Search Update – Government Documents Librarian

The search committee for the position of Government Documents Librarian in User Services has identified three candidates to interview:

Sandra Schiefer will interview November 10, 2008. Ms. Schiefer will receive her MLS in Dec. 2008 from MU. She has graduate assistant experience in cataloging, reference and government documents. Other work experience includes owner of an online book selling company and a computer/web analyst.

Julia Todd will interview November 20, 2008. Ms. Todd received her MLS from Indiana University-Bloomington in 1999. Most recently, she worked at Baker University for several years as an Electronic Services/Government Documents Librarian. Prior to that, she worked at Nashville Public Library as a Reference Librarian. Ms. Todd is GIS certified.

Leo Dion will interview November 21, 2008. Mr. Dion received his MLIS from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2008. He is a candidate in the Certificate of Advanced Studies program, also. Since 2006, Mr. Dion has worked at UI Urbana-Champaign as a pre-professional librarian in the government documents department. Other work experience includes graduate assistant positions and a stint in the Peace Corps.

All candidates will give a presentation followed by a question and answer session. The topic is “Government agencies’ increasing tendency to publish to the Web has provided access to federal information on an unprecedented scale. Given the new technological environment, and keeping in mind Federal Depository Library Program guidelines, what strategies do you think MU Libraries should adopt in coming years to meet government information needs of our users? How could you use your unique skills, knowledge and talents to help us achieve these goals?” Each presentation will take place from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. The locations are to be determined. I will send a notice via Outlook once the rooms are reserved.

The candidates’ resumes, cover letters and interview itineraries will be forwarded before their interview dates.

Leo Agnew
HR Manager

Human Resource Services Training Conference

Human Resource Services is sponsoring its 4th Annual Training Conference, October 21-23, 2008, for Columbia campus staff employees. There will be over fifty training sessions covering diverse topics including topics such as leadership, supervision, personal financial planning, retirement planning, and time management. Also included is a session from Dewey Thompson on ‘True Colors.’

All sessions are free and this is a great opportunity to set aside a couple of days for professional development. All sessions will be held at Memorial Union and the speakers are mostly MU staff and faculty who are all experts in their fields. Sessions run concurrently but several topics are repeated over the two days.

For course information, and to register online, go to Release time is available with supervisor approval. As an FYI, employees in academic titles have been able to attend on a space-available basis.

Graduation Day

Congratulations to Marie Concannon, Kathy Peters and Gena Scott on ‘graduating’ from Supervisor 101. Their time and participation in the course deserves recognition. Supervisor 101 is designed to provide employees with a better working knowledge of select MU HR policies and procedures.

Leo Agnew
Personnel Coordinator

Competency Level Increase Recognition

Congratulations to Will McCrary for successfully qualifying for a competency level increase. Will moves to LIS II, Level 2.

To qualify, Will demonstrated a level of consistency and quality in his work that met the criteria for advancement. Thirty-five library employees have now realized a competency level increase since implementation of the program. To learn more, visit the Classification and Compensation Task Force Web page.