Goodbye and Thanks From Jee Davis

As you know, my last day at MU Libraries is December 8.

I would like to thank everyone for coming to my farewell party and let you know how much I have enjoyed my time here. Thank you all for your support, patience, and friendship over the years. You are such a special group of people, and I will miss you very much.

I wish you all well in your future endeavors and thanks again for everything.

Jee Davis

Campus Closure Clarification Comments

Campus HR recently issued a statement regarding campus emergencies/pay policy (see the e-mail sent 11/19/09). I would like to clarify a couple of points made in the policy update.

The designation of ‘partial campus closure’ represents the emergency classification that has been in place for years. As such, it does not contain any change in how employees cover time off in these situations.

The designation ‘full campus closure’ is a new classification and is limited to truly catastrophic events, e.g. H1N1 epidemic affecting a high number of staff/students. The Chancellor would formally announce if a situation qualified as ‘full campus closer.’ However, even then, some campus department s would still need to operate and their staff would need to report to work, if possible, e.g., University Hospital, Energy Management, MUPD.

What we’ll need to listen for is the terminology used to describe an event, i.e., partial or full campus closer. Only the latter designation, when made by the Chancellor, will activate the compensation policies described in the e-mail from Campus HR.

UM Benefit Plan Reminder

A reminder that the Annual Enrollment Change Period for enrollment/changes in benefits for 2009 will end on November 6, 2009. You are now able to initiate enrollment changes online through UM’s myHR at However, if you are not making changes to your current benefit program, no action is required on your part. Coverage will continue into 2010.

Also, if you currently participate in the Flexible Spending program and wish to do so in 2010, you must re-enroll each year and do so at this time.

Information on plan changes and costs for 2009 can be found at Contact Faculty and Staff Benefits at 882-2146 for additional information.