whithaus

Agenda Items

  • Sheryl Cullina, the new HR Manager for the MU Libraries, was introduced.
  • Rachel reviewed MULSA’s new retirement guidelines.
    • MULSA has updated and revised the old policy to better include MULSA’s role.
    • MULSA’s retirement parties are tailored.
      • A retiree can choose to have or not to have a retirement party.
      • All retirement parties are tailored to the retiree’s wishes, including the location, theme, size, etc.
    • MULSA would appreciate knowing of retirements as soon as they are general knowledge to allow MULSA enough planning time.
  • Ride-Sharing Google Document for Snow
    • Jack had an idea that Rachel helped organize to create a ride-sharing Google Doc for days it snowed. This is a strictly voluntarily list.
    • There was discussion on where the document should be hosted, how it should be publicized, columns to include, and who would sponsor it.
    • The document has been published, is sponsored by MULSA, and is linked to on the MULSA front page.  ( – under “MU Libraries Emergency Ride List”). An email was sent to MULIBSTAFF by Rachel on 3-19-13 publicizing the list.

Director Announcements

  • Sheryl Cullina, the new HR Manager for the MU Libraries, was asked to give a quick report and was thanked for her hard work thus far.
    • Sheryl has enjoyed traveling around the Library and branches to meet people and learn more about what everyone does. She has already visited Vet Med, Journalism, and Geology. She plans to visit all remaining branches and departments shortly.
    • Along with a variety of committees and task forces since starting, Sheryl met with the New Employee Orientation Task Force last week and will work with them to have a library-centric orientation.
    • Sheryl is also working on updating the organizational chart and position descriptions, so you may hear from her during that process.
  • Matt Gaunt, the new Director of Development for MU Libraries, started March 18th.
    • He was the director of development for CAFNR and then worked in the private sector.
    • Matt will be invited to a future Library Assembly meeting.
  • The search for the RAIS Division Head will resume on Friday. It was delayed due to snow.
  • Sierra Update
    • Sierra is the new Millennium platform through Innovative Interfaces (III).
    • The MERLIN cluster was originally scheduled for a February upgrade, but due to technical issues, the Sierra implementation has been indefinitely postponed.
      • Sierra requires significantly higher processor and hardware capabilities. For larger libraries, this essentially means a supercomputer is needed to run Sierra, and the library would require more resources than Blackboard.
      • There are also technical issues that other libraries have experienced with Sierra, including erroneous charges to patrons, issues with the bursar interface, faulty interaction with INN-Reach, and concerns about patron information. MERLIN coordinators have determined four critical issues and questions that would need to be addressed by III before implementation of Sierra.
    • Up until this year, the MOBIUS consortium ran our system’s servers, but since last summer, the MERLIN system has managed its own servers.
      • If we bought the server III suggested for Sierra, it would be approximately $78,000-80,000. However, the cost is not the concern; the advisability of updating when there are viability, security, and technical issues is.
      • III has announced that it will continue support of Millennium.
    • General discussion of Sierra.
      • Millennium was implemented at MU around 2002/2003 and took several years to stabilize.
      • When Sierra crashes, Millennium can experience issues as well, even though it is not part of Sierra.
      • Innovative Interfaces (the oldest library system vendor) was recently purchased by a venture capital conglomerate, so the leadership team has changed.
      • Reminder that people at MERLIN and MOBIUS levels are talking and would put careful consideration and planning into any action taken, and that Sierra should not be a cause for alarm.
      • Consensus that Millennium is the clear best choice for now.
  • Campus Capital Campaign
    • MU is going to enter into its capital campaign within the next year or two, and the library will be involved.
    • Over the summer, a “case statement” for the importance of the MU Libraries and its funding will be drafted. This will include a table of needs, ranked by priority.
    • Jim will establish a working group to help plan the centennial celebration of MU Libraries. It will include some library staff members.
      • In 2015, Ellis building will have its 100th anniversary of service to the public.
      • In 1915, the first MU library building opened to the public, and it was formally dedicated in January 1916.

Department Announcements

Health Sciences and Veterinary Medical (Laura Buck)

  • The Vet Med Library is hosting MULSA’s Annual Library Open House on Friday, March 29th, 2013 at 2:30 – 4:00 pm.
    • An email invitation was sent out to MULIBSTAFF on 3-18 with details.
    • With Spring Break, the parking lot should be empty for those who prefer not to walk.
    • From Deb: Billi Heater resigned, but Gayle Mooney has been working in that position as a part time temp (from SOS). Gayle will move to mornings (20 hours a week) next week. Deb wants to fill this position quickly and is working on getting the position posted. There will be a farewell reception for Billi on April 3rd at 10:00 in the HSL Staff Lounge.

Library Technology Services (PT Martin)

  • The application to the Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee for an additional book scanner has been approved (fully paid for).
    • Thank you to Gwen, Rhonda, Anne Barker, and PT.
    • The scanner is here, and will hopefully be up sometime this month, depending on network ports.

Cataloging (Jack Batterson)

  • Matt Miller (previously with Sue Barnes) has been hired to fill the position that was previously Mary Ammon’s. He started in his new position on February 5th, and the position has been adjusted to focus more on cataloging of digital materials, including cataloging locally digitized material and helping test and develop Islandora, a digital library software.
  • Karla Geerlings will now be helping to keep track of digitization projects by keeping track of requests and tracking the progress of material through the process.
  • The cataloging department is learning RDA, the cataloging standards that are replacing AACR2. This is a big change, requiring learning new rules. The goal is to apply RDA guidelines with all new cataloging as of March 31st but will continue to accepts AACR2 records form WorldCat.
  • From Ann: As positions have come open, Cataloging is trying to re-focus and tweak new positions to reflect the updated work that the cataloging department is doing, including working with more digital materials.
    • There are many steps to the digitization process. For example, keeping track of images, OCR, and correction.
    • Materials are being uploaded to HathiTrust, and there are very specific formatting and metadata requirements for adding materials.
    • MST’s institutional repository, Scholar’s Mine, was previously on older IBM software but has been moved into MOSpace. Now, all UM Libraries have collections in MOSpace.
      • David Lindahl, UMKC’s new Director of Strategic Initiatives and Planning, has been involved in digital collections and will come to MU in the future to talk.

SCARaB (Karen Witt)

  • The new display, Kindred Kingdoms: Families in Flora, Fauna and Fiction, is now on exhibit in Ellis.

MULAC Chair (Rhonda Whithaus)

  • The MULIBSTAFF LISTSERV has people on it who are not library employees.
    • Jim suggested that this was related to the distribution of New Notes which has an audience beyond just library employees.
    • A suggestion was made to possibly define LISTSERVS with broad descriptions.
    • Jim said that Admin would look into this and look into setting up a LISTSERV consisting of only library employees, which the group agreed was wanted.

Reference (Rachel Brekhus)

  • The Graduate Workshops went well, with one day of face-to-face instruction and one day of online instruction. The online classes, despite a bit of Blackboard Collaborate issues, were a success.
  • Selectors are spending down their 1 funds and evaluating serials.

Ellis Library Access Services (June DeWeese)

  • Esther Schnase has changed positions and is now the Head of the Circulation Reserve Unit in Ellis Library, replacing John Meyer. If there are any questions about where the duties fall between June, Sara, and Esther, please ask.
  • The MU Libraries is excited to participate with other members of the Greater Western Library Alliance’s (GWLA) in Relais’s Discovery to Delivery (D2D) 3 year-long beta test. The Library is participating and testing on both the sending and receiving side, and June anticipates an upsurge in requests.

LMT (Deb Ward)

  • Received notification on March 18th that the Technology Evaluation Subcommittee (ITC) will fund a new full-time position for an E-Learning Librarian. Annelise’s contract will expire in June, and a new person is hoped to be hired and starting on July 1st. The ITC funding will last three years and is based off the model of ET@MO liaisons.
  • Annelise was on campus March 4-8, where she met with her advisory committee, Jim, Deb, and many more key people across campus.
    • Talked about how to tie the Mizzou Online and Library presence together more closely. Want to look into the Library’s Blackboard tab (currently only linking to E-Reserves) to see how to expand the library’s influence and best use that space.

Upcoming Events (PT)

  • Professor McKenney (a digital musician) will give a talk as part of the digital humanities colloquium Thursday, March 21, 12:30-1:30, at Ellis Library 4F51A. The talk is titled “Composing Music in the 21st Century; Digital Note Setting and Computer Generated Music.”
    • Additional information about Professor McKenney from the Columbia Tribune :
    • Rajmohan Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi’s grandson, will speak at the Library Society dinner April 12, 2013  at 11:00 a.m in Stotler Lounge. The talk is titled ““The India-Pakistan Conflict and The Path to Stability.”
    • National Library Week is April 14th – 20th.
    • Howard Wight Marshall will present “Play Me Something Quick and Devilish:
      Documenting and Conserving Missouri’s Traditional Fiddle Music” on Tuesday, April 30th, at 1:00 p.m. in the colonnade.

Library Assembly Minutes, Jan. 22

Library Assembly
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
152 Ellis Library

Meeting Minutes

Present:  Laura Buck, Sheena Waggoner, Jack Batterson, Rachel Brekhus, June DeWeese, Dana Houston, PT Martin, Libby Myre, Ashley Nelson, Rhonda Whithaus, Karen Witt, Ann Riley

Action Items

  • Ashley Nelson was unanimously passed as the recorder for the remainder of this year’s term (until June).

Department Announcements

Health Sciences and Veterinary Medical (Laura Buck)

Veterinary Medical

  • The office-area (which has never been painted before) is being painted a golden-brown color. Shelving has been removed to allow for more study space. New furniture should be arriving within the next couple of weeks. Starting a withdrawal and shifting process.
  • Kate Anderson has officially been appointed the Head of the Veterinary Medical Library, effective January 1, 2013.
  • Was open for a weekend and hosted out of state interviews for the Vet School. The library gave tours, and Kate Anderson had lunch with some attendees.

Cataloging (Jack Batterson)

  • The cataloging department is trying to hire a Library Assistant II (Mary Amann’s former position). The position’s duties have been changed based on workloads. The duties have been slightly redesigned to assist more in metadata areas. The position still reports directly to Felicity.

Branches (Ashley)


  • Engineering’s study rooms are completed. They are painted different colors and one has an enitre wall painted to function as a whiteboard.

Administration (Sheena Waggoner)

  • Sheryl Cullina (Leo Agnew’s replacement) starts January 28th as the new HR Manager.
  • The search for the new Director of Development (Nathan Marticke’s replacement) is still underway. They hope to have someone next month.
  • Jim Cogswell is currently in South Africa until January 28th on a visit with the Provost and Chancellor’s offices to the University of the Western Cape. MU has partnered with the Western Cape for about 30 years, sending students and faculty back and forth, especially in political science, agriculture, and law. Before he left, Jim talked with LMT about more/new ways to cooperate with Western Cape, and electronic materials and MOSpace were mentioned.

Reference (Rachel Brekhus)

  • 18 instructors have signed up for English 1000, with more to come. Specialized instruction also gearing up, including specialized instruction in cooperation with Government Documents and Special Collections.
  • Anne Barker is working on setting up more digital humanities events, including colloquia (in February, March, and April), working lunches, and training opportunities. Look for posters next week.
  • Karen Darling sent an email out last week that some monograph funds need spending down.
  • Last week, approval profiles were reviewed with a visiting YBP representative, but only minor adjustments were made.
  • Over the break, there were a typically large number of guests signing up for public computer access.
  • Information Commons II (IC2) opened today (by the rear doors of the main elevator). DoIT has installed about 40 thin clients, 22 Macs, 4 black and white printers (3A-D), and a plotter (a wide-format printer for printing vector graphics). The software remains the same. A DoIT staffer will be stationed at a desk near the plotter (the SW corner when walking in from the colonnade) and will work M-Th, 7:30am-10pm and Fridays 7:30am-6pm.
  • There are many new and returning students.
    • Digital Humanities Assistant: 9 desk hours, 3 in digitization unit, 8 helping free up Anne Barker’s time. Funding from SISLT.
    • 5 TAs and 4 GRAs (103 hours when totaled) and LTS students (74 hours).
    • Rachel has a practicum student; Cindy Cotner has an undergraduate assisting her; and four undergraduates working in Government Documents.

Library Technology Services

  • The adaptive computing station in IC2 is now outside of Government Documents, and another station is added there.
  • Room 114/CPRR/the Quiet Area no longer has the computers that were on loan from Pershing Auditorium. Some computers, however, are still along the outside wall.
  • The new thin clients (which have been upgraded to at Ellis and the branches, excepting Ellis’s IC2) are called “zero clients.” The old thin clients had a slight operating system on them, but the zero clients have none. The zero clients are more just terminals and could not be used by any thief who stole them.
  • Adam Banning has left, and there is no current plan on how to replace or fill the position.
  • There has been a fair amount of student turnover in LTS due to graduations. Three students have graduated, and one more student is being looked for.

Committee Events

  • The MLK, Jr. Replica Ribbon Cutting Ceremony is being held Tuesday, January 29, 2013 from 2–3:30 p.m. in the Richard Wallace Atrium (west entrance) of Ellis Library. Ty Christian, a graduate of MU who served as the chief marketing strategist on the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation, will be present.
  • There will be an event on redemption songs February 20th for Black History Month.
  • The Library Society dinner will be held in Ellis Library’s reading room and the Friends of the Library event will be held at the alumni center.
  • Ellis Library’s ground level restrooms (behind the Bookmark Café) are currently closed for minor renovations.

SCARaB (Karen Witt)

  • Working on the Life Sciences Symposium. It will be on kinship with an exhibit and speaker as usual. Details to be announced.
  • Archives is organizing information on the American Playwright Lanford Wilson, and Special Collections will soon have the materials.

MULAC Chair (Rhonda Whithaus)

  • MULAC is reviewing the librarian and archivist appraisal process
  • The promotions committee is reviewing the promotion requests received in the Fall.
  • A request was submitted to the Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee for a new large scanner. Ellis’ new large scanner was purchased in August 2011 and has had over 13,000 sessions on it since.
  • Reviewing funding requests, and final decisions will be made in May.

Ellis Library Access Services (June DeWeese)

  • Ellis (and branches) now have umbrellas available for 1 week checkout.
  • The vending machine that June is the liaison for to the book store is still popular and without issues.
  • Judge Glenda Hatchett will be giving a free talk Wednesday, January 30, 2013 at the Missouri Theater. There will be a reception from 6–7 p.m and a presentation from 7–8:30 p.m. There will also be a presentation of a community award.
  • There are several new staff in circulation/reserve.

LMT (Ann Riley)

  • Terry Austin’s retirement party is Thursday, January 31, at 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm in N222/223 Memorial Union (the Joplin/Boone Room).
  • LMT has not met since the all staff meeting.
  • The Provost budget discussion starts mid February.
  • Cyberinfrastructure Committee (Ann on) and a review of the Faculty Accomplishment System have both requested input from the Library. For the faculty accomplishment system, possibilities include tying the updated system into MOSpace.
  • The Provost’s office has formed a task force on Scholarly Communication and Jim is on the University Press Committee.
  • Many librarians will be gone Thursday (24th) to Tuesday (29th) for ALA Midwinter in Seattle.
  • The library will upgrade from Millennium to Sierra February 19th, and there is a possibility the system will be down all day. For most people, this upgrade will not bring many changes, but screens will look different. Some things that will possibly have changes are coordination of fines and bills with the Registrar and other custom outputs. The create lists function might have changes too.