Benefits Office Has Upgraded Online Retirement Calculator

UM System Benefits Office has upgraded its online retirement calculator; check it out at: myHR and sign in – SelfService – Personal Information – Retirement Calculator link – Retirement Calculator (take you to an external web site) – log in again – Click on ‘I Understand’ button on the disclaimer page – you will see several links including one for estimating your future pension payments (which allows you to add in other retirement payments such as Social Security, IRA’s, etc.). The calculator works best in Internet Explorer. I am working with Benefits to schedule a couple of on-site demos of the new calculator and will keep you posted on when/where.


MU Staff Advisory Council – Staff Development Award

Are you trying to find funding to attend a conference or workshop? The Staff Development Award can help. Available to MU campus staff (individuals and groups), the program is intended to assist in personal and professional development. Applications must be received by August 16, 2010 to be considered for the September 15, 2010 award. Submission of application does not guarantee funding. Visit for information on the program and how to apply. Have questions? Call Gina Scavone in the Staff Advisory Council office at 882-4269.

MU Policy – HR 411 Voting

With the August 2010 elections date just around the corner, it seems like a good time to review HR 411, the University’s policy on voting and related requests for time off. To highlight the main points:

MU Policy – HR 411 Voting

The main points:

  • Employees may be excused from work for time necessary to allow them to vote (this includes time away for absentee voting, if necessary).
  • This time may be up to, but not exceed, three (3) successive hours for the purpose of voting.
  • Such period of time includes any off-duty time between the opening and closing of the polls (e.g., lunch).
  • Employees shall be paid for any time requiring absence from duty to allow up to three (3) successive hours; provided, however, that such absence is requested prior to the election. Such time must be recorded on a time sheet or a monthly absence form.
  • Supervisors have the right to specify the time an employee may be absent for voting (e.g. for coverage issues).
  • Employees whose work hours permit three (3) successive hours between the opening and closing of the polls when not on duty, will not be eligible for any paid time off for the purpose of voting.

Feel free to contact Leo at 882-9166 or if additional information is needed.

ALA Virtual Conference Update

We have plenty of interest to support registering for the ALA Virtual Conference, July 7-8, 2010. For details, see Room 4G41 Ellis has been reserved for viewing the virtual conference; space is still available for more employees to attend. Release time is available with supervisor approval.

Libraries Appointed Committees – Call for Self-Nominations

Libraries Appointed Committees – Call for Self-Nominations

It’s that time of year again to let you know that replacements are needed for several vacancies on various MU Libraries committees for 2010-2012. All MU Libraries employees are encouraged to apply for committee membership with supervisor approval. Current committee members may apply for reappointment. The new committee appointments will be announced in August and will be effective no later than Sept. 1.

The following list provides information on the composition of the committees. For information on the charge of each committee, click on the associated url.

Staff Development Committee – Three librarians, not from the same division, three members of the support staff, not from the same division, and the Library Administrative Associate (ex officio).;

Diversity Action Committee – Five to seven members representing all levels of full-time staff.

Preservation Committee – The Committee will consist of at least seven library staff members. A mix of members from Technical Services and Public Services, as well as branches and Ellis Library is desirable.;

Exhibits Committee – The committee’s policy does not prescribe membership criteria or numbers.

Replacements Needed – Libraries Appointed Committees—2010-2012

Diversity Action Committee Members
Leo Agnew Chair
Adrienne Arden (08-10)
Stephen Clayton (09-11)
Jee Davis (08-10)
Ivy Hui (09-11)
Yasuyo Knoll (09-11)
Mat Miller (08-10)
Karen Witt (09-11)

Need replacements for:
Adrienne Arden
Jee Davis
Mat Miller

Ellis Exhibits Committee Members
Anne Barker, Chair (09-11)
Alla Barabtarlo (09-11)
Marie Concannon (08-10)
Paula Roper (08-10)
Sandy Schiefer (09-11)
Bette Stuart (08-10)

Need replacements for:
Marie Concannon
Paula Roper
Bette Stuart

Preservation Committee Members
Nina Johnson, (08-10) Chair
Michaelle Dorsey (ex officio)
Michael Holland (ex officio)
Ann Riley (ex-officio)
Mary Amann (09-11)
Katie Carr (09-11)
Gary Cox (08-10)
Dan Dodd (09-11)
Alan Jones (09-11)
Ruthe Morse (09-11)
Amanda Sprochi (08-10)

Need replacements for:
Nina Johnson
Katie Carr
Gary Cox
Amanda Sprochi

Staff Development Committee Members
Leo Agnew, Chair
Cindy Cotner (09-11)
Colleen Smith (09-11)
Stephen Stanton (08-10)
Karen Witt (08-10)

Need a replacement for:
Stephen Stanton
Karen Witt
A total of 4 new members are needed – 2 from the academic rank and 2 from the classified staff rank.

All interested employees are encouraged to apply. Committee members whose terms are ending may apply to be reappointed. If you are interested in more than one committee, please prioritize your selection.

Name:__________________________________________ Phone:________________ E-mail:__________________________

Committee(s): #1___________________________________________________#2________________________________________

Check with your supervisor before volunteering your services for a committee(s). Return this form to Leo Agnew, 104 Ellis Library. The preferred return deadline date is Wednesday, June 30, 2010, but self-nominations will be accepted until all positions are filled.

2010 Celebration of Service

Congratulations to the MU Libraries employees who were honored at this year’s Celebration of Service!

(photo courtesy of Sharon Gaughan)

5 Years of Service
Kate Anderson
Kris Anstine*
Caroline James
Alan Jones
Will McCrary
Amanda Sprochi

10 Years of Service
Adam Banning
Karen Darling*
Daniel Dodd
David Walsh*
Karen Witt

20 Years of Service
Jack Batterson
Katie Dodson*
Jerri Eldridge
Suzanne Lippard*
Sue Schuermann*

25 Years of Service
Karen Eubanks
Ruthe Morse

30 Years of Service
Wayne Barnes
Diane Johnson*
Judy Maseles*
Bette Stuart

35 Years of Service

Ellen Blair

40 Years of Service
Trenton Boyd

*Not Pictured

A wonderful buffet lunch (with cupcakes!) and door prizes were provided by MULSA. Music was provided by harpist Patrice Vale (AKA Michelle Baggett’s mother). Ann Riley acknowledged the IMLS workers who graduated this year–Ashley Nelson and Anthony Strand. Leo Agnew and Shannon Cary read comments about each employee being recognized for service this year. And Jim Cogswell read his annual list of the Top Ten accomplishments of the MU Libraries.

Thanks to everyone who made this year’s Celebration of Service a huge success!