Graduation Day

Congratulations to Laura Buck, Katie Carr, Jee Davis, Karla Geerlings, Ernest Shaw, and Colleen Smith, on ‘graduating’ from Employee 101 (aka Supervisor 101). Their time and participation in the course deserves recognition. Supervisor 101 is designed to provide employees with a better working knowledge of select MU HR policies and procedures.

Leo Agnew, Personnel Coordinator

Reminder About MU Voting Policy

With the Feb. 5 ballot issues just around the corner, it seems like a good time to review HR 411, the University’s policy on voting and related requests for time off. To highlight the main points:

MU Policy – HR 411 Voting

The main points:

  • Employees may be excused from work for time necessary to allow them to vote (this includes time away for absentee voting, if necessary).
  • This time may be up to, but not exceed, three (3) successive hours for the purpose of voting.
  • Such period of time includes any off-duty time between the opening and closing of the polls (e.g., lunch).
  • Employees shall be paid for any time requiring absence from duty to allow up to three (3) successive hours; provided, however, that such absence is requested prior to the election. Such time must be recorded on a time sheet or a monthly absence form.
  • Supervisors have the right to specify the time an employee may be absent for voting (e.g. for coverage issues).
  • Employees whose work hours permit three (3) successive hours between the opening and closing of the polls when not on duty, will not be eligible for any paid time off for the purpose of voting.

To clarify:

Polls open at 6:00 a.m. and close at 7:00 p.m. Voting is to take place either before work or after, principally. Only if the employee cannot make it to the polls before or after work, should the employee request release time to vote. This policy is not intended to be used as license to either arrive late or leave early. If time off is truly needed to vote, the policy stipulates that requests for release time be made prior to election day. If the supervisor approves release time, the employee does not have to make up the time. Supervisors can determine when release time takes place that day, based upon departmental needs. Employees with work hours that start at 9:00 a.m. or later are not eligible to request time off citing this policy. Reason: as per the last bulleted item above, their work hours permit three successive hours between the opening of the polls and their start time, i.e., 6:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Similarly, employees with work hours that end at 4:00 p.m. or earlier are not eligible to request time off citing this policy. Reason: their work hours permit three successive hours between the closing of the polls and the end of their shift, i.e., 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Feel free to contact me at 882-9166 or if additional information is needed.

Leo Agnew, Personnel Coordinator

Workplace Satisfaction Survey Revisited

The results of the ‘Workplace Satisfaction Survey’ have been re-computed using proper statistical methods. I erred in the initial analysis of the survey results. I’d like to re-present the data and if you are interested, stop by 159 Ellis on Jan. 31, from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Release time is available with supervisor approval.

If you would prefer to review the data yourself, you can access it via the library HR web page (


Competency Level Increase Recognition for Jerri Eldridge

Congratulations to Jerri Eldridge for successfully qualifying for a competency level increase. Jerri moves to LIS II, Level 3. To qualify, Jerri demonstrated a level of consistency and quality in her work that met the criteria for advancement. Twenty-seven library employees have now realized a competency level increase since implementation of the program. To learn more about the MU Libraries’ LIA/LIS Classification/Compensation/ Competency plans, go to

January Library Anniversary Recognition

1/2/2005, Alan Jones

1/4/2001, Ed Parker

1/5/1987, Tony Schwartz

1/5/1998, Anne Barker

1/6/1976, Cathy Menzel

1/8/1990, Jerri Eldridge

1/11/1993, Hunter Kevil

1/12/1981, David Truesdell

1/14/1974, June DeWeese

1/16/1996, Geoff Swindells

1/17/2005, Scott Ross

1/18/1996, Rebecca Graves

1/21/1997, Michael Holland

1/27/2004, Brad Winter

1/28/1991, Gwen Gray

1/28/1991, Michael Muchow

1/28/2004, Cathy Stubbs

1/31/2000, David Walsh

1/31/2005, Caroline James